
Adventures of the Cursed Children.

AlittlepiggyOg · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Meeting that was written in stone. 

One thousand year later.

Pale blue moonlight with a tint of red lit up the night sky. The world had two moons. A red moon and a blue moon.

Once the moon showed its light, the humans started to lock up their doors and barred their windows. They kneeled in front of the dragon god statue, praying in a hushed voice.

The inhabitants of the world have a saying; Every time the full moon comes out, destruction comes with it.

The red moon and the blue moon only appear together once in 10 years, and it showed signs of combining its light again in a few months.

Away from the human village, a pursuit was happening at the edge of the forest.

"Hiyah!" The coachman whipped his horse for faster speed.

"Damn it, they are closing on to us!" A masked man said while shooting his crossbow at the trees, making a steel wire trap for the people in pursuit of them.

The bushes in the forest trembled as a passing Vleugelloos-drawn carriage galloped through the muddy soil.

A descendant of the Pegasus, the Vleugelloos had their wings clipped when they were born, for the rich nobles to keep a magnificent horse without it flying away.

Its white figure turns red the moment they lose their wings, the purity of their soul changed into an incarnation of anger. The name that carried their eternal shame of being wingless was etched onto them.

Although the Vleugellos was fast, it still couldn't escape the pursuit of the chaser behind them.

"Damn it. It's been 3 days. Why haven't they given up already?" The coachman said.

Inside the carriage, a young woman wearing a blue frilly dress was tied up and her mouth was gagged. Her curly golden hair that reminded people of the sunlight on a sunny day was now a ragged and wet, her pretty face that was in the dreams of every young bachelor in the kingdom became pale skin complexion from being in the rain and her mascara was running down her face.

Drugged by her fiance candidate, she was kidnapped easily and without resistance. She had been asleep for two days, and she finally got rid of the effects of the drugs today.

After waking up, she steathlity started rubbing the rope bound on her arm to the sharp edge of the carriage chassis. The rope was almost cut off after she pretended to still be asleep for a day.

"Are you crazy? Why are we heading to the Forest of Darkness?" The masked man grabbed the collar of the masked coachmen. Holding the reins to the normal horse, the coachmen brushes off the other man's hand.

"This is the only way we can get them off our backs. Hiyah!" He slapped the reins holding the normal horse, causing them to neigh in pain and run faster.

The Forest of Darkness, the place where the dangerous magical beings lived. A place that rejected humans, a sanctuary for magical creatures for 1000 years.

The forest was a dark and damp place where they could die if someone took the wrong step. A place where all the inhabitants of Alexandria and Vamprilla didn't dare to go.

"I knew something like this would've 'appened. We shouldn't 'ave taken the job!" The first masked man was panicking.

His grandmother always told him about the horrors of the forest when he was a child and those stories had been etched in his mind. He would rather get caught than go inside the forest.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You're on your own now!" he stuttered as he jumped from the fast-moving carriage.

"Damn you! COWARD!!!" The coachmen yelled. He turned to see his friend rolling on the ground as he couldn't stop the momentum from the carriage.

However, his friend's luck was extremely bad. He rolled right into the flesh-eating ant nest at the entrance of the Dark Forest.

Numerous bullfrog-sized ants were startled by his presence and became agitated. The ants crawled under his clothes and onto his face.

"No…" He grabbed the ant on his face and squeezed it in his palm. A greenish fluid that had an acidic smell spread onto him. His mask was already uncovered when he fell.

His thin face that looked like the face of a mummified man was revealed from under the mask. He tried to escape, but a massive number of ants were crawling all over him. He was dragged into the nest in a matter of seconds, and no matter how hard he tried to struggle, he couldn't escape.

"Noo… Vick… Save me!!! NOOOO!!"

The light from his eye was diminishing, as the ants tore off his flesh in chunks, dutifully carrying the orders of their queen as they carried the meat to feed the queen. And In less than a minute, there wasn't anything left on his body, except for his bones and the worldly possessions he carried with himself.

The coachman heard the sound from afar but ignored the dying screams of his friend as he whipped the horse to go faster. Behind him, waves and waves of ant tide started following the carriage.

"DAMN IT ALL!!" The coachman named Vick yelled. He regretted taking the mission to kidnap the woman.

"This is all his fault!" He blamed the mischievous prince from which he received the mission.

The low hanging vine from the forest hit him in the head and he fell backwards into the tiny coach. His hands barely held on to the reins as he dodged the fate of falling to the ground.

His eyes widened as he saw the ant tide that was only 1 meter away from him while he was dangling from the carriage.

"UAHH!!" He screamed and pulled himself back quickly onto the carriage. Even at the fastest speed, he didn't think he could save himself from the ant tide.

Then, a lightbulb turned on in his brain. "That is…if I have a passenger." He mumbled underneath his breath. The coachmen turned to look at the whimpering woman.

"If I lose the weight. Then I may survive this."

The princess' eyes moved quickly as the kidnapper moved closer to her. Vick held her legs and dragged the squirming woman to the edge of the carriage.

However, the woman kicked him in the nuts before he could throw her away.

"Oof-" Vick held his balls and his knees became weak. Then, the woman kicked his chest, making him fall into the army of the ants. She snapped off the rope on her hand and removed the gag they had on her.

