
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

2.Daily task.

After a long time, Tang Song, who had been in a daze, snapped back to reality.

Firstly, he attempted to communicate with the system: "System, have my industries in the game now appeared in the real world?"

"To assist the player in completing the final main mission and becoming a true tycoon, most of the in-game industries have indeed entered the real world, and there won't be any adverse effects. According to the game rules, the host needs to progress through the main mission to gradually unlock these industries. Additionally, mission rewards will be distributed in the name of the Tang Song Group."

"Is it true that there's no impact on the real world? A large group with a market value exceeding a trillion suddenly emerging won't cause a significant stir?" Tang Song was somewhat surprised.

"Please rest assured, according to the game's narrative, the current facts are as follows: You, the host, graduated high school with outstanding achievements, gained a substantial initial capital through the stock market, and during your university years, utilized all your free time for entrepreneurship. Over the course of four years, you seized multiple opportunities and industry trends, recruited a large number of high-quality talents, and achieved the current status of the Tang Song Group."

Tang Song, wide-eyed in amazement, couldn't help but open his mouth. Goodness, am I really that outstanding?

Graduating from high school didn't involve immersing himself in online novels but secretly investing in stocks. During his four years in college, he wasn't burying himself in games but was diligently investing and starting businesses. Now, he had a successful career and financial freedom?

"Reminder: Due to the host's current limited real-world abilities, please promptly enhance your comprehensive qualities. For details, refer to the system management interface."

Tang Song smiled awkwardly and began to explore the system interface.

It could be divided into four main sections: (Personal Center), (Warehouse), (Mission Center), and (Shop). The interface maintained the style of the game "Tomorrow's Tycoon," but the content was more streamlined, posing no operational difficulties for Tang Song.

After some experimentation, he mentally clicked on the top-left avatar and entered the Personal Center.

On the left was a naked 3D character, remarkably resembling Tang Song. On the right were rows of data.

(Age: 23, Height: 179 cm, Weight: 73 kg)

(Intelligence: 70, Endurance: 50, Agility: 50)

(Skills: None)

(Titles: None)

(Items: None)

(Charisma: 40)

(Balance: 634.00 yuan)

Each data item had a details button next to it. Clicking on details would display an explanation of the data and specific scoring criteria.

Tang Song, with only 40 points in charisma, felt a bit offended and checked the details.

(The scoring criteria for charisma incorporate various factors such as physique, personality, economic strength, personal abilities, and social status. Physical charisma includes appearance, physique, dress, and performance; personality charisma includes confidence, substance, humor, and temperament; economic strength includes...)

Upon seeing economic strength, Tang Song decisively closed the details page. 40 points were 40 points; it indicated he had some charisma and wasn't too bad.

Now, the most crucial thing was to make money. With sufficient economic capability, he could improve his physical fitness through exercise and enhance personal abilities through learning. Other factors like dress, confidence, substance, and temperament would gradually improve with the growth of wealth and status. As an unemployed single young man with a balance of over 600 yuan, having a charisma score of 40 was already quite satisfying.

Having familiarized himself with the system's operating interface, Tang Song still felt like something was missing. Suddenly, he had a bright idea and asked eagerly, "System, bro, did you forget to send the newbie gift package? This doesn't follow the standard procedure!"

"Detecting that the host is a senior player of Tomorrow's Tycoon, not meeting the criteria for distributing newbie gift packages."

Tang Song made a wry smile and said, "Is that so? Well, you can't really let me start from scratch. I've just lost my job, and next month's rent needs to be paid. I'm the chairman of our Tang Song Group, can't the company provide some welfare benefits? A little rice and oil would do!"

"Ding~ Daily tasks have been updated. Please check the mission center."

A prompt sound echoed in his mind. Tang Song's eyes lit up; crying babies get milk, having a task is good—it meant rewards.

Opening the Mission Center:

(Mission: Study for 120 minutes daily)

(Mission Reward: While you focus on studying, you can earn 3 yuan in cash per minute, with a 1% chance to receive a random study gift package reward)

(Mission Progress: 0/120)

(Note 1: This mission is a daily task, with a maximum of 120 minutes per day. After completing the task, the reward will be credited. The duration limit refreshes at midnight every day.)

(Note 2: Study content includes—common knowledge, skills, life, culture, and any knowledge beneficial to physical and mental development)

"The system is awesome, providing direct cash rewards, and the amount is not small. A guaranteed 360 yuan per day, and this isn't virtual currency from the game!"

