
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

1.Dreams come true

On the bus.

Tang Song sat at the back, hugging his backpack, looking dejected. The harsh afternoon sun pierced through the windows, casting its glare upon him.

His bulging backpack contained a collection of odds and ends accumulated over three months of work.

Water bottle, back cushion, tissue, instant coffee...

Clock in at 9 a.m., pulled into the meeting room by HR at 10 a.m., a chaotic and nonsensical discussion, only to be informed that the probationary period had not passed, followed by the swift initiation of the resignation process.

This was Tang Song's first job after graduation. For someone who had just settled down, it felt like a bolt from the blue, leaving him in a bewildered standby mode.

Completing the resignation handover in a daze, under the complex gaze of colleagues, he left the company, feeling grey and inconspicuous.

Now, sitting on the bus, feeling the scorching sun on his body, Tang Song slowly came back to his senses.

He was truly laid off, losing his only source of income.

Even though it was tough at the moment, he had to immediately dive into job hunting. After all, he was a university graduate and had to support himself, not wanting to burden his family further.

Tang Song was a highly motivated individual. In his four years of university, aside from enjoying games, he had no other vices.

His major courses were well studied. In addition to his main focus on computer programming, he had some knowledge in photography, editing, and design. He acquired the necessary technical skills and certifications, received numerous scholarships, and was considered outstanding in his field.

He initially thought that finding a good job related to his major after graduation would be relatively easy.

However, reality dealt him a harsh blow.

The economic environment was unfavorable, coupled with his graduation from an ordinary second-tier university and lack of work experience. In the second-tier city of Yancheng, even experiencing a 996 work schedule was challenging.

Under immense financial pressure and with the idea of securing a job first before choosing, Tang Song eventually joined an advertising and media company. Instead of working as a programmer, as he originally intended, he found himself doing advertising planning.

On the job, Tang Song also demonstrated a talent for planning, completing assigned tasks with excellence. His serious attitude, humility, and friendliness earned him good relationships in the company. Even his superiors hinted at a potential salary increase after the probationary period.

Rubbing his dry eyes, unable to fathom how he didn't pass the probationary period, and thinking about the imminent rent payment, he felt exhausted.


The message tone on his phone interrupted Tang Song's thoughts. Unlocking the screen, it was a WeChat message from his team leader, Cui Hao.

"Little Tang, don't be too upset. Spend these days sending out more resumes. You're still young, and there are plenty of opportunities. Work hard to find a better job."

Feeling frustrated, Tang Song straightforwardly asked, "Brother Cui, I didn't want to ask this in the company, but now that I've resigned, can you tell me the truth? Did I make any mistakes in my work? Why was I the only one laid off?"

After a while of anxious waiting, Cui Hao finally replied, "I heard you got too close to Bai Xiaomeng from the design department recently. Our department director has a soft spot for her. He wanted to cut you, and I couldn't say anything. You're really talented, though. If there's a good job opportunity in the future, I'll recommend you. Don't dwell on this, look forward."

Tang Song realized suddenly and couldn't help muttering a few curses under his breath, attracting curious glances from other passengers on the bus.

Bai Xiaomeng was a colleague from the design department who joined the company at the same time as Tang Song. With fair skin, beauty, and a tall and sexy figure, she was universally acknowledged as the office goddess.

Everyone has a sense of beauty, and Tang Song was no exception. Being single for 23 years, he inevitably felt a flutter of excitement. With some design skills of his own, he often helped Bai Xiaomeng with simple retouching and provided creative ideas. Their relationship was relatively friendly.

Last week, in order to help Bai Xiaomeng complete a major project, he spent a few extra days working with her in the office. Apparently, this led others to mistakenly believe that they had some kind of romantic relationship.

In reality, Tang Song wished people would misunderstand, but he didn't expect that this incident would lead to his dismissal.

Chen Yunqiang, the director of his department, was a reserved man in his thirties. Tang Song had little interaction with him, but he had heard that he had a strong personality and a bad temper. Dealing with this probationary employee was just a casual exercise of power.

Feeling more and more upset, Tang Song had planned to celebrate with Bai Xiaomeng after passing his probation this month, using the occasion to invite her to a movie and strengthen their relationship. Now, all those plans had gone down the drain. He needed to find a new job quickly.


Dragging his weary body back to the rented apartment, Tang Song threw his backpack on the bed and sat down in front of the computer.

Opening Word, he created a new blank document.

He originally wanted to write his resume, but sitting there for half an hour, he couldn't type a single word. He just didn't have the mood for it.

"Let's play a game first, relax a bit. No money and no job in real life, let's experience the feeling of being a tycoon in the game."

Tang Song closed the document and opened the only game on his desktop, a game called 'Tomorrow's Tycoon.'

Entering the game, he opened the flashing "Mission" section and entered the main mission list.

Looking at the last remaining mission, Tang Song, despite his restless mood, couldn't help but feel a surge of accomplishment.

"I've played this game for four years, and finally, there's only one main mission left. Completing it will lead to victory!" Tang Song couldn't help but smile, letting go of all his worries.

