
The Urge to Kiss Her

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Nan Baoyi's pupils shrink like a cat's!

She pushed away Xiao Yi, covered her mouth and stepped back quickly, "You, you, you ―"

Xiao Yi was expressionless, "I'm your brother, what is there to be shy about? Song Shining kissed you too, didn't he?"

Nan Baoyi was confused.

Song Shining did kiss her before, but it was only her cheeks, not like him…

In her two lifetimes, this was the first time she was kissed on the lips by a man.

Her cheeks gradually turned red and she stammered, "But, but this is still not appropriate…"

Xiao Yi looked indifferent.

He also knew it was inappropriate.

But looking at her small mouth, he could not help but want to kiss her.

He suppressed his irritability and went to hug the little girl but she avoided in fear.

Nan Baoyi twitched her sleeves and drooped her eyelashes nervously, "I, I'll walk myself…"

"You fell when you were running through the peach blossom forest, it will hurt when you walk." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Nan Baoyi squatted and lifted her skirt carefully.

Her fair tender knees had a bruise.

She smiled and raised her head, "Look Second Brother, the skin is not torn, it doesn't hurt."

She was very sensible, but Xiao Yi's heart was filled with sharp pains like needles were stabbing at it.

He could not tell what sort of feeling was this, but he hoped Nan Baoyi was not that sensible.

She was only twelve years old, she should be as pampered and reckless like how she was last time.

After a long silence, he stretched out his hand to her, "I'll lead you down the mountain."

Holding her hand might be more acceptable to Nan Baoyi than carrying her.

She fixed her skirt and put her palm on the young man's palm earnestly.

Xiao Yi lowered his head.

Her little hand was fair, tender, and soft. Because of her love of beauty, she even applied light pink nail polish on her fingernails.

That slender little finger was always curling up coyly, making his heart inexplicably uncomfortable.

Even made him have the urge to kiss her fingertips.

He restrained from his desire and held her hand calmly.

The two of them continued walking down the mountain.

Nan Baoyi caught a cold and sneezed unexpectedly.

Xiao Yi glanced at her and said coldly, "I'm going to the hot springs, you follow me."

"I was also thinking of the same thing." Nan Baoyi rubbed the tip of her nose uncomfortably, "I was in a hurry just now and never brought a cloak…"

The two of them walked further away.

Behind the pine and cypresses by the steps, a young girl came out and gritted her teeth.

It was Xia Qingqing.

She stared at the two distant figures and stomped her feet fiercely, "Nan Baoyi is really hateful. She actually said that I was spoiled and mean in front of Young Master Xiao!"

"My sister is really that cruel, but Grandmother still pampers her unconditionally and listens to her." Nan Yan followed, "Sister Qingqing, I don't think you will be able to marry him."

Xia Qingqing's face was distorted, "I'm not satisfied!"

Nan Yan said lightly, "I do have a good idea…"

"What idea?"

"It's April now, it won't be long before the spring silkworms start spinning into cocoons. The Nan residence has tens of thousands of acres of mulberry fields. If something were to happen to the mulberry trees, then they would not be able to feed the spring silkworms. Millions of spring silkworms that were raised with great effort would be starved to death and naturally, they would not be able to form the cocoons and weave Shu brocades. This will be a huge loss."

Xia Qingqing did not understand, "What does this have to do with my marriage?"

Nan Yan smiled and took her hand, "Sister Qingqing, your family is also a great merchant of Shu brocades and has countless mulberry fields. As long as your family offers to help while the Nan residence is in a crisis, then your marriage to Xiao Yi…"

Xia Qingqing suddenly understood.

With the Nan residence in great trouble, as long as she threatened with the mulberry leaves, why worry about the marriage?

But she hesitated, "But how do I create problems in their mulberry fields? It is tens of thousands of acres."

"How hard can it be?" Nan Yan smiled and helped her straighten her hairpin, "Right now the Zhang family and the Nan family are enemies, Madam Chang hates the Nan family very much. As long as you find a way to say something to her, I'm sure she will be eager to do it for you, this is called ― getting someone else to do the dirty work."

Xia Qingqing was overjoyed, "Yan'er, you are really my lucky star!"

Nan Yan said again mysteriously, "Nan Baoyi went to the hot springs. Sister Qingqing, I have a good idea to embarrass her and vent your anger!"


There were many hot springs in Endless Snow.

Not many people were there at this time.

Nan Baoyi came to the hot spring pool that was used by females. The flowers and trees on all sides were very lush and the clear spring water was steaming. The maids carefully put up a screen next to the pool.

Nan Baoyi took off her clothing and carefully stepped into the hot spring pool.

The maid quietly looked up at her and then retreated with her dress.

She carried the dress to a gazebo far away and said respectfully, "I did as you two miss instructed, everything is done!"

Xia Qingqing happily rewarded her with a silver coin, "Throw away her dress and chase away all the maids waiting nearby."


After the maid did that, she and Nan Yan laughed until their backs ached.

She stared at the direction of the hot spring, "Wait till she's finished and realized that she has no clothes to wear, it's fun just to think about it! No maids are waiting around. Yan'er do you think she will run back to her room naked?"

Nan Yan said gently, "Nan Baoyi is cunning by nature, maybe she will use leaves to cover herself up?"

"Hahahaha, this is too funny!"

In the hot spring pool.

Nan Baoyi was comfortably playing with the water.

The steaming heat made her whole body warmed up as if she was soaking in a sea of clouds.

She admired the golden leaves, flowing water, and plum groves of the Buddhist temple painted on the wooden screen. Listening to the singing of birds and insects from all directions, she gradually relaxed physically and mentally.

She felt sleepy.

She leaned against the blue brick wall of the pool, about to take a nap when she suddenly heard a rustling sound from behind the screen.

Someone was there…

She furrowed her brows, "Who is it?!"

There were still rustling sounds.

Nan Baoyi was sure it wasn't a maid.

She was afraid that a male servant or a man was hiding there to peep at her, she immediately threatened in a deep voice, "I am the Fifth Miss of the Nan residence, you better leave quickly or I will start screaming!"

Obviously, that person did not take notice of her treat and the rustling noise grew louder.

Nan Baoyi's heart was pounding. Suppressing her fear, she gently climbed out of the pool.

But her clothes were missing!

Someone took her clothes!

The rustling behind the screen stopped.

Nan Baoyi noticed clearly a line of sight falling on her body slowly.

That person was so shameless, he actually climbed up the screen to peep at her!

She turned around instantly.

A big fluffy black and white colored bear was leaning forward innocently on the screen looking at her, a fresh bamboo shoot still in its paws.

Nan Baoyi stammered, "Pa, panda…"

The big panda uttered a sound "umh" and tried to climb over the screen.

It was so big, completely different than her naive imagination!

Nan Baoyi was scared, screaming to escape. Unexpectedly, she slipped and plunged into the pool embarrassingly!

In a distant wall.

Xiao Yi stood by the wall closing his eyes and resting his mind. When he heard splashing sounds behind the wall, he suddenly opened his eyes.

He moved to the edge of the hot spring pool instantly.

The little girl fluttered in the pool like a duck ―

Completely naked.