Moreover, there was a chance to get a study gift package, and he wondered what it might contain.

Tang Song quickly got up, pulled out a large cardboard box from under the bed, and found a thick book.

This book, "C Language from Entry to Mastery," was one he bought when he first entered university. He had been intermittently reading it, making it a very familiar book. To quickly enter a state of focused learning, he needed to choose a familiar field.

Glancing at the clock, it was already two in the afternoon. He decided to make the most of his time.

Time passed quickly, and after two hours of focused studying, the system prompt sound arrived punctually.

"Ding~ Congratulations, host. Today's study task is completed, and the reward has been settled."

Tang Song brought up the light screen and saw that the task had changed to a completed state in green.

Following that, his phone screen lit up, receiving a text message.

"(China Merchants Bank) Your account ending in 3866 received a deposit of 360.00 yuan on August 22 at 16:12."

Tang Song opened the China Merchants Bank app, checked the balance in his salary card, and

Indeed, it turned into 994.00 yuan.

"Damn! The money went straight to my salary card, invincible!"

After the exclamation, Tang Song pinched his thigh.

"Hiss~ It hurts!"

Then he took a deep breath. It wasn't a dream; the money had really arrived. He could earn 360 yuan every day without working, which, to some extent, could be considered financial freedom.

After a fierce swallow of saliva, Tang Song felt his body getting hotter.

He decided to take a cool shower in the bathroom to cool down and calm himself.

The future road is still long, with the system, I am destined to be a promising young man. The whole 996 work culture, overtime, and insomnia will have nothing to do with me.

Starting from today, I will be a happy person, taking care of horses, chopping wood, traveling around the world, starting from today...

Cough, cough...

Tang Song snapped back from his wandering thoughts. While taking a shower, he quietly asked, "System, can we have more tasks? Don't worry, I can handle it. In our game, there are plenty of tasks. Your upgraded super-duper system should have more than just a daily learning task, right? I feel like 120 minutes a day is not enough. I strongly suggest increasing the duration. I want to progress, I want to learn, learning makes me happy."

The emotionless system automatically ignored Tang Song's request. "The system will automatically trigger tasks based on the host's current scene and mentality, helping the host grow, enjoy the pleasures of life, and become a true tycoon."

Tang Song nodded helplessly, deciding that he could slowly try this out later. There must be a pattern to trigger tasks.

In the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, if he only looked at his facial features, he was indeed quite handsome. However, due to frequent late-night gaming during university and continuous overtime planning after graduation, his skin condition was poor. Blemishes and acne greatly undermined his overall appearance, and the dark circles and eye bags made things worse. He turned a 9/10 handsome guy into a 7/10 dude.

Running his fingers through his hair, the hair loss problem, exacerbated by frequent late nights, became more serious. Coupled with poor hair quality, it looked messy and unstyled.

Only three months into his job, his face was already slightly swollen, his body felt loose, and he had developed a small belly.

With the system now, plus the lack of financial concerns, he must improve himself. He also needs to elevate his quality of life.

Tang Song's probationary monthly salary in his previous company was 4000 yuan, and after becoming a regular employee, it was only 5000 yuan. His daily workload was quite demanding, and he often had to work overtime during weekends. Not to mention the constant pressure from the leadership.

Now lying at home, as long as he focused on studying for two hours each day, he would receive a guaranteed 360 yuan. In a month, this amounted to 10,800 yuan. In Yan Cheng, a second-tier city, this was considered a decent income for a recent graduate. Subtracting rent and living expenses, he could save more than 8000 yuan each month.

Thinking about this, just relying on the daily learning task's basic income, he could live quite comfortably.

Decision made: Study for two hours every day. I want to quietly excel and then amaze everyone \ (^o^) /.

Knock, knock, knock...

The sound of knocking interrupted Tang Song's self-admiration.

Immediately after, the voice of the delivery guy came from outside the door: "Your takeaway has arrived. Please open the door to collect your meal."

Tang Song, wearing only his boxers, rushed out of the bathroom to open the door and received the takeaway, expressing his gratitude several times.

This enthusiastic attitude made the delivery guy a bit embarrassed, wondering if he had knocked too loudly just now.

After devouring the chicken rice, Tang Song comfortably slumped in the chair, drinking water, and browsed through the shopping app with great interest.

Now that he had money, he naturally wanted to buy the things he had always wanted. Although the money wasn't much at the moment, the mindset needed to change. What if it triggered some double cashback task?

Ding, ding, ding...

Suddenly, WeChat messages started pouring in from the university alumni group.