
After Transmigrating, The Fat Wife Made A Comeback!

Qiao Mei transmigrated into a novel as a supporting character with the same name as her who lacked presence. This supporting character was a country bumpkin who couldn’t get married due to her obesity. According to the original script, this country girl Qiao Mei was a fatty spoiled by her grandfather. However, their relatives were all vicious and cruel people. Her grandfather had poor health, so once he died, the relatives would divide and swallow up his assets. Hence, her grandfather’s greatest wish was to marry Qiao Mei off. For this, even sacrificed and betrayed his good friend’s grandson, Xia Zhe. Grandpa got Xia Zhe drunk and had Qiao Mei forcibly take the strong and handsome Xia Zhe with her body which weighed more than two hundred pounds. Then, grandpa would catch them the next day and force Xia Zhe to marry Qiao Mei. However, that eventually caused the start of Qiao Mei’s unfortunate life. Also, in the original story, Qiao Mei took possession of Xia Zhe’s mysterious jade. But due to Qiao Mei’s stupidity, her cousin's sister had tricked Qiao Mei into giving her the jade, which resulted in the cousin’s family becoming rich. When Qiao Mei transmigrated here, it was during the awkward moment when she was making love to the man after making him drunk. She woke up groggily the next day and grandpa’s team had already appeared at the door. Qiao Mei was frightened. She didn’t want to proceed on the original path and marry a man who didn’t love her. And so, she lied and chased grandpa away. She also pushed the man out before forcing herself to look at her tanned and chubby reflection in the mirror! Alas, she cried at her ugly appearance… Like a sumo wrestler in large cloth underwear, even the plus-sized apparel shops didn’t have clothes in her size. And her face was the size of a pizza, a scorched pizza! Qiao Mei decided to reform her life! The first step, lose weight! The second step, clean up her room! She used to be particular about cleanliness, and although her current house had a huge courtyard, she could only describe it as messy! The third step was to hold onto the jade tightly so her greedy cousin wouldn’t stand a chance! Only, wasn’t the tall and handsome Xia Zhe supposed to hate her according to the original story? Why was he being nicer and nicer to her?

Mountain Springs · Urban
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2287 Chs


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Sheknew how to lose weight, but she had no way to make her skin fair. It was something impossible which she had been worried about, but now it seemed that she need not worry anymore.

The jade pendant is indeed awesome!

Qiao Mei picked up the jade pendant and kissed it hard. She suddenly thought of the owner of the jade pendant and the intimate contact between the two of them that night. Her face instantly blushed red.

"Mei Mei, Mei Mei!" Suddenly, a panicky female voice came from outside the house. The voice was very shrill and it sounded as if something very important had happened. "Mei Mei, leave quickly! My whole family is here!"

As soon as the words ended, the door was pushed open from outside and a skinny little girl rushed in.

The little girl was wearing tattered clothes with floral prints. She was about 16 or 17 years old and had two long braids. She looked at Qiao Mei in panic.

She looked alright, but she was way too thin. At the age of 16 or 17 years old, her chest was still flat and there was nothing to be seen.

Qiao Mei's eyelids twitched as she recognized her.

"Xiao Yu, you're here."

Qiao Yu was Qiao Zhuang's only daughter and she was only 17 years old this year. Her two older sisters had been sent away, leaving her the only daughter left. However, she had not been raised with care.

She always had to do all types of washing and scrubbing around the house and she was not valued at home. She was a year or two younger than Qiao Mei, so she was always tagging along with the original owner of the body.

She was good with her words and she knew how to please the original owner of the body. She always had "Mei Mei" on her lips and the original owner of the body would always bring her some food from home. After a while, the two of them became very close.

"Heh!" Qiao Mei sneered. "Get out now. Don't you know how to knock before entering? Who taught you to be so rude?"

Qiao Mei quickly covered the jade pendant with her hand and carefully hid it under her clothes.

She could not let this cheat-code be seen by her. The concern of a thief was more dreadful than action. In her past life, the fact that Qiao Yu was willing to spend money to buy the jade pendant showed how much she cared about it.

After all, those few dollars were from Qiao Yu's secret savings.

However, this action still managed to attract Qiao Yu's attention. Although she did not see the jade pendant, she saw the red string around Qiao Mei's neck.

What was that?

Qiao Yu stared at her, still standing at the same spot, as if she did not understand what Qiao Mei meant.

"Qiao Mei, hurry up and run. My brothers and a few nephews are all here with weapons!" Qiao Yu said nervously.

"Why should Mei Mei run away when they are the ones coming to my house?" Qiao Qiang suddenly asked from outside.

Qiao Yu seemed frightened by the voice. She lowered her head and stood there, not knowing what to say as she grabbed the corner of her clothes with her fingers.

However, the moment she lowered her head, Qiao Mei saw her eyes lit up and her lips curled upwards.

Qiao Qiang stood outside the door, angrily tapping his walking stick.

Qiao Mei suddenly remembered that there seemed to be such a scene in her past life.

In her past life, a few months before her grandfather died, Qiao Yu would come from time to time to preempt her to leave the house quickly. Qiao Qiang's sons also came over often to make trouble.

All these, coupled with the gossip in the village, made Qiao Qiang very worried and caused his health to deteriorate. If not for the fact that Qiao Mei was pregnant at that time and he wanted to wait for her to give birth, he would have died earlier from all that anger.

So this was their plan. How wicked!

"Tell me, why should I run? This is my house, why aren't you saying anything? Are you going to stand here like a mute?" Qiao Mei reached across and slapped her.

She had already reduced her strength, but Qiao Yu was still knocked over by the slap.

She hunched on the ground and started crying.

Qiao Qiang witnessed this scene wordlessly. Qiao Mei had had this temper since she was young. She was always fighting with people her own age. She hit Qiao Yu even more often and there was no one who could stop her.

Besides, Qiao Yu did not have much of an opinion so no one came to help her.

At this moment, a few sets of footsteps could be heard outside the courtyard, making their way over vigorously.

Qiao Mei walked out of the door and went forward without a word.

"Second Grandpa Qiao, uncles and brothers, you are here to see my grandfather right?" Qiao Mei stood in the courtyard with a smile and spoke before they could.

Qiao Zhuang and his family were stunned on the spot. For a moment, they were a bit confused. It seemed to be the first time they ever saw Qiao Mei's big smile.

As the saying goes, one does not slap a smiley face. Hearing Qiao Mei's sweet voice coupled with her big smile, she actually looked quite friendly.