
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

7.Tang Song Group.

Hengda Motorbike Shop is located on Yan Cheng Chunxi Avenue, surrounded by various commercial stores related to motorcycles. Heading westward for a while, you'll reach Yan Cheng's largest automobile trading hub, housing over forty 4S car dealerships and parallel import car dealers.

Adjacent to the Yan Cheng Vehicle Management Office, it offers convenient services for ownership transfer and registration. The road, with its wide and smooth surface, is ideal for test driving as there is minimal traffic.

Upon entering Hengda Motorbike Shop, you're greeted by a luxurious showroom covering nearly 700 square meters, displaying rows of brand-new motorcycles. Not being well-versed in motorcycles, Tang Song couldn't discern specific brands and models but found the array dazzling.

As he entered, a sales representative with distinctive features, Wang Peng, briskly approached, warmly inquiring, "Hello, sir, I'm Wang Peng from Hengda Motorbike Shop. May I assist you with anything?"

"Hello, I'm here to pick up my motorcycle. I believe I made a reservation previously." Tang Song retrieved his ID from his pocket and handed it over. "Here's my ID."

"Alright, please wait a moment. Let me check." Wang Peng accepted the ID and walked over to a nearby counter. He opened the internal OA system, inputting the ID number for verification.

"Tang Sir, you fully paid for a (2022 Suzuki UY125) yesterday, totaling 11,000 yuan, inclusive of registration, insurance, and modification fees."

"Please wait; I'll take you to inspect the motorcycle. If everything is satisfactory, our staff will help you with registration at the Vehicle Management Office. We'll also need your ID for that."

While staring at the computer screen, Wang Peng continued speaking, maintaining a polite attitude, although the initial warmth had faded. After confirming the details, he looked back at Tang Song, raising an eyebrow in response to his peculiar question.

Having confirmed the reservation details in the OA system, he uttered, "Tang Song Group" under the reserved name. Glancing at the reservation channel, it conspicuously displayed "Hengda Trading."

Suddenly, Wang Peng's initially unexpressive face gradually became animated.

Hengda Trading was the parent company of Hengda Motorbike Shop and also a publicly traded company with a market value in the tens of billions. Apart from numerous vehicle dealerships, it was involved in various businesses such as seafood, agricultural trade, logistics, and mobile phones.

For Tang Song Group, a 10,000-yuan scooter, placed an order through Hengda Trading's headquarters, then reassigned to the Yan Cheng branch—it was an absurd situation. To put it into perspective, it was like a big corporation placing an order with a major e-commerce platform for a thousand-yuan smartphone.

Drawing a sharp breath, Wang Peng rubbed his eyes and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Who is Mr. Tang, and why would he go to such lengths for an internal discount?"

After double-checking, Wang Peng abruptly stood up from the counter, his face showing an apologetic expression. "I apologize for the delay. I just confirmed with my supervisor, and the order was indeed placed by Tang Song Group Limited."

"Maybe you're not aware, but Tang Song Group is a major shareholder of our parent company, Hengda Trading. That's why you've received such a favorable price. Let me assure you; I'll inform my colleagues to ensure you receive the best products for the additional accessories, such as the thermal trunk and bracket. Moreover, we'll upgrade the entire braking system for your safety. As a gesture of goodwill, we'll include a complimentary lifetime maintenance package for your vehicle."

"Once again, I apologize, Mr. Tang. I'll get you a cup of coffee while you rest here for a moment. Later, I'll bring the contract for you to sign."

Tang Song, somewhat astonished by the unexpected attention, sat down in the rest area. Wang Peng promptly poured a cup of steaming coffee, carefully handing it over.

Accepting the coffee, Tang Song blew on the hot liquid and maintained a calm demeanor on the surface, although his mind was turbulent. It wasn't until this moment that he truly felt the existence of Tang Song Group.

Though the previous cash rewards were transferred under the name of Tang Song Group, witnessing its influence in the real world made him realize the terrifying power behind it. This experience reinforced his determination to diligently complete the system tasks. Only by progressing through the mainline tasks could he unlock these industries.

Tang Song also contemplated the idea of calling the company directly, informing them that he was the boss. However, this notion was quickly abandoned. The system would undoubtedly prevent him from exploiting such loopholes. Attempting to manipulate the situation might result in the failure of the mainline task, leading to unpredictable consequences such as the company going bankrupt or everything reverting to its state before the task started.

Better to take it step by step. Gradually unveil the mystery and eventually take full control.

