
Chapter 11 Shin VS Izuku

Rikido: "SHIN!SHIN!WAKE UP!" Rikido said as he slapped me across my face.

Shin: "OW!WHAT?" I said tiredly.

Rikido: "Well your match is starting.SO GET UP!" He said with an annoyed expression on his face.

Shin: "Oh, why didn't you say so sooner.Well bye!" I said while running to the arena.'I nearly have full stamina so I should be fine as long as the opponent isn't too strong.'

When I arrived at the arena there was already someone standing there.He had curly green hair and green eyes and was shorter than me by quite a bit.It was Izuku.'Well damn my luck is so bad today.'

I went on the stage Shin: "Yo Izuku."

Izuku: "Oh hi Shin." He said while getting into a fighting stance.

Present Mic: "BOTH COMPETITORS ARE FINALLY HERE!NOW READY!SET!GOOOOOOO!" He said while shouting as loud as he could.'Damn it I am gonna have a migraine after this festival.' I thought just as Izuku rushed at me.

He gave me no chance to form any ranged attacks as he rushed at me in Full Cowling.'Hm considering his speed it should be 10% FC."

I lit my hands on fire as I got ready to counter Izuku.As soon as he was a meter away from me he jumped and punched towards me while falling forward in the air.

Shin: "Jeez Izuku you try to mimic All Might to much make your own style.Like you know kicks,maybe or at least increase the move set." I said just as his fist was about to meet my own.He faltered.In that exact moment I punched him in the abdomen while saying "Freezing fist."

He was punched 2 meters with a bit of frost where I had punched him.As soon as he land he rolled backwards regained his balance and charged towards me again.

When he arrived in front of me he punched towards my face.I proceeded to block his fist with my left hand but we never made contact.He tricked me that punch was a feint and he kicked my ankle in the second I was confused.I was sent flying five meters to the left. 'Whew good thing he didn't kick me forward.But now it's time to stop playing around.'

Once I landed I stabilized my self and ran away with my finger held high.Flames were forming there and they kept getting bigger and bigger till it was a bit bigger than a basketball.Then it started to become denser and denser till it was the size of a tennis ball.

In this time Izuku kept chasing after me but I ran away.He was definitely faster than me but not fast enough to catch up with me before I finished."Inspired Move Series: Move No 2 Calamitous Super Nova!" I shouted while pointing my finger at Izuku.

The ball of flames shot towards Izuku at high speed.He had no time to dodge so he punched the ball of flames with all his might and accidentally used 100% OFA.On impact the ball of flames exploded with extreme heat causing the temperature to rise exponentially.

The clash was more or less a stalemate but it was definitely in Izuku's favor as the heat was directed away from him so were the flames but his hand was bruised not as badly as when he fought the robot but still bruised.

While that was happening I ran to the left of Izuku forming a rasengan.As soon as he noticed me he panicked and ran backwards.I couldn't catch up to him but I never wanted to I just wanted him to panic and run back as we were near the out of bounds zone so if he decided to make a last ditch effort and punch me I would end up flying out of bounds.

But I wasn't just gonna waste a perfectly good rasengan.So I started spinning it meticulously and as fast as I could.When I saw it was about to explode I threw it into the air shouting "Inspired Move Series: Move No 1 Cold Variant Freezing Hell Rasengan!"

Then I turned around saying "Hell's Ice Age." The rasengan exploded into flames but when these flames touched the ground it started to freeze.Izuku was distraught he started trying to avoid the ice and jumped like a madman.

Shin: "You do realize you don't have to do so much and panic he only wants you to be a great hero the next symbol of peace and that doesn't depend on how strong you are as a hero assuming you are at least of considerable strength.It depends on what kind of hero you are."

Izuku looked at me with a confused and panicked expression at the same time.

Izuku:"Wh-wh-wh-what do you mean by that?" He only grew more panicked as time went on and eventually he got frozen.So I walked to him and whispered in his ear.

Shin:"One For All isn't such a big secret you do realize right?Either way that doesn't matter as in the coming years threats will approach that even All Might would not be able to beat even when he was in his prime.Also it won't just be cities that will be destroyed the entirety of humanity would be.So just forfeit and wait for everything to be revealed in the finals as either way your trapped."

Izuku was even more confused now and even looked worried 'It seems he believed me at least but that felt really cringy.' I started walking away from him while deciding what I should do next.

Izuku's mind was in turmoil.He was thinking about what I had said and he came to a decision. (Izuku's thoughts) 'I should believe him since he knew about OFA he probably knows about other things and even if he is lying or wrong it wouldn't hurt to train harder and secondly I'am trapped so I have to forfeit either way.'

He thought before forfeiting seconds later.

Izuku: "I forfeit." He said with a tinge of regret but he knew that he lost so it didn't really matter anymore.I walked to the waiting room and thought before sleeping again.'Damn my next opponent is Shoto.This is gonna be draining.'

This chapter is to make up for missing Wednesday's chapter but either way today there is also Friday's chapter and if I want I will just do more. (Which I probably will)

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