
Adventures Of A Cicada (Paused)

"Hey system I pick the Venom Cicada,I want to be that one please" ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this world strength is everything. The strong hail and the weak get stepped on. Kim was your not so average Korean boy until he randonmly died one day. How did he die, even he didn't know? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Join the adventure following the death of a 17 year old who reincarnates into the body of a cicada. Learn with him,grow with him and share experiences with him. This is the story of a small Cicada in a new world full of vast adventure. How will he cope? Will he ever get his memories back? Who is the mysterious God? And what underhanded villainy is going on behind the scenes? ------------------------------------------------------------------- The story of how one of the weakest beings the cicada uses the evolution system to rise. #Schedule release at least 2-3 chapters a week Discord -https://discord.gg/2n2Vp9KtP9

RayVer · Fantasy
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15 Chs

False God's Proclamation

𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"Let's talk, this out miss, we are both civilised individuals. I don't want to end up like that spider. I rea..lly didn't mean to offend you", stammers the young fairy with absolute fear in her eyes.

Looking at her she really is fearful, huh. Can't blame her though after witnessing that incident anyone in their right mind would be.

What incident are you on about you may be wondering?

You wanna know, you really wanna know. I guess I could tell you but you should say please first.


Yeah you're not going to say please are you, however since I've already vented off some steam and am in a relatively better mood I guess I'll recount what happened. Get ready though.

So let's get started!


𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐎𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫...

My legs trembled with rage.

'This little vixen b*itch how dare she mock me. Does she know what I've been through.'

Anger pulsated through my body, surging through every vein and blood vessel that I could possibly have. My very being screamed 'destroy, destroy, destroy'. They had woken up the sleeping terminator inside of me and they would soon regret it.

Today someone was going to get hurt. That I was sure of.

I turned my eyes to the little wind fairy and the spider. My rage-o-meter scaling upwards exponentially. Now which one should I deal with first.

The spider or the fairy, hmmmmm. Both are very tempting choices.

"Let's have a bit of fun!", I shouted out loud whilst giggling. There was no turning back now.

The fear in the fairy's eyes when she heard me say this was very amusing. Her hopeful eyes quickly dimmed like a blown-out candle. All her hope disappearing, leaving only despair.

Now I'm no sadist, I'm not okay. However, I can assure you that at this present moment, I Chino the cicada was enjoying this very much.

Looks like I'd found some fun little test subjects to mess around with.

I was about to start toying with my opponents, like what any great anime villain would do. Whilst looking at the unbeknownst victims, many thoughts surged through my mind.

What to start with, should I give an evil speech? Or perhaps tell them a miserable sad backstory, which inspired me to become a villain? Maybe, even better the story of one that had gotten betrayed by the love of his life, and now walked down the path to destruction?

So many options to choose from, which to use... which to use. This was such a difficult decision. Perhaps, the very destiny of the universe itself depended on my answer.

I repeat that my decision was very, very, very important. Although, I thought this I didn't think that spider-kun understood the mood.

Not a very smart spider was it. As soon as I started contemplating my confounding introduction, the stupid eight-legged brain pig decided it was a good idea to try wrapping me around with poison entailed threads.

It looked at me like I was some sort of delectable snack. Some weak prey. A little small interruption to its grudge to the crazy fairy.

I quickly avoided its attack, my newfound speed allowing me to leisurely evade its attack.

It looked at me with annoyance.

What did it expect me to stand there and do nothing, surely not?

The ugly green slimy creature then proceeded to start shrieking at me angrily.

Maybe before gaining my new skill, whatever it said was indecipherable to me, however now that I possessed the universal language comprehension skill, I understood every single word that it said.

"Oh hohoho, quite the daring one now spider-kun aren't you! You know a spider-suited hero in my old world had a saying. It went something like with great power comes great responsibility. And I agree with him, with great power does come great responsibility"

The wind fairy looked relieved that my attention had gone from her to the spider and the spider looked rather perplexed.

"Spider-kun I plan to use my great power to responsibly put you to death!", I angry hissed, releasing all my pent-up animosity. My carefree jovial mood was gone, and all that leaked out from me now was killing intent. Lots and lots of killing intent.

The spider quickly understood the change in mood, its senses heightening.

[Skill intimidate (lvl 1) acquired]

I quickly ignored the systems message.

You are probably wondering what caused me to get so worked up and agitated.

