
Getting my First Pokemon

After lunch, Mom and I went off to Professor Elm's lab to pick up my pokemon, as we arrived we could see a large building with one way glass to stop people looking in on any experiments or business taking place inside. We step through the sliding double doors and are greeted by an assistance.

Assistant: "This way please. Professor Elm is in the back." kneeling down to ahriman, "it must be exciting to get your first pokemon but remember, Its a big responsibility to own a pokemon, do you feel you are up to it".

Ahriman: "Yes ma'am"

The assistance smiled back and after standing back up, lead us through the lab and to Professor Elm, on the table i could see 4 pokeballs laid out and started getting excited.

Assistant: "Please wait here, i will get Professor Elm."

As we waited, my eyes never left the pokeballs on the table. I felt my hand being gently squeezed and i looked towards my smiling mother at that moment, Professor Elm walked in "Ah Elizabeth, its nice to meet you, and who is this cute young man?" Professor elm teased.

Ahriman: "My name is Ahriman and my mom said you have agreed to giving me my first pokemon."

Elm: "hmmmm, i don't remember this." Joked Professor Elm. Seeing my face turn to not sadness but instead saw i was unamused. "Well I was just kidding, we normally have selected 3 pokemon that will make good starting pokemon, but with the help of your parents we have managed to select a 4th pokemon. In the first pokemon on the left we have Chikorita, a grass type pokemon, next to this one we have Cyndaquil, a fire type pokemon. thirdly we have Totodile, sadly this is not the same one as you meet 4 years ago as he has been given away already, and lastly we have Abra, the psychic pokemon. Hearing i could have Abra as my starter pokemon, i was overjoyed. I instantly pointed to the 4th pokeball "I choose Abra!".

Elm: "Ok, i will give you her pokeball, remember having a pokemon means you will have to look after them, feed them and train them."

Ahriman: "Ok professor, i will take good care of abra and train them well".

After i got my pokeball containing Abra, i left the lab with my mother who was smiling and asked "So are you are going to name your Abra since its your first pokemon?" Thinking for a while I start going over potential names on the way home, i put it to the back of my mind as I'm too excited and want to see Abra. We returned home and i instantly shot upstairs to my room. i took out the pokeball and released Abra, i noticed then that this Abra looked exactly like the one that shows up when i meditate. I greet Abra who is in turned surprised and joyed to see me. I ask my Omnidex to give me the details on my Abra.


Level: 5

Gender: Male

Nature: Modest

Special ability: Magic Guard

Attack: 7

Defense: 8

Special Attack: 18

Special Defense: 12

Speed: 15

Moves: Teleport, Confusion

Looking over Abra's stats, I'm glad he has a way to protect and attack if needed. We start to meditate on my bed until i'm called down for dinner. After dinner i go back up and start meditating with Abra again, my daily life now involves meditating and running around with Abra, when he starts to get tired and meditates/sleep, if im not also meditating i recall him and allow him to do so in peace.

A few month later,

Waking up one morning i make my ways downstairs and sit at the table, still rubbing my eyes and slowly eat my breakfast, i see my mom sit and start eating her breakfast. as we eat i see my mom look up. "We've signed you up to a pokemon class to help you learn about being a trainer and how to handle encounters with wild pokemon and trainers. you will be attending school in Cherrygrove City and have chance to meet kids your age and make friends. Isn't it exciting?"

Ahriman carries on eating his breakfast and mentally sighs at going back to school and socializing with children. but to keep his mother happy he quickly finishes what is in his mouth and says cheerfully "sounds awesome, how many kids will be there, how long will i stay and when do we leave." After calming me down, my mom says "There will be lots of kids and its boarding school so you will stay there for 2 years and be able to come back on breaks and holidays. We will be leaving tomorrow and you will learn more whilst there."

Ahriman after finishes hims breakfast, walks up to his mom and hugs her, thanking her for this and goes out to play after grabbing Abra. Whilst at his usual spot, he spots the same Natu waiting on a nearby tree, whom on spotting Ahriman, cheerfully flys around him and when he sits down perches on his head and slowly sleeps/meditates. Ahriman meditates nearby the lake for over 4 hours before standing up, however when he stands. he find Natu still perched on his head asleep. he slowly walks home and after seeing a few people glance at him and whispering to others. Ahriman returns home with a new Natu in toe. He walks up to his mom and asks for a pokeball, His mom on turning around and seeing Natu on his head coos and comments on how cute her son looks with Natu on his head. Walks off grabs a pokeball, before handing it over, she pulls out her phone and quickly takes a photo and says this will make a great picture to hang up. Ahriman wakes Natu up and asks if he would like to join him on his journey. Natu chirps happily and presses the pokeball and after 3 wobbles, a ding is heard and Natu is caught. Ahriman has lunch whilst watching TV and watches the ongoing league in Kanto and watching as the battles unfold and sets a goal that he will stand up there holding the cup and proclaiming to be the greatest psychic. After lunch Ahriman prepares his bags for the trainer school in Cherrygrove City.