
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Preparations, Strange Situation and Second Mission

Getrar proceeded to find a mission that suited his requirements.

As he did so, he realized that the rewards for completed quests did not seem adequate for his difficulty, his reward being few crystals, as his friends had said a moment earlier.

'So what Pox and Los told me was correct, but this seems too stingy, the economy seems to be really on the decline, well, I prefer to do nothing, since I have neither the right nor the power to change anything'.

Getrar sighed deeply and continued his search.

Here is a very interesting one, which says that you have to go to a meadow not far from this city, and my duty is to annihilate some exiles who are causing serious problems for some inhabitants of a town called Glost.

This town was small and its economy was based on the trade of medicinal herbs and cattle.

Herbs are currently sold to alchemists, and livestock to street vendors or others who sell cattle at city branches.

Being a small town, it did not have the necessary military strength to defend itself, so it generally requested help from the city of Dorwen, which was the closest.

This town had the problem that it had to be built next to some forest, so they had no choice but to face those kinds of problems, and they had to be close to some forest so that their herbs could grow in a suitable environment and be able to catching cattle more easily.

Getrar presented the guild employee with the mission he had chosen.

He then proceeded to leave the guild and walk around the city in search of stores that sold the resources necessary to survive outside the city, for example: stores that sold pills to recover wounds and poisons, blacksmithing for traps or the like, and finally, stores who were in charge of selling food and drinks.

'Then let's think about what I need, since the place is not very far from the city, I do not need many resources, that is good since I will not need to spend many crystals'.

'In my backpack I have enough objects to make hunting traps, I have nothing to heal me, so if I get hurt or poison I could have problems, although I could handle it myself if there are necessary herbs in nature'.

'Visiting the alchemist association and buying something in case you are seriously injured, maybe a good idea, it is quite difficult to be poisoned in these places, since in the meadows there are not many poisonous exiles, and finally, I need food and drinks'.

Getrar walked all day, first went to a shop near the guild, it was a smithy, there he bought a whetstone for his hunting knives and his katana, he also took advantage of the sale of some claws and scales that could serve the blacksmith, counting Between its sale and purchase, it lost some black crystals, but it was not an amount worth mentioning.

Later he went to a fair, where there were many shops arranged to the right and left on the main street, it was surely one of the places where more crystals were negotiated.

He slowly walked through all the stores to see if there was anything that might interest him, but to his regret, nothing was really valuable, so he stopped wasting time and went straight to a store that sold food and drinks.

"Hello, Mr. Merchant, could you tell me the price of these foods and these drinks", Getrar greeted and spoke amicably to the merchant.

"Oh ok, these vegetables you see here cost 300 black crystals and these cold drinks cost 500 black crystals", the merchant told Getrar.

He had 4000 black crystals, in the smithy he spent 700, therefore he had 3300 left, but now with this expense of 800, he had 2500 black crystals left.

"Then I'll take these things, here you have 800 black crystals," Getrar told him and gave the corresponding crystals to the merchant.

Before continuing, Getrar went to a restaurant near the fair for lunch, ate some Kur (similar to rice, but was darker, longer and thinner) with Laintal, which was the same meat tried before at the inn.

Everything cost him 1,300 crystals, which left him with only 1,000 black crystals, so he decided not to go to the alchemist association, he would try to be more careful not to have any accident and not regret this decision, but what Getrar did not know It was that he should have gone to the association, but would only find out later.

Getrar left the city shortly after lunch.

When he was leaving, he looked to the side of the city gate and saw the guard who had helped him previously, and he had a worried face.

Getrar approached the guard and asked him.

"What's the problem, does he look very concerned?"

"Actually I'm having a serious problem, but it's something very personal, aahh, I remind you, you're the one who asked me for directions, the new boy," said the guard to Getrar.

"Yes, my name is Getrar, just so you know, and if I could help you, tell me, since since you helped me, I would like to return the favor." Getrar said to the guard in a friendly way.

"It was my duty back then, you don't owe me anything, and now that we're talking about, how was your apparently short time in the city?" The guard asked him.

"Emmm, haha, I had some setbacks here and there, but they are not important enough to mention," Getrar said to the guard.

"I understand, if you say it with such confidence, I suppose it wasn't a big problem." He agreed with Getrar.

"Well then I say goodbye, but anyway, my previous proposal for help will still be valid, just let me know if you need anything," Getrar said to the guard as he walked away.

Because Getrar did not leave the city too late, he was able to find a good path to the meadow with ease, this was a path without many obstacles, there were not many bushes or large rocks nearby, which gave Getrar much more visibility to avoid an enemy ambush.

It wasn't long until the exiles began to see each other on the horizon, even though they still had a long way to go to reach the meadow.

Getrarus could see a herd of Rushdogs, they were quite a surprising amount for the place where they were, since they were not near the forest and there was not much fauna to feed either.

When they were relatively close, he noticed something strange in their appearance, they looked quite malnourished, saliva ran through their mouth, as if they had not eaten in a long time, their eyes were weakened, not to say cloudy, they did not have the golden color that they normally presented It was now pale yellow, and its pupils, which had a horizontal oval shape, similar to sheep's pupils, were dilated and almost lifeless.

'How strange, so that they look like this half-dead and so malnourished, mmmh ... what really happened to them? If I think about it carefully, they should not be in this place, since here it is very difficult to find food for They, I think there are only two options, the first is that where they were, the food ran out due to the preexistence of predators or a very powerful exile made them leave their habitat. '

'Now they are desperate to find food, but let's say, unfortunately for them, they targeted me, really what a pity, even though they are a considerable number, I can deal with them and since they did not have their heads in order, they will act recklessly and their movements will be more predictable, so I will use them to practice my sword art'.

Around 4 Rushdogs appeared, almost dead, in the end Getrar would not have to make much effort to finish them off.

Two of them leaped fiercely towards Getrar, displaying their menacing and sharp fangs, and along with their claws that caused the same effect was an imminent threat, they attempted to bite and tear at Getrar, but to their bad luck, their movements were slow.

Getrar slipped quickly and dodged the two Rushdogs in midair, one on the left side and the other on the right, and with impressive speed, Getrar had already pulled out his katana with which he cut them in half as they crossed the air.

As he glided across the ground, the other two let out a fierce roar and ran towards Getrar the moment their displacement was almost over, Getrar saw them arrive and with the momentum of the glide he turned and stopped in front of the two Rushdogs approaching , and as soon as they reached their direction, they quickly released their claws, but it wasn't enough to stop Getrar, he jumped up and stood behind them, running towards them and beheading them cleanly ... finished with the four Rushdogs.

'Now that I'm done with this, I found this strange situation, the exiles are moving away from their habitat, I hope it is not related to my mission, because if so, I might have to face something I did not expect. '

Although Getrar had these thoughts in mind, he was calm, he finally reached a place next to the indicated meadow, that meadow had a varied flora, it was very likely that they were medicinal herbs that had been cultivated.

It was a place that showed that it had been treated in some way, since it had no rocks or wild plants.

In one direction it was possible to see the Hestarin forest that was far away, although not far enough to have a safe life, it was also possible to see a city, possibly the one that had asked for help.

The city was quite far from this area, surely this cultivation place had been abandoned some time ago.

It was already getting dark, which was not a good sign for him as there weren't many camping spots, but he had no other choice, he decided to back off a bit and camp behind a big rock that was near the target meadow.

'The time has finally come to fulfill the mission I chose'.