"F*cking son of bitches." She cursed the dying man swallowed by the army of the ants. Her golden eyes shine brightly on the ants for a moment, making them stunned for a split second without her realizing it.

"Damn it. Where the f*ck is that damn brother of mine?" Ophelia cursed, her manners completely unbecoming of a princess. That was probably the reason why her brother had to tell her to shut her mouth whenever they were invited into a formal event.

Her reputation of being the most prim and proper noble lady of the kingdom would've been shattered if her brother lets her be her true self. And of course, she won't even have a fiance candidate.

Ophelia crawled into the coach position, and started to guide the horses to where she wanted to go.

"There is a cliff nearby if I'm not mistaken. Sure hope reading the extremely boring Book of Explorer that Archimedes wrote actually was useful."

The ant's tide didn't stop following her until they reached the end of the cliff. However, she realized that the carriage wouldn't be able to make the jump to the other side of the road.

"We can do it horsey. Come on!" She jumped on top of the horse, and cut off the reins that tied the horse to the carriage.

"JUMP!" She commanded the red horse. The horse jumped over the 15 meter gap on the cliff to get to the other side of the road while the carriage fell down on the river below.

The horse landed on the other side of the cliff, saving her from the ant tide. "WE DID IT HORSEY" she hugged the horse and jumped down from it.

"Brother." She muttered in concern as she knew her brother was the one following behind her. Now , her brother was the one who had to face the ant tide.

"Well, he'll survive." Ophelia dismissed her concern quickly and turned to the horse.

But, Ophelia didn't realize that some of the thread on her dress was stuck on the carriage, and her dress was slowly unraveling. When it reached her hips, it jerked her backward, into the cliff.

"Mother-" She fell from a height of 100 meter into the river below. She tried to swim to the surface, but the current was too strong. Her breath leaked from her mouth and she could barely stay conscious.

After struggling for a while, her body lost the fight against the water current and she lost consciousness. The strong current of the river from the rain, took her deep into the most forbidden area of humanity, her fate unknown.

The night passes slowly, and daylight comes.

Deep inside the Forest of Darkness, a young teenager seemed to just be getting out from a swim in the river.

His reddish black hair was wet and he kneeled on the ground, coughing out some chicken and ducks feathers.

"BLUEK-" The teenage boy puked, and a chicken head came out from his mouth.

His long hair covered half of face, and his shabby clothes were torn. His skinny body braced against the cold wind, making him cross his arms to give himself warmth.

"What- how- What have I done last night?" He said while rubbing his hand on his body.

Vinci couldn't comprehend what had happened to him last night.

The last time the exact same situation happened was when he was 7 years old. He lost consciousness during the night, and woke up in strange places.

"Where am I?" He said as he rubbed his nose. He took a deep breath, trying to find the scent of his home.

He turned back as his nose caught a peculiar scent. Vinci widened his eyes when he saw a blonde woman in her underwear nearby the place he regained consciousness by the river.

The woman was clinging on to her last light of life. Her body was purple and battered, her bones were broken in various parts of her body. She was mangled by the fast current of the river. She almost died in the river, until a dark shadow jumped into the water and dragged her to the land before dawn.

Vinci feared the worst. "Did I do this to her? I-" He kneeled hurriedly beside her and started to check up on her. Then, he felt extreme disgust after knowing who she was.

"A human?" Vinci said with gritted teeth.

He contemplated for a second, before he let out a deep sigh. He knew he had important things to do. Slowly, he picked up the woman in his arms and brought her to his dilapidated house that he built by himself.

The small shack has a water wheel on its side, and it was made from various colored wood. There was a simple orchard on the house's side, and a farm on its back. Entering the house, a thick scent of herb and book assaulted his nose.

He smiled and said, "Luckily I woke up near my house."

He laid her down on the bed, and he took out various potions to help her. However, he knows it won't do much for her at this state. He started to chew the herbs and medicine, filling his mouth with the bitter taste.

He approached her casually, and kissed her cold lips akin to a corpse. When the herb was mixed with his saliva, the healing property was activated and started to heal the woman.

He grimaced his face, and he stuck out his tongue after the kiss. Next, he started to… lick her body… his tongue moved from her face, to her neck, to her chest, to her stomach, and to her inner thigh.

Ophelia was unconscious for 3 day. During that time, Vinci had fed her some food and water using mouth-to-mouth techniques, and he kept licking her bruises.

All of her body was bandaged, and Vinci had to constantly look after her lest that she died in his sleep.

On the third day, Vinci was doing the same thing to heal her. However, at the time he was licking her inner thigh, Ophelia's eyes snapped open and looked at him.

"Pervert!" She screamed and kicked him in the face. He staggered backward and fell to the floor.


The barely healed bones in Ophelia's body were broken again from her sudden movement.

"Arghhh!!" She screamed as the rare pain in her life as a noble woman was torture for her. Vinci saw what was happening, and ran toward her, not minding the bruise on his head.

He chewed on some herb, and wanted to kiss her, but she started to resist him. He had no choice but to overpower her and pinning her down on the bed.

Forcefully, he missed her lips multiple times, but he fought her until she reluctantly accepted the herb he was transferring.

She widened her eyes as the pain started to leave her body when she swallowed his saliva. She closed her eyes and greedily intruded her tongue inside his mouth. He tried to remove his lips, but the girl grabbed his neck and started to kiss him passionately.