After waiting for a few minutes, Wang Peng returned with a document pouch, respectfully stating, "I apologize for the wait, Mr. Tang. Your motorcycle is ready for inspection. Let me show you the vehicle's user manual first. I'll explain the product details, and later, I'll accompany you to check the motorcycle. If everything is in order, you can proceed to sign the contract."

After nodding, Tang Song took the user manual for the Suzuki UY125 and glanced through it roughly.

Wang Peng quickly bent over, and whenever Tang Song turned a page, he explained the content vividly on the side.

After about ten minutes, Wang Peng received a call and joyfully exclaimed, "Mr. Tang, your motorcycle is ready for you. I'll take you for an inspection."

On the side of the parking lot, a staff member rolled out a brand-new silver-gray motorcycle from the workshop.

With gentle body curves, a low seat, split symmetric taillights paired with diamond-shaped headlights, it looked somewhat cute.

Wang Peng took out the keys and handed them to Tang Song, pointing at the bike, "Mr. Tang, this is the Suzuki UY125 Magical Enjoyment Edition you reserved. This one we've prepared for you just rolled off the production line last month, with a weight of 112kg, fuel consumption of a bit over 2 liters per 100 kilometers, a top speed of 90 km/h, a single-cylinder air-cooled engine paired with a CVT automatic transmission, ample storage space, perfect for daily commuting. The popular silkworm gray color makes it our best-selling option. Please give it a try, and if everything is satisfactory, you can sign to accept it, and we'll immediately proceed with the transfer and registration."

Tang Song took the keys, inspected the body for any scratches or dents, and noticed the brand-new tires with visible fuzz and the factory film on the LCD screen – a clear sign of a new vehicle.

The solidly crafted octopus-shaped phone holder was fixed on the left rearview mirror. The 55-liter large trunk with an aluminum alloy shell included a built-in thermal insulation layer.

The more Tang Song looked, the more he liked it – very nice!

After confirming everything was in order, he mounted the bike, started the engine, and, with his proficient motorcycle driving skills, smoothly maneuvered through the parking lot.

With only 9.4 horsepower, the acceleration wasn't swift, but the process was very linear. Initially, it felt a bit weak, but the latter half was remarkably smooth, with no jerky movements. Riding it was comfortable.

It was indeed a very handy scooter. The automatic transmission spared him from frequent gear changes, and the upgraded braking system, recognized by the system as a delivery vehicle, was sensitive. Moreover, the system footed the bill – a delightful freebie!

After a lap around the parking lot, Tang Song returned to Wang Peng, satisfied, "It's excellent; I have no issues."

After signing and accepting the motorcycle, Wang Peng immediately called over a staff member, took Tang Song's ID, and went to the vehicle management office for registration. He repeatedly urged them to expedite the process, not wanting the valued customer to wait too long.

With nothing else to do, Tang Song strolled around the showroom, trying out a few bikes prominently displayed.

After Wang Peng finished his tasks, he stuck close to Tang Song, his face filled with sincere smiles, tirelessly introducing the configurations of various models.

"Mr. Tang, if you're considering a sport racing bike in the future, you might want to check out the BMW S1000RR M Edition. It's one of the hottest internet-famous motorcycles right now, highly sought after by young riders. With distinctive, exaggerated styling, a straight-four 1000cc engine, 206 horsepower, 113 Nm torque, classic blue and white color scheme, and sharp front and rear lights, the bike has outstanding aesthetics."

"As for the price, it's around 300,000. You don't even need to go through Tang Song Group for reservations; here at Hengda Motors, as long as you express interest, you can definitely get the most favorable price."

"Of course, if you're concerned about controlling a high-displacement bike or want something less conspicuous, you might consider starting with these models – our best-selling ones: Chunfeng 250SR, Ninja 400. Let me give you a detailed introduction..."

After riding the small scooter and gaining proficiency in motorcycle driving, Tang Song developed a considerable interest in motorcycles. Even though he currently only had a Suzuki 125 scooter, being a car enthusiast, he thought that in a few days, he might consider getting a real motorcycle.

The BMW was quite impressive, though the price was indeed a bit high. Perhaps he could start with a model priced at a few tens of thousands as a transitional step.

While the two were chatting, a hearty voice came from the side, "So, this is Mr. Tang Song, right? Hello, hello, I'm Li Mingbo, the manager of Hengda Motors Yancheng branch."

Wang Peng, who had been chatting with Tang Song side by side, quickly stepped back, saying, "General Li, you've finally arrived."