

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Jayden awakens in the infirmary and notices that Grace is still sound asleep. He gazes out the window to the sight of James and Holly outside, with James impressively performing one-handed push-ups while Holly, still bandaged, cheers him on. In the distance, Jayden spots Mako diligently tending to the garden, meticulously removing weeds as a farmer. Jayden returns to his bed and finds Grace peacefully slumbering, her body covered in bandages. Choosing the bed next to hers, Jayden lies down and closes his eyes, drifting into a dream-filled slumber.

In his dreams, Jayden finds himself in a vast grass field, surrounded by tranquility. He gazes upward, leaping with astounding height and soaring through the sky, maintaining a serene pace. Ascending to the pinnacle of the sky, Jayden extends his hands to a bubble-like dome. As his hands slip through the dome, leaving the dream world encapsulated within the bubble, Jayden ventures into the depths of darkness, passing ghost who's blindly wandering with their eyes covered. Coming to a standstill, Jayden harnesses his spiritual powers, sensing a presence above. He ascends into the boundless darkness, only to encounter an invisible force field that repels him. Carefully, Jayden reaches out with his hand, his touch revealing an invisible bubble-like barrier. Slowly, his hand passes through the invisible barrier, granting him access to the dream within.

Within the dream, Jayden finds himself in a school setting, witnessing Grace's father picking up a younger version of Grace. Their reunion fills them with joy as they embrace, and Grace's father drives them to the dojo where her mother awaits. Grace's mother greets her with a smile, and together, they engage in martial arts practice within the dojo. As Grace's father returns with gifts, Grace cherishes the precious moments, basking in the joyous atmosphere. The camera captures their happiness, with Grace's mother taking a photo of Grace and Grace's father, and vice versa. Overwhelmed with excitement, Grace eagerly requests to see the photos, and her mother gladly obliges, leaving Grace amazed by the captured memories. Jayden observes from the sky, and Grace excitedly points up at him. In response, Jayden waves, witnessing Grace's attempts to jump and reach him. Eventually, Jayden departs from the dream bubble, fading away into the distance.

Jayden awakens to find Grace still asleep, tears of joy streaming down her face. Gently, Jayden wipes away her tears, moved by her emotional response. After a while, Jayden and Father Gabriel find themselves in a room, engaged in a conversation. Gabriel exudes joy and expresses his gratitude to Jayden and his friends for successfully completing the mission. He presents Jayden with a bag of money, which Jayden accepts politely. As they continue talking, Gabriel unveils a photo, revealing a figure in a purple-robed mask, representing the true leader of the REVA cult. Gabriel explains that this person, like Jayden, possesses the rare gift of spiritual power, with only one in ten million individuals having spiritual ability. Gabriel believes that the person in the photo wields immense spiritual power and is the ultimate threat. Jayden inquires about the nature of this individual's abilities, to which Gabriel reveals that they can instill overwhelming fear in others upon contact, patiently waiting for the fear to reach its peak before ending their victims' lives mercifully.

Curious about the whereabouts of the person in the photo, Jayden asks Gabriel about the location. Gabriel responds that sightings of the individual have been reported in the southern regions of Freeda. Gabriel, along with his team and Wiz, plans to pursue this person and eradicate all remnants of the REVA cult. Eager to contribute, Jayden willingly accepts the task at hand. In a gesture of recognition, Gabriel places a medal of honor on Jayden's shoulder, symbolizing his newfound status as a saint member. Overwhelmed with surprise, Jayden is humbled by the prestigious award. Curiosity piqued, Jayden inquires if he will have the opportunity to meet other Saints from around the world. Gabriel assures him that in due time, such meetings will become a reality, leaving Jayden filled with anticipation for the future.

Shortly after, Grace and the Chief engage in a conversation outside the farmhouse. The Chief presents Grace with the same photo that Gabriel showed Jayden. Grace acknowledges the significance of the photo and shakes the Chief's hand in agreement. Meanwhile, Mako rests on a bench, and Wiz approaches him with troubling news about Mako's younger brother, Walter. Mako becomes visibly distressed upon hearing the news and anxiously inquires about Walter's whereabouts. Wiz assures him that Walter is present on the farm. James and Holly assist a farmer named Rachel in preparing a large meal. Curious about Rachel's relationship with everyone, Holly asks for an explanation. Rachel reveals that he owns all the farmlands in the region and maintains close connections with Wiz, Father Gabriel, and the Chief. He explains that he assists them by providing shelter or locations for various personal activities, including hiding bodies, performing rituals, and engaging in other illicit endeavors. James finally comprehends, nodding in acknowledgment. With the meal prepared, Rachel retrieves two plates and requests James and Holly's assistance.

They follow Rachel to the basement, where they encounter a door secured with a puzzle lock. James struggles to solve the puzzle, but Holly, displaying her astuteness, swiftly resolves it within five minutes. Rachel expresses his admiration for Holly's puzzle-solving skills and remarks that he needs to update the lock. Upon entering the basement, they traverse a hallway leading to multiple rooms. Entering one of the rooms, they find Walter, emotionless and wearing a wooden crown, sitting on a bed and gazing out the window. Rachel instructs James to feed Walter, and as Rachel and Holly exit the room, Wiz and Mako enter. Mako, overcome with sorrow, embraces his younger brother and weeps on his shoulder. Walter remains unresponsive, continuing to eat the food provided by James. Rachel and Holly arrive at a large door guarded by a Hinode officer. Entering the room, they discover the homeless girl chained to a bed and is also blindfolded. as she is possessed and attempting to bite them and she is connected to various tubes. Rachel places food in a clear bag, attaching it to tubes that connect to the girl's body. Holly empathizes with the girl, observing the multitude of tubes.

