
Chapter148: cutting the hair

I looked at Alex not knowing what to do with everyone looking at me. I looked at him pleadingly to help me out of this situation I got myself in. I saw him smirk and then he stood up and walked up to me. My heart raced even faster than before and I felt really dizzy that I could faint.

Alex reached where I was and he stared down at me his eyes dancing with mischief. I stared back at him and before I knew it, I was lost in his eyes. Those black orbs that always suck me in, sucked me in and made me forget everything else. He's just so handsome right now and I feel like kissing him.

"Fuck baby, not now please."Alex broke me from the daze I was in. I blinked my eyes and I looked away feeling really embarrassed.

"I don't know what you are talking about Alex."I told him in denial. I know he saw it but I won't admit it.

"Oh really, you are looking at me like you want to eat me whole right now baby. It's okay let me just wrap things up I'll join you shortly. God baby, how did you turn to this sex crazed woman? Maybe we should separate more so that you be like this every time. What do you think?"he asked me wiggling his eyebrows and I looked at him wondering if he's in his right mind right now.

"That's not funny Alex. Not at all."I told him being very serious.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry I just want you to smile."he said and I looked at him still not smiling then I accidentally looked at the side and I was met with eyes looking at us. My eyes widened and I looked at Alex immideately. Fuck, I forgot we have spectators.

"Alex, please help me out of here. I want to go out now. These people are making me really uncomfortable. I'm sorry for coming in like that I just didn't know this is the meeting you were having, with so many people. I... Alex... I can't....."

"Breath in baby. Breath in first."he told me and I took in a deep breath. He nodded then he smiled at me.

"Are you okay now?"he asked and I nodded then he looked away from me to the people in the hall." Meeting is dismissed for now. All I wanted to tell you I have said it and let's meet until something else comes up but before you go, I would like to introduce you to someone." Alex said coldly and he looked at me smiling and his eyes gentle. Quite the opposite of who he was just some seconds ago. I gripped at his Shirt on the back tightly getting nervous. I have never been in front of so many people.

"This is my wife, Kimberly. So I expect all of you to show her the ultimate respect that she deserves."Alex added his voice back to coldness. Goodness, I think I married a psychopath. How th hell does someone smile for a second then he turns so cold the other second? This is really unbelievable." You are dismissed now."he said and everyone stood and bowed then they started leaving. Alex took me to his seat, in the hall and I wonder if he told people to make him such royal seat. It's really wonderful.

After everyone had left, the door was closed under Alex's orders and he brought me to his laps." You know this seat makes you look like a king right?"I asked him smiling.

"Yeah. Because I am a king."he said and I nodded.

"Sure, you are my king, that's the first and more important thing. So who were those guys?"I asked him curiously.

"They were the members of my Mafia group. I was holding a meeting to inform them about something really important. I found the leader of the group that's after you."he said taking a fist of my hair in his hand and he started playing with the strands." Wait, did you cut your hair?"he asked taking more hair in his hand frowning.

"No I didn't."I replied smiling.

"Kimberly babe, you can't cut your hair. I like your hair this long. Why the hell would you cut it?"he asked pouting and I laughed. Now he's behaving like a kid and just now he was a cold boss. That's what I'm talking about, I think I married a psychopath. Not that I'm complaining, I love him just the way he is and this childish side of him is so much fun to watch.

"How did you know I cut it. It's not even that noticeable because I just trimmed it a little. It's not noticeable at all."I told him and he looked at me.

"Are you kidding me? I know your body more than you do and when you cut your hair even an inch of it, I'll know because I wash this hair and I dry it for you and I love it."he said and I chuckled.

"I just trimmed it Alex not cutting it."I told him.

"It's all the same. Don't trim it too."he said and I shook my head.

"It will be untidy. You know how I like neat things."I told him.

"If you want to trim it, call me. I'll do it for you so that you don't overdo it like what you did to this precious hair of mine."he said and I giggled. This guy is unbelievable. How the hell did my hair become his?" Now tell me, how in the hell have you become this sex crazed woman of mine?"he asked and I blushed.

"I'm not sex crazed Alex. I... I.. don't know what is happening to me. I want to have sex with you all the time. I think it's the pregnancy hormones or something. Maybe I should go for a check up. Maybe something is wrong with me. Or... I'm turning into a sex addict. Fuck!!"my eyes went wide in realization." Alex, I might be addicted to sex. You need to take me to the hospital before it gets worse. I want to have sex with you even now. Oh my God, Alex....."I said panicking but Alex held my cheeks in his large palms.

"It's okay calm down first. We'll know what is wrong okay. Let me call my doctor and tell him to come and have a look."Alex said and I nodded while he took his phone and called someone. 

After he was done with the call, he looked at me smiling." He'll be here tomorrow don't worry okay. He said he can't make it to take a flight this late at night."Alex said and I looked at him shocked.

" Flight? Alex, what if he has other things to do? You just can't make as person take a flight here just to check on me? You have to stop him and you call a nearby doctor."I told him.

"He's my personal doctor and my friend, he should be here when I call him. I can't just  trust anyone right now. Any person I don't know can be sent here to harm you and I can't risk it. Not when the person after you has made me suffer the most in this world. I can't let them take you away too."Alex said and I creased my brows in confusion.

"What are you talking about Alex?"I asked him.

"The son of the leader of the Mafia group after you, is the one who killed my sister."he said. What the fuck!.