
Chapter 26 The Training Begins

After talking with Shukaku I started thinking of a plan to train.'What I should do is try to control the sand and once I manage to control I should spin it around me and shoot it off into Reaper's Death Rings while extending my reach of air control with Shukaku's natural air affinity simultaneously and once it is far enough I can start propelling the sand with it amplifying it's speed a power.' I thought while motioning my hand upwards.

As soon as I did that the sand followed and flew up into the air stopping once it was level with my hand 'This is quite easy.' I thought as I controlled the sand more,when suddenly STATUS interrupted my training

(Loading.... Loading... *DING* It is so easy because Shukaku has low authority over sand meaning if there's no one with higher authority in the area he can control sand with his mind.Though that's not the only benefit for getting higher authorities but I will get back to this in a moment.The ranks of Authorities go as follows:a bit of absolute authority (which you have with airfield),Beginner's Authority,Student's Authority,Novice Authority,Low Authority,Warrior's Authority,Mid Authority,Master's Authority,True Warrior's Authority,High Authority,King's Authority,Grand Master's Authority,True Authority,Absolute Authority!

Now back to the other benefits for higher authorities.Once you get a higher authority you will be able to control more of that said element and at a point that element will protect you of it's own accord and that level is about Mid Authority.Gaara of the sand though had got this through special circumstance which was Shukaku's authority along with his authority and his mother's authority stacked together.This was further amplified as Gaara's mother only wanted to defend him so her will allowed the authority to go even higher reaching nearly Mid Authority but not quite there.

Apart from that at a point you will be able to control a sand structure which is as big as the sun but that's still far off as for now you can barely control 1 tenth of the sand in this entire desert with all of Shukaku's power.Though at your level that's still impressive due to it being the largest desert in the word.)

'Jeez STATUS thank you for the info dump.' I thought but STATUS didn't respond so I continued training.At the end of the week I managed to get Air Field to a 15 centimeter radius in affect and I managed to get enough sand to stay into a ring around me while I created 2 Reaper's Death Rings in line and parallel with each other.

Once this was all done I shot the sand through one Reaper's Death Ring,it barely made it through but thankfully it managed sending the sand at 2 times the speed it previously was at which was about 30 meters per second.Meaning now it was at about 60 meters per second which was way above my previous calculations.

'DAMN IT!It's too fast for me to control.' I thought as the sand sped off into the distance but suddenly a red aura wrapped around me and a red tail grew from behind me then I heard Shukaku say

Shukaku: "Here you go buddy hope it helps."

Shin: "Thanks!" I said quickly and hurriedly as I looped the sand back around and into the second ring shooting the sand towards me but then I motioned the sand behind me and then forward to my right sending it back into the original stream of sand creating a conveyor belt.

Now what I did was increase the sand going into it while trying to increase the size of the rings.This process would be long and tedious but it would be worth it.So for a month and 3 weeks this is all I did.

At the end of this I manged to tightly fit the sand through a 3 meter in diameter Reaper's Death Ring (RDR) while steadily increasing my Air Field to half a meter in radius and increasing my control of the sand and the effect of RDR bringing it to 2.2 times increase and along with my control of the sand it's speed increased as well reaching about 35 meters per second by itself and with RDR 77 meters per second.

'It's working decently but at this rate I might not make it in time.I need to try harder!' I thought while looking at the sky madly.I soon continued my training thinking if I started any later it would be too late.

Well I hope you liked the chapter.Sorry for it being shorter then the usual and no upload yesterday but I think once a week I won't upload so it might be a weekly occurrence depending on what I have in that week.Well thanks for reading.

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