
After Acquiring Marvel, I Became the King of Hollywood

He was a third-rate director in his previous life, but he was reborn as a talented 23-year-old director in 1990s America. From then on, he became the box office king of Hollywood, the world's greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel, with one title after another added to his name. And for his first film, he chose "Saw"... Well, it's just a story about a modern third-rate director who transmigrated to the American entertainment industry and stirred up a storm. WARNING: SOME INACCURACIES MAY OCCUR IN THIS MTL, WHICH I EDITED FOR ME TO MAKE IT A LITTLE MORE READABLE. WARNING: NO COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED; ALL RIGHTS RESIDE ENTIRELY WITH THE OWNER. Cover Pic Not Mine Just found it on Google

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Chapter 116: Vic's Praise

With the departure of the young woman, the Warner Bros. staff made a note in their notebook and then approached another person who appeared to be in their twenties, dressed in a very avant-garde fashion.

They asked, "Hello, may I ask if you enjoy watching superhero movies? What are your thoughts on the upcoming release of 'The Dark Knight'?"

The young person immediately became excited and enthusiastically said, "Of course! I am the ultimate fan of DC comics, and my favorite superhero is Batman. He embodies the essence of the human spirit and battles against the gods. It's the perfect portrayal of him..."

After the questioning, the Warner Bros. staff made another record and repeated the process continuously.

The main purpose of this survey was to understand the audience of "The Dark Knight." They analyzed specific demographics, such as age, gender, and occupation, to help Warner Bros. conduct better marketing activities in the future.

The result was apparent after surveying thousands of people. More than 60% of respondents chose to watch the film based on Batman's name alone, as they were fans of the character. Around 20% were influenced by the unanimous positive reviews from film critics and were curious to see the movie.

Surprisingly, the remaining 20% were fans of Steve Kevin. With the consecutive success of his films, he had become a renowned director who consistently delivered excellent works in the hearts of the audience. Some viewers who already had the intention to watch a movie chose his film as their first choice among the many summer releases.

This was the scene that Warner Bros. discovered through their survey.


Inside the villa, Kevin listened to Helen reciting comments from renowned film critics while enjoying a massage from his sister, Ellen.

Helen's girlish voice was particularly crisp and hearing her recite the reviews was much more satisfying than reading them himself.

Helen appeared serious, treating this task as her most earnest work. She recited each word flawlessly, without any mistakes.

"According to film critic Porter, he said in the newspaper..."

"This is a special superhero movie where extraordinary abilities are not the focus. The emphasis lies in the ideas portrayed."

"In this film, Batman sheds his divinity. He is no longer a god-like superhero but a tragic young boy who endured a miserable childhood. This boy was consumed by fear, but ultimately conquered it and overcame his inner demons."

"Instead of blaming others for his misfortune, he sees what ordinary people cannot see, that Gotham City is the source of evil."

"So, he rises up with the spirit of a knight, protecting Gotham City... Undoubtedly, this is a masterpiece in the history of superhero films. I can't imagine any future superhero work that could have such depth."

"Steve Kevin, a director with magical abilities. Even superheroes, often criticized for their lack of depth, shine differently in his hands."


Kevin couldn't help but smile.

People always love to hear compliments, even though he knew these people were probably paid. But honestly, he felt delighted listening to them.

Observing Kevin's expression, Helen continued to recite.

"Next is the review by critic Vic, published in The Times."

"He embodies the essence of the human spirit and battles against the gods. This is the best portrayal of Batman, played by Bruce, in Steve Kevin's new masterpiece, 'The Dark Knight.'"

"To be honest, you might have read my previous reviews, and you know I approach all movies with a critical attitude. But 'The Dark Knight'..."

"It kept me awake all night, restless."

"As I recalled the film from beginning to end, I was astonished to find not a single flaw worthy of criticism."

"It's too perfect, perfect like art."

"Forgive me for my excessive praise. I love it too much."

"And because of this film, I will be Steve Kevin's most loyal fan from now on."

"For all his films, I will reanalyze and offer my best words of praise."


After listening to this segment of the review, Kevin couldn't help but blush. He could only hear unabashed praise and limitless advocacy.

The name Vic left a deep impression on him.


On the other side, in the evening...

Vic was at home, receiving joyful news from the editor of The Times.

"Vic, your latest film review has received a very positive response and garnered praise from many readers."

"Most of the praise comes from fans of director Steve Kevin."


"By the way, the impact of this review has led the editor to increase the payment. This time it's $500."


After a few more exchanges with the editor, Vic hung up the phone and shouted out loud in front of the couch.


Vic's wife was cooking in the kitchen and upon hearing his exclamation, she gave him a disdainful look and complained, "What are you shouting for? You'll wake the children up."

As a financially constrained family, they had chosen to marry and have children late in life, only starting their family in their thirties. Their two children, in their early teens, were already fast asleep upstairs.

At this moment, they were trying to enjoy some private time as a couple, away from their children, simply spending time together.

Vic, filled with excitement, said, "Honey, do you know why I'm so happy?"

Vic's wife rolled her eyes and was about to scold him, but then he quickly added, "Wait, look!"

Vic took out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from his pocket and placed them in his wife's hand.

"What is this?"

Vic's wife was filled with surprise.

Their family had savings of no more than $2,000, and they had to be frugal in their daily expenses.

Where did Vic get so much money?

Vic felt proud and said, "This is the payment Warner Bros. gave me after I became a well-known film critic. They invited me to attend a screening and paid me $10,000."

"Moreover, the editor just called and said they want to pay extra for this review, offering $500."

Vic's face was beaming with pride.

As someone who had always been a failure, he never expected to achieve success and rise up in his forties.

At this moment, Vic reaffirmed in his heart that he had chosen the right path—to praise and worship all of Steve Kevin's films, thereby attracting the attention of Kevin's fans.

Suddenly, Vic's wife put down the kitchen utensils and embraced Vic, bursting into tears.

A correct choice had given this family a new lease on life.


Time flies, and soon it's mid-May, and a premiere is about to take place.