
Second Brother, I Want to Raise a Panda

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Xiao Yi immediately covered his eyes.

He turned his back around, said harshly, "Nan Baoyi, what are you doing?!"

"Second Brother! This panda saw that I was a beauty and so it spied on me! Chase him away!"

The big panda was stupid and cute, struggling to get off the screens.

Xiao Yi saw that it meant no harm and so he didn't touch it.

He took off his outer robes and wrapped Nan Baoyi in an instant and carried her up from the water.

The little girl was petite like a young sprouting willow, showing the cuteness and tenderness of an initial budding.

Xiao Yi gazed fixedly, walking down the secluded path towards the pavilion.

Just that his hands that were holding her were like on fire, a fever that was heating his insides.

The feelings that had been hidden for many years quietly spread and gradually occupying his entire heart.

He could not describe clearly what sort of feelings were those but he vaguely understood that these feelings could not be said to others.

He had to endure it. And he fully understood that from today onwards, he would have to continue enduring it for the days and nights in the future.

Feelings like that…

Would not be allowed by the world.

He carried Nan Baoyi up the stairs.

She said "ouch" when she was thrown harshly on the bed.

She rubbed her sore waist, "Second Brother do you know what it means to have protective feelings for girls? How can you be so rough towards a girl…"

She talked and talked but did not get the young man's response.

She lifted her head.

The young man's phoenix-like eyes were deep and dark. She could not understand.

She was a little afraid of the unsmiling powerful minister and her voice soften unconsciously, "Second Brother, I was wrong."

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "You are not wrong."

He was wrong.

He turned around and left.

Nan Baoyi was confused.

She did not understand it at all. Everything was fine, why was the powerful minister angry again.

She held her fingers up and counted. Since they reached the western mountains, he had been volatile and moody, throwing tantrums at her no fewer than five times.

The young girl helplessly laid down.

She only wanted to suck up to him, why was it so hard?

Tomorrow they would be leaving to return to the residence. She remembered Nan Baozhu wanted to see pandas and so after she dressed up, she hurriedly went off to find her.

"Jiaojiao, did you really see a panda in the hot springs? How was it, was it extra cute and stupid?"

Nan Baozhu was excited.

"It is cute but just too fat, a little scary up close." Nan Baoyi held hands with her, "I asked He Ye to get some bamboo shoots, we can go feed them later."

The two sisters were talking and they reached the hot spring garden.

But they saw Nan Yan and Xia Qingqing sitting listlessly in the gazebo, their makeup was a little fading, as if they were waiting for something.

Nan Baozhu asked curiously, "Are you two here to see pandas too?"

The two of them were stunned.

They looked at Nan Baoyi incredulously.

The young girl was dressed beautifully and because she just soaked in the hot springs, her cheeks flushed in light pink, looking extra beautiful.

This was not right, shouldn't she be in the hot spring pool feeling helpless?!

They did not even drink any water and not even willing to go to the toilet. They have been waiting here for almost four hours!

Just to see her becoming a joke!

Nan Yan's face turned pale and forced a smile, "Yes, we are here to see pandas…"

Under this circumstance, she definitely could not say they were waiting for Nan Baoyi to run around naked!

"Then let's go together, Jiaojiao said there was a very cute panda there!"

Nan Baozhu did not bother about the details and walked towards the hot springs happily.

Next to the hot spring pool, a giant panda sat on the collapsed screen, clumsily holding a piece of bamboo and chewing it.

"Ahhhhhh!" Nan Baozhu covered her cheeks and screamed, "What a cute panda!"

Nan Baoyi smiled widely and gave her some bamboo shoots.

The two of them carefully moved closer to feed the panda.

That panda was very friendly. After eating their bamboo shoots, it played with them affectionately for a little while.

While playing, it suddenly stared at Nan Yan and Xia Qingqing unexpectedly.

As if it wanted to play with them also, it suddenly rushed over to them quickly!

Its big furry paws tugged on their skirt, making them screamed out loud!

During the struggle, their dress was torn and their underpants and undergarments were exposed embarrassingly.

They did not bother with etiquette anymore. They scrambled and fled in panic, Nan Baoyi watched in a daze with her mouth wide open.

Nan Baozhu said, feeling embarrassed, "Many people will be coming here to the hot springs at this time. If they ran out like this, they will be seen…"

Nan Baoyi was equally embarrassed.

Nan Yan was really bold!


They would depart for home tomorrow.

Nan Baoyi returned to her room, thinking of the panda's friendly appearance and there was itching in her heart.

She ran to where Xiao Yi was staying and opened the window earnestly.

The room was lit with a few lanterns.

The future minister was sitting by the window, reading a book.

"Second Brother!" She said crisply, "Can I raise a panda in Chaowen Yard?"

Xiao Yi flipped a page coldly, "No."

"Don't refuse so quickly! The pandas are fluffy and fat, so cute. But it might be lonely having only one, can I have two? Oh, having two is not good too, what if they fight, no one is there to persuade… Second Brother, I want to raise three pandas!"

The young man said stiffly, "You look like a panda."

Nan Baoyi choked.

The powerful minister really did not give her face!

If it weren't for the fact that he was staying with her and she wanted to be considerate, she would not ask him!

She returned to her room, the anger in her heart could not be relieved, and so she ordered He Ye to bring over her calligraphy set.

Based on the memory of her previous life, she wrote a two-thousand-characters biography of Xiao Yi.

After writing the biography, she even imitated Grand Scribe who wrote Records of the Historian and added her own comment to the biography:

[Translation note: Grand Scribe is the title by which Sima Qian refers to himself in Records of the Historian]

Nan Baoyi said:

― Xiao Yi, cunning and deceitful, cruel and treacherous, only so he could be a minister of high ranking at such a young age. He would take revenge on every small matter, indifferent and cold, moody and temperamental. He would not get close to females and is very difficult to coax!

After adding this comment, she was very satisfied.

After thinking for a moment in front of the candlelight, she dipped her pen in ink and added another line forcefully:

Nan Baoyi also said:

― Xiao Yi fought on the battlefield, has brilliant military service. It can be regarded as being loyal to the country.

She secretly felt that this comment of hers was very fair and appropriate.

"Straightforward and dignified. I never thought that I will have the potential to be a historian, I'm so good!"

The young girl blew the ink dry and happily kept the paper in the drawer.


After coming back from the western mountains, Xiao Yi officially took office within a few days.

Fortunately, there was no war going on now. His office was on the outskirts of Jinguan City and needs to go back and forth every day.

If there were too many things to do, he would stay in the barracks.

Nan Baoyi sat in her bedroom, looking at the mirror and trying on new earrings the maids had sent over.

He Ye happily picked out a pair of emerald pearl earrings, "Miss is fair, you will look nice wearing this pair, I help you try it on?

Nan Baoyi was absent-minded, "He Ye, Second Brother has not returned to the residence for three days, do you think the barracks are really that busy?"