
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Arriving to the City of Dorwen and Apocaliptic Assassin Group

In the distance a fairly large city could be glimpsed, but it was not yet comparable to an imperial capital, this city had high walls, with evenly arranged bricks, and also had defense towers, probably made to intimidate, although it was not very effective in exiles. that they were guided by the murderous instinct, against thugs it was more efficient.

The city of Dorwen was larger than the city that Getrar had previously come from, which was called Exzod, these two cities were in the Sorgdasgar empire.

'Now that I am arriving in the city of Dorwen, I will search the alchemists association and then I will go to the guild to find another mission ... yes, good plan.'

'Since this is the first time I am here, I will ask the guards at the entrance.'

When Getrar was in front of the entrance, he realized that something was happening, since some screams were heard and people were seen crowded as if trying to see a * show *.

'People always so ....' Getrar sighed to himself.

"Excuse me, do you know what's going on here?" Getrar asked a passerby.

"I have no idea either, friend, but from what I heard, someone tried to sneak into the city, but as I said before, it is only a rumor, since it is rare that someone dares to cross while the guards are guarding the entrance of the city." The passer-by answered.

Getrar approached and saw something that stunned him, a person in a black cloak, was trying to * enter * the city, but ...


"Assassin, who are you and why are you doing this?" One of the door guards asked as he looked at the lifeless body of his companion beside him.

"Stupid guard, we of the apocalyptic assassin group, have the mission to carry out the ragnarok and fulfill the will of our supreme lord"

The murderer said as he tried not to vomit blood that was already dripping from his mouth, since he had been stabbed and pierced by a sword in his chest.

* Bluagh *

Suddenly, the killer vomited a huge amount of blood and fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut and inert.

There was slight chaos at the words spoken by the unknown assassin, but then the other guards successfully attempted to calm the public's commotion.

The guards began talking to each other, "We will have to inform the city governor and see what his orders will be" said one of them, who appeared to be the leader of the guards.

After a long time everything returned to normal, so people were able to enter the city.

"Okay, now that everything is calm I will ask a guard about the alchemist association and the guild."

"Hello, could you tell me where the alchemist society and the guild are located in this city?" Getrar asked gently one of the guards stationed at the door.

"jejejeje, so new to the city eeeh, look, go straight on this street and you will come to a square, keep walking on the main street, which is the busiest and you will see a sign indicating that it is the guild, and the Association is even simpler, it easily reaches the plaza and it is easy to see a large building, with stairs that go up to the entrance of the association ". The guard replied calmly to Getrar, so that he understood everything correctly.

"But there are also interesting places to spend the night, you understand me a certain hehehe" The guard winked at Getrar.

Getrar of course understood the hint and laughed in response.

While walking through the city, Getrar was amazed by the buildings: houses, inns, bars, blacksmiths, auction stores, among others that look very well done, but when he reached the plaza, he saw a huge fountain from which the water dripped like a waterfall, and there were beautiful lotus flowers completely open around them, they were beautiful flowers, their pink and white petals were completely extended and their color was completely perfect, they did not have any speck of dust on them.

Getrar saw many people entering and leaving the business stores and many enjoying the peace that they felt in this square, some were in a loving couple and others alone, but even so, these looked happy, as if they were experiencing the wonders of heaven.

The floor had a kind of mosaic made of bricks of different colors that covered the center of the square, it was a beautiful view.

------ Elsewhere in Dorwen City -------

Shit, Grimo screwed it up, we sent a message to the other city to send us a decent subordinate and expand the stimulant drug there, well, it's still in the experimental phase, but with these familyless commoners that we caught, we can continue experimenting with these exiles, hehehehe ...

------ Back with Getrar -------

He followed the instructions of the guard to the letter and first visited the alchemist's association to fulfill the mission.

The closer he got to the building, the more surprising it seemed, to the point where Getrar's eyes looked like stars.

The white marble from which the building was built, like it's staircases, seemed from another world.

In addition there were two columns arranged vertically between the door as if supporting the ceiling. The building only had one floor, but it was still quite tall and also wide.

Inside it were pine wood furniture treated in some way that Getrar did not know, they seemed sanded on the edges and covered with a shiny wax, they looked quite majestic and refined.

There was also a large table or bar that was apparently used to buy and sell objects and alchemic medicines.

There were many people inside lining up to buy and / or sell alchemical items.

Most of them were high-level adventurers or characters wearing clothes of the nobility.

Getrar was excited thinking about what the guild would look like, but he knew that it would not be so impressive, since when speaking of alchemy, it is like speaking of wealth and majesty.