
Adventures of a Samurai in Search of Mastery of the Sword

In a world with prehistoric beings, but in a fantastic medieval setting, a samurai seeks the peak of sword martial arts. New adventures and martial arts. New romances. New Powers Chs: 2-4 week After Chapter 4 they lengthen.

Jocarex · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Guild and buddies

Getrar moved away from the guard with whom he had spoken about the crime, luckily the main door of the mansion faced the main street and Getrar could go directly to the guild from there.

When he approached the guild, Getrar saw a clearly visible sign indicating his location, so getting lost for an adventurer was not very possible, it was infallible.

The exterior looked quite decent, you could tell it was a more developed city guild, it had a second floor and big windows, it was made of treated wood and it looked very elegant, it had curtains that were clearly visible from the outside, which it meant that the windows were very clean and the curtains were beautiful, they had a gold border and the rest was fire red, its entrance was a double door and the knob was smooth.

Although it was far inferior to the alchemist association building, it was far superior to most buildings in the city.

He entered the guild and saw many people laughing and others frustrated, he imagined that some successfully completed the missions and others had failed, surely the latter were overvaluing their skills, this sometimes happened among too bold adventurers.

Something he noticed out of the corner of his eye, there was a person he seemed to have seen before at the inn, surrounded by an aura of darkness and loneliness in a corner as if he were looking at him, began to cause him discomfort.

Getrar did not know why, but it gave him a bad feeling, and he remembered the event at the inn.

'Why does that person give me the chills? Well, it's a vague feeling, maybe it doesn't mean anything, for now I'll focus on choosing my next mission, but not before I go to the training dojo and check my development in martial arts, and check if I've already

Having reached the rank of experienced, all the things that have happened lately could have helped me gain enough experience to make a breakthrough'.

The dojo was a guild side establishment, it was generally at the back and quite large as it included various types of training, for example long range targets for archers, short range targets for melee martial artists and also targets of both types for magicians.

Of course, these people had weapons available if they did not have their own weapon, but ideally each should have their own personal weapon like Getrar as it would help them understand the path they were following, for example the path of martial arts of the sword, the saber, the fist, the palm, the kicks, the bow, among others, and also to improve your skills with the weapon.

Something that all martial artists were looking for was to develop the intention of the weapon that they choose for their personal use, this intention is similar to the intention or murderous aura that one could generate, but that was an intention that the individual emitted.

The intention was shown in colored glitters, which changed as they improved, first showing a violet glow, then changing to blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, and finally red.

Violet color was the weakest intention and red was the strongest intention, this intention improved the attack, first doubled it, then tripled it and so on until it increased to seven times.

To achieve this, understanding was required, which could be obtained through meditation, and if one were lucky in those meditations, one could achieve enlightenment that would significantly increase understanding and could even achieve advancement of intention, and also thanks to Alchemical pills, the practice was not very suitable to develop the intention, since it was necessary to kill to develop it and it was not always possible to find targets for it.

It was said that when the fifth aura was reached, any individual who practiced the same art and did not have the same intention could be defeated and that when the seventh was reached, mountains could be cut and seas separated, and anyone with a level could be defeated. bottom with just a casual move, but this was accomplished by individuals who reached the dominator level.

When Getrar entered, he saw many martial artists, but went directly to a melee target to assess his growth, not realizing that 2 people were looking at him, but this time they were not suspicious people, but people he had met in the Exzod city.

They were a woman who practiced fire magic and a man who practiced the saber martial art, they were both on the same team and only met by chance on a mission, they got along quite well, they had a fairly direct and honest personality.

The woman had red scales all over her body and on her abdomen she had orange scales, her tail was neither long nor short, she had abundant breasts and she did not have a very formed musculature, which made her have an elegant body, of course it was what you could see under her red dress, and her sleeves were orange, a light dress, just for a magician, her face was smooth, nose and ears of an ideal size, red eyes like her scales, with a pupil horizontal, for what looked like snake eyes, he had a refreshing and warm air, he did not reach a mature air, probably because he was still young, his hair was very long and he had it tied in the shape of a ponytail, it was Smooth and bright orange color, in short it was a beauty.

Getrar liked her appearance and personality very much, but he did not look at her with lust, he did not feel love for her, at least not yet, since he was fully focused on his martial arts and also the matter of the ninjas who went after him they had a worried mind, this beautiful woman was called Loslos, and they nicknamed them Los.

The man was coarser, green and hard scales, he was muscular, but not toned to the point of looking refined compared to Getrar, he had a long tail and his face was normal, with short and tousled hair. His name was Pox.

He was a little jealous of Getrar because it was obvious that Los was attracted to Getrar, but still he did not prevent them from getting along.

They approached and greeted him, just there Getrar realized his existence.

"Hello buddy, so long without seeing you, how have you been?" Pox asked kindly.

"yes..., yes..., Getrarus, how have you been?" Los asked shyly and stuttered a bit.

"Fine, thanks for asking (Getrar avoided telling him about the assassins who were after him so as not to worry them) and you both, how have you been? Getrar asked amicably too.

"We are both fine, working hard to earn ourselves a few crystals to survive, things are not very good in the economy lately." Pox said.

Los did not speak much, since in front of Getrar she was a little shy, although tried even a little.

"It is true what Pox says, the missions are not giving many crystals, unless you do risky missions, but as we are both beginners we do not go to do too much" said she worried about the issue.

'Then I will have to take a risk, I have no choice if I want to improve and dominate the path of the sword'.

Then he said goodbye to both and returned to what he was going to do, which was to see his development in his martial art, he gave some cuts, practiced some techniques and happily realized that he had made a breakthrough, it was time to ask for a mission to the employee than shown the missions and give her the succesed mission paper.

Getrarus approached the table where the missions were published and where the personnel in charge of receiving and giving the missions to the adventurers were.

The guild receptionist received the paper with the ring of the completed mission.

He congratulated him and told him where the missions were located so that he could choose another one.

"Thank you for the congratulations and for your respective indications, now I will go to choose a mission and I will come back to report the one I chose" Getrar told the employee.