
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Problem and completing the mission

When Getrar entered the branch of the alchemist association he collided with an alchemist who was running around the place, she seems to have been holding important ingredients because of how he was holding them.

A trait that identified alchemists was their pride, as their medications were of great importance to the forces of an empire, including cities, guilds, etc. The reason is that their medications could increase and improve the understanding of martial arts or even the magic that some individual is practicing, also heal illnesses, poisons and wounds, both fatal and minor, but the most important thing is that they could help rejuvenate the appearance of one and also lengthen the useful life, but these had an incomparable value, that only royalty or martial artists and magicians could pay.

There were legends about immortality, but they were only historical records in leagues of myths and legends, but those individuals who encountered importality, supposedly encountered a fortuitous and fortunate opportunity that allowed them to find an alchemical object that gave them eternal life and these were hidden in places where mortals could not access.

Thanks to that, alchemists felt above all others, which often caused conflict and misunderstanding.

"Damn, who dares to push me? Bold, I am Ceophia, an experienced alchemist, and if you want to touch me, this lady will teach you what fear means."

Getrar was surprised and got up and immediately tensed, as insulting an alchemist was serious, but ...

"Sorry Miss Ceophia, I was the one who collided with you, but you were running, so frankly you lady was at fault, I could only apologize, but you should not have any punishment for it."Getrar said calmly.

"It doesn't matter who was at fault, what happened is that you hurt me and that's enough to punish you, I hope the brain in your head understands it" Ceophia claimed as if she was correct.

"What you're saying is that even if you are partly to blame, you do not even have to apologize for your mistake, you do not listen to yourself, it does not make sense at all, you are a person and me too, only differentiates our state, but nothing else, so I won't face you. " Getrar said, almost losing his temper.

"As you dare to question and insult me, I swear that this would not end, you will see how a lady treats the vandals." Ceophia screech.

"Then tell me what you are going to do, it doesn't seem like you have any real authority here, no one is even coming to help you, so tell me, what are you capable of if not just because of your alchemist background." Getrar claimed.

Getrar realized that no one came in support of this woman even though they were in the same association and her outbursts were not in a low voice, so Getrar felt that she was not very well seen here.

"Unfortunate, this lady will claim her guild for her misdeeds and see how it is finished by me." Ceophia threatened with an irritated and proud face.

"Then do what you want, I really do not care since, in this world not only your state can support you, the logic you use will leave you embarrassed in the guild, and also you were not in a hurry for something, it seems that you forget since you are talking bullshit here, I recommend that you go back to your affairs and stop wasting time. " Getrar said in a semi-mocking tone.

"Rude, hump, this lady won't forgive you so easily." Ceophia said remembering the matter.

Ceophia ran back to her destination.

"Well I think for now I avoided the issue."

* Clap clap clap *

Applause was heard in the distance, Getrar looked surprised from where they came and saw some apprentice alchemists smiling at him.

"Young alchemists, why are you applauding me as I argued with one of your fellow alchemists?" Getrar asked, surprised.

"Comrades, hahaha that girl is an arrogant woman to the extreme and she always bothers the lowest-ranking alchemists, so we are glad that someone put her in her place." Several apprentice alchemists said at the same time.

"Hehehehe, it wasn't intentional, but it's really too annoying, so it was also satisfying." Getrar said cheerfully

"If you could tell me, I would like to know something. Do you know why she ran like this?" Getrar asked.

"We don't really know either, but sometimes she looks rushed, like she has a problem or something, but we really can't care less." The alchemists said indifferently.

"Good, until next time, goodbye" Getrar said to the alchemists.

'The truth surprises me the indifference and strange behavior that is here, maybe that woman has a problem and that's why she acts like this, it's as if she was defending herself or putting an invisible wall, because in reality, despite sounding annoying, she said things crazy and pointless, and for an alchemist who is smart, mmmmhhh '.

Getrar was left with the doubt, since he did not feel that this Ceophia was actually going to cause him any trouble, but it seemed that she was trying to make ridiculous excuses and try to seem important, she even looked nervous.

'Maybe the next time I see her I will ask her, but just MAYBE.'

Then Getrar went to the big table where it seemed that the business of buying and selling medicines was done, I waited patiently for his turn and when his turn came ...

"Listen, I tell you, I don't know what you're talking about," said the employee behind the table.

"Since you don't know, I'm sure I lost my grass with the 5 rainbow petals here." Said an alchemist.

Before the conversation continued, Getrar stood in front of the individual and told him that it was his turn and to get lost.

The alchemist who seemed experienced level, and seemed quite fierce, stared at him in astonishment.

"Listen to me well no matter if it was your turn or not, I was speaking here and it is your bad luck that I put myself in front of you" said the alchemist trying to be intimidating, which despite his appearance did not affect at all Getrar.

Getrar looked at him and radiated a strong murderous aura and took his sword, as if to intimidate the alchemist.

"What are you going to do, you idiot, you wouldn't dare harm an alchemist and even less in this place, hahaha" The alchemist said trying to seem calm.

"If you don't get lost right now don't blame me for being ruthless, I warn you, since I'm not in the mood ..." Getrar said increasing his killing intent, causing this idiot to feel enormous pressure.

"Okay I'll be lost now sir" The alchemist said trembling, he completely forgot what he had said before.

It is true that Getrar would not dare to harm him in that place, he just bluffed, but he would not be intimidated, so he sent him a little of his murderous aura and as he thought, he could not resist it, since the alchemists do not face dangers, they are only preparing medicines.

"Thank you young adventurer" the employee said to Getrar, with a charming smile.

"No problem, these things happen, well the thing is that I am here to complete a mission" Getrar gave him the grass and the message where the mission request was written.

"Very well, here is the reward, thank you very much and I hope you visit us again if you need any medicine", she laughed coyly at Getrar, but even though the latter realized it, he did not care, they did not even know each other and only It scared the guy because it bothered him, it wasn't because of her, so he just nodded in response to the receptionist's disappointment.

'Okay, she stamped me the completed mission paper and gave me the corresponding 500 white crystals.'

Currently the economy is based on crystals, there are black, white, silver and gold. Each of the above goes from least to greatest value, 1 gold crystal equals 100 silver crystals, 1,000 white crystals and 10,000 black crystals. These are found in large quantities in mines in the mountains or in certain places with environmental factors that favor their formation.

'Now it's time to head to the guild'