Wiz and Mako join them, and Wiz explains that he contacted a Shaman who saved Walter from his mental state using a magic wooden crown that suppresses human thoughts and shields the body from spirits. However, the Shaman only had enough crowns for three individuals. Wiz further elucidates that the homeless girl is plagued by numerous spirits, necessitating the use of monk-made water sprayed on her using a Yode branch. Wiz retrieves a branch of Yode from a box and submerges it in the monk-made water. Swinging the branch gently, water droplets make contact with the homeless girl, causing her to experience brief discomfort before falling into a peaceful slumber. Holly and Wiz are astonished by the phenomenon. Wiz reveals that the Shaman is crafting another crown in the southern region, where monks and Yode trees reside, and he requests Mako's assistance in retrieving the crown. Curious about the homeless girl's significance, Mako asks Wiz about her. Wiz discloses that she is Walter's only friend in the world. As they proceed, they pass by a room where Tucker, wearing a wooden crown, stands near the door's windows, observing his surroundings.

Shortly afterward, the Ghost hunting team convenes in the animal-filled barn to discuss recent events. after the discussion Grace initiates the meeting more by inquiring about everyone's involvement with the cult. Mako shares that he had met Kevin some time ago and they became friends due to Mako's fighting skills and Kevin's business interests. As they grew closer, Kevin became desperate to recruit cult members, disregarding their backgrounds and so Mako recruited the rest of the team as well. Grace raises a question about whether Kevin knew about James and his father's problems. Mako shakes his head, indicating that Kevin was unaware. James then reveals his own experience, explaining that he had started working for his parents but his father had gone missing long ago. James had hoped for his father's return, but when he did reappear, James discovered his involvement with the cult. To protect the church and his friends, James and his father made a promise that James would keep silent about his father's activities. Grace adds a lighthearted comment about Jayden's fighting moves, eliciting chuckles from everyone present. Holly clarifies that Jayden isn't a skilled fighter, so Mako taught him how to target the body's weaknesses. Holly proceeds to demonstrate the fighting moves, prompting laughter from the group. Jayden smiles appreciatively.

Grace assures Jayden that she will eventually teach him some of her own moves in the future. Mako chimes in, stating that Jayden's fighting style suits him well. Grace wholeheartedly agrees. Grace then reveals that her mother had wanted her to become a professional fighter, competing in the men's league. However, Grace's own aspirations led her to pursue a career in law enforcement to apprehend REVA. Curious about Grace's history with REVA, Holly asks about her past experiences. Grace opens up about how REVA had killed her father in front of her. Jayden recognizes Grace as the young girl he had seen before but refrains from mentioning it. Grace emphasizes her unwavering determination to capture REVA, emphasizing that they must stop him at all costs. The team cheers in solidarity with Grace's resolve.

A few weeks later, once everyone has recovered, the ghost team gathers in a limo with Sasha, Mako's new driver. Sasha informs them that Wiz will join them later after attending to some personal matters. The team enjoys the luxurious ride, and James is particularly amazed by the car, but Holly nudges him to remain calm. Mako shares that his mother always wanted him to avoid such a lifestyle, which is why she moved him to Freeda for a normal life. However, after his mother's passing, he had no one else to turn to except his friends and his father. Jayden expresses his gratitude for meeting them because he believes they wouldn't have come this far without them. Mako thanks him, acknowledging his contribution. Grace then raises the question of how they will deal with the masked individual who possesses spiritual powers. Mako and Jayden ponder the question, while James suggests they simply kick his ass. Holly reminds him that it won't be so easy, and James reluctantly agrees. Jayden shares that he has a plan, but they first need to understand the full extent of the person's powers before they can proceed. They attentively listen to Jayden's plan for the remainder of the journey.

Upon reaching their destination, they step out of the limo and find themselves high up in the mountains, facing a long set of stairs leading to a grand monk temple and shaman temple. Jayden questions whether they really have to climb the stairs, but James eagerly runs ahead, followed by Holly. Mako informs Jayden that the stairs are their only way up, despite Jayden's disdain for them. Grace offers to carry Jayden up the stairs, but he declines with pride. Sasha bows to Mako before waiting at the limo. Eventually, James and Holly reach the temples, feeling energized. Mako arrives shortly after, wiping off his sweat. They glance back at Jayden, struggling with the stairs, his frail body trembling. Grace comes to his aid, carrying Jayden on her back as they ascend the stairs. Jayden is too exhausted to complain. Grace sprints to the top with Jayden. Upon entering the monk temple, they are greeted by numerous monks. Venturing deeper into the temple, they discover monks caring for the Yode trees, filling them with awe.

The head monk approaches them and advises them to stay the night before proceeding to the Shaman temple. They all agree, ascending further into the mountains via another set of long stairs. Jayden remains on Grace's back. They arrive at the top and find a massive divided hot spring. Each member enters their respective section based on gender, relaxing in the soothing water. Jayden closes his eyes and submerges himself. Jayden awakens in the realm of Limbo, getting out of the pool to witness two radiant light emanating from the monk temple and shaman temple. Intrigued, he focuses his attention on the bright light of the monk temple and glides towards it. Inside a bubble-like dome within the light, he observes a village of spirit monks moving about, sensing the purity of the place. Jayden contemplates how the afterlife has more to offer than just the emptiness void, determined to uncover how the monks created such a remarkable realm for themselves. Leaving the bubble dome, he attempts to glide toward the light at the Shaman temple but is abruptly pulled back up to the pool. Jayden wakes up to the concerned faces of his companions. Grace informs him that he had been underwater for a while and was unresponsive. Mako then asks Jayden what he saw, and Jayden reveals that he witnessed much more than the limbo world and the void—he glimpsed a potential afterlife.