'Tomorrow's Tycoon' was a game that suddenly appeared on his computer during his first year of college. He wasn't sure if he accidentally downloaded it while browsing some study website.

He tried various ways to remove this seemingly unwanted software, even reinstalling the system a few times, but he couldn't get rid of it. He also couldn't find any related information about the game online.

He couldn't afford to give up his newly purchased laptop just because of a game, especially with his financial situation.

Since he couldn't get rid of it, he decided to give it a try, especially since it didn't require any in-game purchases.

With this mentality, Tang Song embarked on a four-year journey of becoming a tycoon in the game.

It was an extremely attractive game, with exquisite and realistic graphics that even surpassed mainstream AAA titles. Although it was a simulation business game, it had a highly detailed world environment and intricate plotlines and settings in its missions. It guided players step by step from starting a business from scratch to becoming a top-tier billionaire.

From making the first fortune in the stock market to acquiring struggling small factories, upgrading production lines,

Recruiting talents, purchasing land, expanding scale, diversifying sales channels, engaging in business competition, investing in internet enterprises, incubating industry unicorns, establishing a film and entertainment company, constructing large-scale supermarkets, and so on.

In this way, within the game, the Tang Song Group developed rapidly, with assets soaring gradually. Its affiliated enterprises ventured into various fields such as finance, healthcare, entertainment, technology, real estate, making it a true giant conglomerate.

Now, only the last main mission remains. Once completed, Tang Song will achieve his coveted title of 'Tycoon,' and the game will successfully be completed.

Thinking about it, he felt a strong reluctance. He wondered how the game would evolve after completion—would the storyline conclude directly, or would he have to start from the beginning?

After all, this is a single-player game that cannot be found online, and it's unlikely to receive any new updates.

Tang Song thoroughly enjoyed the luxurious life of a tycoon within the game—financial freedom, extravagant cars and watches, unrestrained shopping sprees, a constantly growing massive bank balance, a luxurious mansion he couldn't live in fully, and an enchanting and talented secretary in black stockings who was ready to assist at any moment.

In his four years of college, he essentially dedicated all his spare time to this game. His relationships with classmates were average, and he had never been in a romantic relationship.

However, as enjoyable as the game was, reality was equally harsh. After graduating, he rented a small apartment of around twenty square meters, his savings were in the three digits, and due to staying up late, his health was deteriorating. To make matters worse, he had just lost his job.

"If only my achievements in this game could become a reality. Super-rich, surrounded by beautiful women. All those directors and leaders, they should all kneel down and sing 'Conquer' to me..."

Wiping away the drool at the corner of his mouth, Tang Song focused his attention on completing the final main mission.

Clicking on "Go Now."

His vision began to blur, and in a daze, a cold electronic synthesized sound echoed in Tang Song's mind: "Main mission 'True Tycoon' successfully initiated. System loading, please wait."

Then, a pale blue light screen lit up in front of him, displaying several lines of text.

(Confirming player... Tang Song, the exclusive legitimate player of Tomorrow's Tycoon)

(Perfectly interfering with the real world... Completed)

(Resources loading... Completed)

(Mission initiated!)

"Could it be that I've stayed up too much, my body is weakened, and I'm hallucinating?"

Tang Song closed his eyes, but the gentle light screen still persisted.

Turning his head, the light screen rotated with his line of sight but always remained directly in front of him.

Then, within the light screen, his entire journey in the game 'Tomorrow's Tycoon' began to play. The art style transitioned from the game's beautiful manga style to live-action. One by one, the plotlines flashed by, starting from Tang Song himself. The in-game secretaries, assistants, and capable subordinates all materialized into real people, accompanying him in his struggles, and together, they founded the Tang Song Group with a market value exceeding a trillion.

"Holy crap! Could it be that my dreams are coming true?"

Tang Song opened his eyes wide, an uncontrollable excitement surged within him. His soul trembled as if he had just immersed it in a pool of piping hot inspirational chicken soup.

Watching the familiar game plot transform into real scenes, the two-dimensional characters becoming real, Tang Song's heart grew hotter and hotter, and his face began to flush like blood.

Something big was happening. A system descended from the heavens, turning the game into reality. I am going to inherit the assets from my game!

A notification sounded—

"The main mission has been activated!"

(Mission: True Tycoon)

(Mission Description: A true tycoon should possess a solid economic foundation and outstanding superstructure. Through continuous efforts, you have amassed enormous wealth, but you do not yet have control over the superstructure of this wealth. Learn how to become a true tycoon.)

(Mission Progress: 0%)

Note 1: All achievements you accomplished in the game have now come into the real world, but currently, they are temporarily unavailable. They will be gradually unlocked as the mission progresses.

Note 2: The life of a tycoon should not only involve indulgence in wealth. Engage with positive energy from the world, maintain hope in life, and be brave to try new things. This will help enhance your mission progress.

Note 3: Always keep an eye on changes in your personal information. Improving yourself comprehensively will enable you to better accomplish the mission.