
Chapter149:sex addict

I looked at Alex after I heard what he said and I didn't know what to even say. This guy has been through enough and now shit can't stop following him wherever he goes." Are you okay?"I asked him.

"I'm always okay when you are okay. So please be okay so that I can be okay."he said caressing my cheeks with the back of his hand.

"I'll be okay for you and our little babies Alex. We are gonna be okay and we will win this okay?"I told him and he immediately hugged me bringing me to his hard chest. He tightly hugged me with him resting his head on the crook of my head.

"I love you Kimberly."he said all of a sudden and I held on to him tighter.

"I love you too honey."I told him and I felt him kiss my head." Alex, I'm hungry."I said and he pulled away from the hug. I looked up at this face waiting for him to say something.

"Okay, let's go and cook something for you."he said standing up with me in his arms and he started walking to the door.

"Alex, I came here to ask you why you didn't bring me home. I wanted to go home."I told him and he stopped walking then he looked at me.

"The penthouse isn't safe anymore. This mansion is the only place that is safe right now. Here, there is so much protection and it's a big mansion with almost everything you need."he explained and I sighed lying back to his chest.

"But this mansion isn't the same as the one that I....we... I don't know how to say this. The mansion that you took me that day we first met when I was drunk. Do you remember?"I asked him and he chuckled.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I remember, how the fuck can I forget about such a thing. That day was when luck found me because I found you. Anyways, that mansion, isn't as big as this one. This is big, it has a big hall for me to hold my under water business and my wife can have a big space to play in and walk in."he said and I smiled. I can't imagine how big this mansion is then, because the other one, was so big and if that is smaller then, I'm speechless.

Alex took me to the kitchen and he cooked for me the kind of spiced food I wanted. He is the best cook and I wonder if there is anything he can't do. Later on, we went to bed and slept with me still horny but I didn't voice how I was feeling. If I was really turning into a sex addict, I should start suppressing the sex cravings as early as now.

The following morning I was woken up with my nauseating feeling and I quickly ran to the bathroom because I felt like puking all my guts out. I immediately opened the toilet seat and I bent down throwing up. After some minutes, I heard a knock on the bathroom door then Alex's voice followed.

"Baby, is everything okay?"he asked and before I could even say anything I bent down again. I heard the door being opened and the next thing I saw was Alex crouching down next to me worried to death."are you okay?"he asked holding my hair up so that it doesn't get in contact with the puke.

"Yeah.. it's just the pregnancy acting up alittle I'll be fine. I'm okay don't......."I started throwing up again.

"Damnit baby, this is serious. My God I can't bear to see you like this. Is there anything I can do? Are in pain? If you are in pain you have to tell me...."

"Alex, it's fine. Every pregnant woman does go through this so it's not a big deal. Just help me up."I told him and he looked at me worriedly. I rolled my eyes at him because of how he was acting as if I'm sick to death.

"Are you done you know... throwing up?"he asked and I nodded. He held me up from the floor then he sat me up at the edge of the bathtub. He removed my clothes after turning the water on, then after he was done undressing me, he put me in the bathtub.

"Can you hand me a glass of water?"I told him because my throat was not feeling okay. Alex left for the door then he came with a glass full of water and I drunk it in one go. Damn, I was thirsty.

After we were done bathing, Alex took me downstairs to introduce me to everyone. He had a butler, some maids and a few more workers. I hate this kind of life where everything is done for me but right now, I can't handle a whole mansion on my own. I need the workers anyway. We were served the breakfast and I filled my hungry stomach. I think I'm gonna get fat with the amount of food I was eating. Do all pregnant mothers eat like this? Alex was so happy I was eating much food because he's always urging me to eat more.

Later on in the day, Alex's doctor came. Alex took me to the bedroom so that the doctor would check on me there.

I lied on the bed and Alex came to sit next to me on the bed while the doctor who I was yet to know the name kept his equipment on the bedside table.

"Alex, why are you always shitty with giving introductions?"the guy asked and I looked at him. I totally agree with him. Alex is so shitty at that job. 

"Forgive my husband's manners, I'm Kimberly."I introduced myself smiling at the doctor just for courtesy. 

"Nice to meet you again Kimberly, I'm Stefan. I'm your brooding husband's doctor and friend."he said and I frowned.

"Again? You just said again. I don't think we have ever met."I told him and Alex looked at Stefan warningly.

"Stop with the glares Alex, I met your wife even before you did. There was this one time I had gone to the hospital you work in and I was supervising the departments there and I was kind of intrigued by you when I heard the good praises about you. I even recommended this guy to you because that's the first thought that came to my head. I thought,' this woman can help my friend.' I suppose that's how you met?"Stefan said smiling at me. I was still confused with what he said because I didn't understand any of it. He then looked at Alex," you should really thank me that I helped you get a wife."he told Alex who just glared at him.

"I have nothing to thank you for asshole. I met my wife on my own. I have no idea that the psychiatrist you were recommending me to was Kimberly because I didn't even hear anything. Don't go flattering and lying to yourself that you helped me get a wife. It was my own effort."Alex said glaring at Stefan.

"But I wrote you her address on the paper that day at the bar. You remember? I even gave it to you."Stefan argued and at this point, I couldn't say anything because I didn't understand anything.

"The paper I didn't pick and I didn't even look at it."Alex said and I rolled my eyes. What the hell is even going on?

"Alex you liar, just admit it that I helped."Stefan said and Alex looked at him his eyes breathing fire. They are not going to fight right?

"I'm not gonna admit to something you didn't do. Now, check on her and tell us what is wrong."Alex said and I sighed.

"What I'm I supposed to check Alex. I hope you didn't make me take that long ass flight here for nothing because I swear to you......"

"She's pregnant."Alex said and I looked at him questioningly. How the hell does me being pregnant have to do with being a sex addict.

"Really?"Stefan asked looking at me and I nodded.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I promised every day, two chapters but the second one will be updated later in the day. Got a crazy schedule today. 

Also, those wondering who Stefan is, I might have mentioned him in the second chapter of where the I started the story, if you don't remember you can check it out there then read here because that's where the argument of Stefan and Alex is coming from.

Nice times guys and thanks for continuing to read after my crush 💝 💗