Well, it's rather simple. This little spider here had a rather loose mouth, it was time for it to learn who was in charge. This was now the big boys league, or should I say big women's league. Well, whatever it was it was certainly time to put this spider into its rightful place.

The grave.

If you're wondering what it said to me to get me so triggered, I'll graciously provide you a translation. Unless you know the language of the spider, which in that case you can already understand why I'm so upset, however I don't think that there are any spider whisperer's here. Are there?


Spider screech translation

-" You pitiful bug why did you dodge my webs. Are you stupid? You a weak and feeble creature should be beyond joy that such a great existence as I have even let my divine webs touch something so disgusting and unsightly. I am a GOD you are NOTHING! Trash like you dare resist. Tch! Become my food and stay still you stupid cicada!"


And here we are now.

At least with the fairy I partially understood that what she said was to garner my attention, not that I was going to forgive her. However, with this spider it was honestly looking down upon me. It honestly thought of me as trash and seen itself as a divine God!

I was already in a bad mood and it made things worse.

Oh well, whatever happened to it now was brought about it by itself.

The spider which had been observing me silently, finally decided that it was time to pounce. It quickly dug its many legs into the ground to propel itself forward, giving it a massive boost as it headed towards me.

I evaded rather easily pushing myself a few metres away from it, as dust clouded the air in fine particles. It was probably trying to use the dust as a camouflage.

"Tch! Petty tactics, what else could you expect from a spider?"

Now looking at it, the spider didn't really seem that much of a fearsome opponent.

Are these the same type of spiders that I was afraid of before? Were they always weak-fry. Oh, wait but this one looked relatively young and smaller than the ones that I met that fateful day. Perhaps it was a young hatchling that had come out recently.

The point being, it was not as expectedly strong as I thought it was.

After gaining some distance I decided, to try out my new skill, blood manipulation. The dust would give me some time to prepare.

In my mind I started envisioning the creation that I wanted to make. Sharp pointy bullets, sharp pointy bullets. Repeatedly again and again I pictured the same thing. Then out of nowhere a sharp claw silently headed towards me, gashing the corner of my skin.

It was good that I had my wits about me. Seems that this spider wasn't as useless as I thought, I guess. The active spider reminded me of the saying that even a cornered rat was dangerous. It was clear to me that it used the dust to block my eyesight, whilst using it's eight eyes which probably had the ability to see through the dust.

Looks like it was taking this quite seriously. Unbeknownst to me a small smile formed on my face.

The battle continued.

Whilst having to simultaneously dodge the impeding attacks of the spider, I also had to keep my mental image up.

This was quite difficult indeed, however I needed to master this sort of combat. Better now than never against an opponent that wasn't too much of a threat.

I continued to picture my miniature bullet, stakes. If my mental image broke now, then all my endeavours up to now would be pointless. It was like this for another minute.

No matter how much I envisioned nothing occurred. This continued until I changed my approach.

Instead of imagining multiple bullets I instead envisioned one.

I would start with a small amount first. Hopefully that would work.

Surely, enough once I lowered the workload that my brain had to go through, I felt MP being forcefully drained from my body.

'Hmm I'll have to look into this later and test the extents of my abilities'

Once the MP began being sucked out of my body, a red miasma seemed to leave as well. Most probably it was my blood. However, judging by the fact that my MP had to be exhausted first before my HP, was this actually my blood? Or was it a phenomenon that made it look like actual blood but in actuality was MP?

Such thoughts crossed my mind. Well, honestly, I could think about them later.

My blood bullet finally formulated. It was quite big for a bullet size; it was around the size of an apple to be precise. Well, whatever as long as it did its job.

The moment the bullet appeared the spider just looked at me, then at the bullet then me again.

This time my face had a full-blown grin, well that's how I felt at least.

"It seems you have caught on spider-dono, looks like you're not as stupid as I once thought"

The spider feeling how dangerous my blood attack was, tried distancing itself from me as quickly as possible.

Oh nononono, I wasn't going to let my prey escape. Never.

I quickly released my blood bullet, and it went soaring with blitz like pace straight towards the hideous spider.

The spider knowing the danger of this attack let out multiple webbings one after the other in attempt to slow down the bullet. It worked... a little. In the end it slowed the bullet down by a small amount. Not a large amount for the spider to avoid the bullet, but a large amount of time for it to shift its bodily position.

In the end the attack landed and blew half the spider's legs of, leaving a very disabled looking spider.

'Oh no what a poor thing... not!'

