
Adventures Of The Fateweaver (DXD and more)

When Eden, a child confined within a corrupt hospital for his entire life, finally takes his last breath, Fate takes pity on him and transports him into a world somewhat resembling his own. But, naturally, this world includes devils, dragons, and gods living alongside humanity. Fate, being a "benevolent goddess", provides her new champion with tools to defend himself, such as a magical sword with a sinister and violent history, and a magical house that conceals wondrous secrets spanning the multiverse. Worlds DXD, Gamers, Tsurezure Children, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki, and more.

Vex_900 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Interlude (The Red Dragon Emperor’s Last Stand)

{Raid Dungeon Day 12} 

Issei punched another one of the mushroom men, turning them into paste under his boosted gear. He then glanced around at the dire situation they had found themselves in. The only ones left in the dungeon, as far as he knew, were himself, Rias, Akeno, and Kiba. He wasn't sure if the fallen angels and Asia were still in the dungeon, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was the formidable enemy in front of them.

When the dungeon had begun, Eden had essentially left them to their own devices, instructing them to survive and defeat enemies if they could. However, their numbers had been dwindling ever since, and now only the four of them remained. They had attempted to find hiding spots or places to camp, but each one had been discovered by relentless monsters. These dungeon creatures were nearly as powerful as they were and significantly outnumbered them.

Currently, they were navigating through a dense forest after narrowly escaping a tribe of what Issei could only describe as beast men. Following that, they stumbled upon a colossal tree, its size comparable to a skyscraper. Given the suddenness of this encounter, they tried to leave, but an invisible barrier confined them within. This indicated that it was a boss room, a term familiar to Issei from his previous experiences in dungeons. The only way out was to defeat the boss, something he wasn't sure they could accomplish.

Issei's body moved instinctively, striking down every mushroom man that came within his range. He had already used his Boost ability around five times when he realized they were indeed in a boss room, but he felt that wasn't enough.

Fighting alongside him, Kiba wielded two swords, while Akeno flew around the tree, hurling bolts of lightning at giant flying insects emerging from holes within the tree. Rias, too, soared through the sky, releasing destructive energy spheres that exploded upon impact.

Despite the appearance of holding their own, Issei knew it wasn't the case. Even though he understood this was a simulation, even though he knew they would all return, he couldn't bear to see his friends, comrades, and beloved master die.

"Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost," Issei chanted, pushing his physical abilities to the limit, even at the cost of hearing some of his bones cracking. He charged at the giant tree, bulldozing everything in his path, be it mushroom or insect. For the first time in thirteen days, he refused to retreat. He would go forward, he would defeat this Giant Tree, or he would die trying.

Drawing closer to the tree, he punched it, but the sensation was like punching steel, sending waves of pain throughout his body. Then he attempted something he knew he was capable of but had never tried: "Boosted Gear: Scale Right Arm." In an instant, his entire right arm was enveloped by the Boosted Gear, along with the slight transformation it induced. Now, as he punched the tree again while remaining stationary, pieces of bark from its outer layer came off. A smile crept onto Issei's face; at least now, he could do something.

With Issei causing damage to the tree, all of the boss minions turned their attention to him and charged. This allowed the rest of the team to catch their breath and launch attacks on the monsters from behind. Issei, taking the brunt of the monsters' assault, took to the air and, while airborne, continued to inflict whatever damage he could upon the giant tree.

As Issei knocked off branches and drew the monsters' focus, particularly the giant flying insects, injuries began to accumulate. When he managed to dislodge an entire branch the size of a large tree, a giant wasp stung him in the leg. While trying to swat it away, Issei attempted to stay mobile. However, that one moment of stillness was enough. The monsters that had been pursuing him caught up, and instead of fleeing, Issei charged headlong into the swarm, taking down as many of them as he could before he was defeated.