
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

8. Honored Guest.

Seeing Tang Song's puzzled expression, Wang Peng quickly introduced, "Mr. Tang, this is the general manager of our Hengda Motors Yancheng branch. Mr. Li insisted on coming to meet you when he heard of your visit."

"Don't blame Xiao Wang, Mr. Tang. He just couldn't figure out your identity and was afraid of neglecting you."

Manager Li, in his forties, dressed in a short white shirt and black trousers, though ordinary in appearance and not tall, exuded a strong aura when standing there. With just a few words, he became the focal point of the entire scene.

Other staff members in the showroom quickly approached, enthusiastically greeting Manager Li and casting their gaze toward the young man across from him.

Manager Li was indeed a busy person, rarely seen in the showroom, let alone personally receiving guests. Tang Song could sense that Manager Li attached great importance to this young man.

Tang Song, in casual sportswear, didn't appear particularly outstanding except for his tall and handsome figure. There was even a lingering student-like quality about him. It didn't seem like he would be a customer that Manager Li would pay special attention to.

Manager Li gestured to the others, "You all go back to work, don't neglect your tasks. I'll personally attend to Mr. Tang. He's our esteemed guest."

From him, Tang Song saw the calm confidence and ease of a successful person—something he currently lacked but needed to learn.

Extending his hand for a shake, Tang Song tried to maintain composure, "Hello, Manager Li. I appreciate you coming personally; I apologize for the inconvenience."

Manager Li warmly replied, "Mr. Tang, you're too polite. It's an honor for us that you've come to buy a car from our dealership. Let's go, upstairs to my office. I have some newly produced tea for us to enjoy while we chat."

Interacting with such a successful person made Tang Song feel a bit constrained, very much unlike him. Especially noticing the subtle gazes from the surroundings, he felt like he might lose his ability to speak.

Trying to straighten his posture, Tang Song waved his hand slightly and politely declined, "Sorry, Manager Li, I have something to attend to shortly; I won't disturb your office time."

"Oh, that's a pity. Perhaps next time," Manager Li's expression didn't change, and he continued warmly, "By the way, last year I visited the Tang Song Group headquarters with General Wu from Hengda Trading. It was truly remarkable, full of elites and financial strength. Mr. Tang, being so young, may I inquire about your role within the group?"

"Your name is quite coincidental with our group. Haha."

Tang Song was momentarily unsure how to explain, so he casually made up, "I have an elder working at the headquarters of the group. This time, I just came to buy a small motorcycle for commuting. Originally, I thought of exploring internal discounts, but I didn't expect to trouble you, Manager Li."

Manager Li's sincere response was, "No trouble at all. In the future, I hope we can take care of each other in business. Meeting is fate; let's consider ourselves as part of the same family. Mr. Tang, do you live in Yancheng, or are you here temporarily?"

"I just graduated from university, and I plan to live in Yancheng in the future."

"That's great! We should get together more often in the future. I'll call you Tang lao di, don't keep calling me Manager Li or Mr. Li; just call me Brother Li or Old Li. Oh, and Little Wang!" He looked at the respectful Wang Peng, shouting, "I remember there are a few high-end AGV helmets in the warehouse. Go quickly, get one for this good brother of mine."

Tang Song didn't know when he became Brother Li's good brother. With a polite yet somewhat embarrassed smile, he said, "It's really too much, Brother Li. I can't accept such an expensive item."

Although he didn't know the price of the helmet, he understood that something the dealership's general manager personally offered must be valuable.

Manager Li patted Tang Song's arm warmly, saying, "Consider it a gift for buying the motorcycle. No need to be so polite. Tang Song and Hengda are like one family. Even if you don't follow the group's route, you'll still get the most favorable price. Come, let's exchange WeChat; let's have dinner together sometime."

Without giving Tang Song a chance to refuse, Manager Li took out his phone, opened his personal WeChat QR code, and said, "Thanks for your kind offer, Brother Li. Let's stay in touch."

Manager Li was tactful, sensing Tang Song's discomfort, and quickly shifted the topic.