[Host, have you really become an evil villain]

'Oh, shush system, if the spider said the same things it said to me to you what would you do?'

[.... obliterate it from existence!]

'That's what I thought.'

After having my little internal conversation with the system, I turned my attention back to the spider. Right now, it could hardly move, honestly it looked rather pitiful as it tried its utmost best to crawl away from me.

To be honest, for a new-born it did surprisingly well, its strategy wasn't that bad, and slowing down the trajectory of the bullet had allowed it to avoid being instantly killed at the expense of half its legs.

If it were my pupil, I would be rather proud.

In all truth though, all the spider had done was delay the inevitable. I had mercifully and compassionately tried giving it a swift death, but it rebuked my offer. Oh well.

As I approached the spider, I activated my flame body skill. My body was now encased in flames. Step by step I walked to the spider.

I wonder what it was thinking around this time.

When I reached it I stepped on its main body with a flaming claw. Making sure that my leg was in contact with it long enough for it to catch on fire.

Once the fire spread a bit, I abated it with my water shot skill, using it at a lower pressure to avoid fatally injuring the spider. The fire eventually became extinguished.

I did this because I didn't want to kill it yet. I mean I had offered it a short death and it refused. I guess it wanted a more torturous one.

I repeated this twice more, causing it to shriek in intense agony and pain. Honestly, speaking I had wasted a lot of MP and was down to 0, although this didn't bother me.

The spider had lost all will to fight, becoming just another lifeless living corpse. It had no fight. It no longer tried to resist.

Becoming bored with just toying with it I deemed that the battle was over. I had won. Well, to be frank after dodging its first attack I knew that I would probably beat it in combat.

Now the spider had stopped fighting I proceeded to eat it using my weak poison bite, whilst it was still alive. It shrieked and moaned but I didn't stop, until it suddenly went quiet.


[You've gained 910 exp]

[Congratulations, you've gained 2 levels]

[HP, MP, and Stamina fully recovered]

[Skill weak poision bite lvl 3 >> 4]

[Skill flame body lvl 1 >> 2]

[Skill water shot lvl 1 >> 2]

"Wow quite a few benefits guess the fight was worth it. Who knew spiders gave this much exp, maybe I should start going spider hunting. Oh yh, I do have a grudge against quite a few spiders. Don't blame me if they go extinct one day, universe. Remember they picked a fight with me!"

[Void Eater skill can be applied do you want to use this skill?]

"Nope", I stated with confidence. Since the spider was a young one, I could tell that it would be quite disadvantageous to waste this skill on it. It hadn't fully developed, and I could probably get a stronger skill/ better skill selection pool from an adult version or leader of this green spider group.

For now, I would save my trump card for after that battle.

[Activation cancelled.]

Anyway, after cancelling Void Eater I procceded to take a quick look at my status screen.


[Name: Chinohana]

[Class: None]

[Species: Lower Demonic Blood Cicada]

[Level: 3/20 [XP: 262/530 [Status: Agitated]

[HP: 86/86 [MP: 50/50[Stamina: 180/180]


Strength : 45 >> 50

Defense : 34 >> 38

Speed : 65 >> 69

Intelligence : 52>> 57

Luck : -10 >> -15 ]

[Skills: Weak poison bite (lvl 4), Poison stab(lvl 3), Acidic mucus(lvl 4), Stealth(lvl 1), Bull strength(lvl 1), Water shot(lvl 2), Flame body(lvl 2), Language of Bu , Appraisal(lvl 1), Intimidate(lvl 1)]

[Specialised skills: Blood manipulation (True blood)(lvl 1)]

[Titles: Early Riser, Void Eater, Loved By Mana, Caterpillar Slaughterer]

Very nice. Talk about a nice turnout at the end of the day.

After briefly eyeing my status screen, I turned my focus to the wind fairy that I had so discourteously neglected.

I looked at the trembling fairy. To be honest, I wasn't going to eat her. I was rather lonely all by myself and wanted a companion, but she didn't know this, and I had no plans to tell her. I had my pride on the line of course.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes, paralyzed on the spot as if realising that she couldn't run or escape me.

Thinking about it I had started to truly live up to my name as a Demonic Blood Cicada. This was going to be a fun adventure for me.

Turning to the fairy I spoke with a devilish voice.

"Now, how to deal with you"

It's my birthday tommorrow yippeeee.

Well now that's out of the way, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and will leave some shiny powerstones.

Rememeber more PS = More chapters

RayVercreators' thoughts