
Chapter 15 The Beginning Of The Battle Of Ideals

(BE WARNED!I'am trying to wrap up the villains of My Hero Academia in this fight so there will be villains from the manga,aka Overhaul and High End.)

"Oh don't worry you can evacuate them but all students and heroes must stay."All For One said like this was all a game while coming out of the portal.But it wasn't just him tons of villains came out as well there was also a Nomu there that looked special and 6 villains with masks that looked like they were powerful and also a man with a ton of knifes and bandages on him.A part from them there were also 15 other Nomu.'Those must be people from the 8 expendable and Overhaul that Nomu must be High end and the person with bandages must be Stain.'

Shin: "All For One this is some sick game you're playing to get Shie Hassaikai's leader Overhaul 5 of the 8 expendables,High-End and even the Hero Killer Stain somehow.The only reason Tomura isn't here is because he's seriously injured right?"

All For One: "Oh very good you know every strong person I brought to the party and you're right you had badly injured Tomura.Oh, and get off of her now or your head will be blown up next."

Shin: "All For One but we have the upper hand with all the students and pro heroes here the Nomus will be take care of also there will be more reinforcements coming All Might is stronger than you wanted him to be so he can beat you at least.Overhaul is an issue but I'll take care of him and the 5 expendable can be taken care of by the 5 other kings as Shoto and Katsuki should be fine by now and High-End can be take care of by my father.Also the Hero Killer can be taken care of by Aizawa Sensei.So why are you making demands?"

All For One started to look nervous well as much as he could be with that mask on and all the civilians had just been evacuated when he said. "EVERYONE ATTACK!"

I quickly shot out orders "All Might you fight All For One.I will deal with Overhaul and you two go find Katsuki and Bakugo and tell them to fight those 2 respectively you 3 go fight those three respectively.Your opponents are the one's I think you will have the easiest time dealing with.Aizawa fight Stain and don't let him get your blood.Dad fight that Nomu and be on high alert and 20 other Pro Heroes help him fight that thing you will understand soon and all other Pro Heroes try kill the Nomus they aren't human so show no remorse and the rest of the students fight the regular villains and if the others struggle join in a bit except for my fight,my father's and All Might's.Oh and All Might don't worry about the others." I said as fast as I could and everyone listened and did what I said and while saying my final words I flicked my fingers sending All Might and All For One to another dimension.'Thank God I have STATUS!You really came in handy.'

5 Minutes Ago

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* Quest has been completed pick one of the 3 previously stated abilities and you have also been awarded a dimensional distortion card that can send 2 people to a different dimension for about 5 minutes and a landscape card that can change the landscape to how ever you want it for about 10 minutes.)

'Oh thanks I pick Steal.'

(Loading.... Loading.... *DING* Action completed.)


'Landscape change plains size as big as possible.'I thought while looking around me.Suddenly the area changed into a plains everyone was still clumped together though.

Shin: "Everyone separate into the previously stated groups!" As soon as I said that all the students and Heroes went where I told them to go and fought with the villains.'Damn it I didn't think something of this magnitude would happen so soon but at least this makes things easier.' I thought while running towards Overhaul.

Due to what I was saying the villains weren't really happy so they attacked the Heroes and students viciously.Now Aizawa and Stain were fighting.

Aizawa: "So you're the Hero Killer."

Stain: "Yes but what is it to you.The only person who can put me behind bars who is allowed to is All Might the only true hero!" he said while charging at Aizawa with a knife in each of his hands.

Aizawa immediately used Erasure making his eyes red and hair stand on end and he also used his Capturing weapon (CW for short) which flew towards Stain.

He blocked the CW with a knife and then proceeded to throw the other one at Aizawa while pulling out another 2 knifes and throwing them both at Aizawa at different angles and directions.Aizawa quickly blocked them with CW and ran towards Stain himself while throwing the CW north-west of himself.

Stain stabbed towards Aizawa but Aizawa dodged quickly and punched him on the left side of his abdomen.Taking a step back Stain cut Aizawa's arm slightly with a knife he had quickly retrieved and licked it.Aizawa faked paralysis while Stain was about to stab Aizawa in the neck.The CW came back and wrapped it self around Stain capturing him.

Aizawa: "Jeez that took longer than expected 5 minutes must have passed."


Aizawa: "Put a sock in it.GA what's that bright light." Aizawa said while looking towards his left.

Well I hope you all liked the chapter.Basically this volume is gonna be a bunch of battles and character development (hopefully because I really don't know how to develop character or if I am already).Well I hope you all like the concept.If I am doing something bad please say in the comments and by the way to make the fight scenes flow better (for me at least) I will make them POVs.Thanks for reading

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