He began discussing experiences in car modifications and driving skills. It was evident that Manager Li was quite knowledgeable and must have spent considerable time tinkering with motorcycles when he was younger.

Under the other's superb language skills, Tang Song gradually relaxed, and the conversation between the two became quite pleasant.

Talking about driving skills, Manager Li even reminded him to pay attention to safety. His words carried a hint of concern for a younger generation, making it clear that he didn't consider Tang Song an outsider.

Tang Song couldn't help but marvel at Manager Li's interpersonal skills and communication techniques. This was a true versatile business elite. If this were a game, he would undoubtedly recruit such a person.

Thinking optimistically, he realized that he was now the owner of the Tang Song Group and a major shareholder in Hengda Trading. Manager Li could indeed be considered his employee.

Damn! It seems to be the case.

With this realization, Tang Song truly regained his composure, and his speech became more casual.

Wang Peng jogged over to them, handing Tang Song a thick document bag, and carefully said, "Mr. Tang, your registration papers, insurance documents, and keys are all in the bag."

Then, he presented a brand-new helmet in front of Manager Li, "Manager Li, here's the helmet you requested."

Manager Li urged, "Come on, Tang lao di, quickly try it on."

It was a matte black full-face AGV helmet, looking extremely refined.

Compared to the helmets Tang Song had seen before, this one was indeed much more high-end. The shell was likely not made of ordinary plastic, the visor was clear and transparent, and the craftsmanship was impeccable.

"Thank you, Brother Li. I really needed a helmet. I was planning to buy one from a nearby store. This saves me the trouble." Tang Song took it, tried it on, and smiled, "It fits very well and is comfortable. Thank you for your time. I should be leaving now."

Manager Li, seeing the situation, didn't say much. He shook Tang Song's hand once again, expressing regret, "Since you have something to attend to, my brother, I won't keep you. Let's have a meal together when you're free."

Tang Song readily agreed, "No problem."

Under the escort of the group, Tang Song left the dealership.

His brand-new Suzuki scooter was parked at the entrance, already looking spirited after taking some photos.

The license plate number was excellent, consisting of only numbers without the digit 4. It seemed to be a number selected through internal connections.

Tang Song placed his phone on the holder, opened the navigation app, put on the helmet, bid farewell to Manager Li once again, and swiftly rode out of the Hengda Motors dealership.

As he accelerated on the main road, the engine emitted crisp sounds with each acceleration.

Tang Song couldn't help but stretch his legs outward, savoring the sensation of the wind rushing past.

Unexpectedly, his first vehicle turned out to be a small scooter. Nevertheless, he was content, especially since it was essentially a free ride.

The only regret was the absence of a girl on the pillion seat.

Thinking back to the school days when he used to ride a bicycle with Liu Baoyue to and from school every day, Tang Song felt nostalgic. It reminded him that he still owed Liu Baoyue some money. He needed to repay her soon; she was going through a tough time on her own in the imperial capital, having graduated not long ago. Tang Song decided to give her 5,000 yuan in one go.


On the other side, watching Tang Song leave, Manager Li patted Wang Peng on the shoulder and praised, "Xiao Wang, you did a great job this time. Your performance bonus will be doubled this month."

Hearing this, Wang Peng was overjoyed. Doubling the performance bonus was not a huge amount, just a few thousand yuan more, but receiving recognition from the manager was the most important. It meant more opportunities for promotion.

"Thank you, Manager Li. I will work even harder in the future." Wang Peng quickly expressed his gratitude and then asked, "I'm curious about Mr. Tang. He looks like a college student, and he doesn't seem very old. Do you know where he comes from?"

Manager Li pondered for a moment and said, "Before he came, I contacted General Wu from the headquarters. This order indeed comes from the Tang Song Group headquarters, and it was personally confirmed by the president's office. Mr. Tang is a true dragon, not on the same level as us. He's a genuine VIP."

"The president's office!"

Wang Peng was almost about to shout out in excitement, and his expression was vividly expressive.