
Back to basics!

In the delivery room Ahriman could hear the doctor's voice,

???: "There we are, one healthy baby boy. Let us wrap him up and you can hold him."

After being wrapped up i was given over to my mother for this life. What followed was all a blur as i drifted in and out of consciousness.

2 years pass.

Whilst growing up i came to understand that my mother was called Elizabeth and my father was called Hassan. My parents debated on what name to give me and started listing names before i assisted with their choice by giggling and making noise when Ahriman was mentioned. I felt lucky to get my old name or was it the hooded figures gesture. I didn't matter i was happy getting my old name, i didn't have to relearn responding to another name. The only other thing of note i found out is that i get awful headaches and migraines when around more than 5 people. I could also manipulate objects within my vision if i concentrated hard enough. It gave me a laugh when i would move objects only for my parents to question themselves if they left it there or was moved. It did result in a few arguments but were quickly ended when i started laughing. I found that meditating and frequently using my new powers made it more efficient and allowed me to manipulate heavier objects.

4 years pass.

Now that i have started moving around, i was encountering pokemon for the first time, with curiosity i started to approach a pokemon when i heard a foreign sound.

"Omnidex starting up, Loading data..... greetings Ahriman, i will be your assistant during your life. The pokemon infront is called Totodile, its a water pokemon with a powerful bite!"

Ahriman stunned by the flood of information, snapped back when the Totodile looked towards him and happily ran towards him. Being curious, Ahriman stayed where he was and when close enough looked over this pokemon as it sniffed him. When enough time passed, Ahriman slowly moved his hand and pet Totodile on the head. Totodile let out a happy noise which startled Ahriman but quickly found his hand back in the same position petting the pokemon. 'So this is a pokemon, at least the first one i met is friendly. i wonder if he has a owner? So do i call you Omnidex from here on or can i give you a name?'

Omnidex: 'You may call me what suits your needs or you can leave my name as omnidex,'

Ahriman: 'I think for name i will leave it as Omnidex. Are you able to give any more detail on this Totodile like its abilities and likes?'

Omnidex: 'This Totodile has the following stats and movesets;


Level: 5

Nature: Jolly

Special ability: Torrent

Attack: 13

Defense: 12

Special Attack: 9

Special Defense: 11

Speed: 11

Moves: Tackle, Leer

After this information dump, i started to play with Totodile until roughly 5 - 10 minutes later I heard a man shouting and wheezing.

???" There you are Totodile, I've been looking all over for you."

Looking at the man i saw him a tall man in a white professor coat wearing glasses. He starting breathing heavily and lent over trying to recover. Totodile and I just look at each other before looking back at this man.

???: "oh i didn't see you there, thank you for stopping my Totodile, he likes to run off and play. Where's my manners, my name is Elm, Professor Elm." I was just starting to learn my new body and started to string sentences together. "My name is Ahman," frustrated is start repeating my name until i get it right. After 3 or 4 tries "Ahriman, my name Ahriman!" I said with a big toothy smile. After Professor Elm returns Totodile to his pokeball, "Hi Ahriman, you best get back to your mom and dad, bad pokemon like to come in this area." I wave good bye and run back to my house. along the way i spot a small lake with a few pebbles on the shoreline and i pick them up to help me with my Psychic training.

Approaching my house i started to smell lunch being cooked and pick up my pace, only to stumble over and scrape my knee, the pain shot straight through me and tears started forming, i was able to hold back the tears and crying but due to my body being that of a 4 year old i scraped both my knee and arms on the ground. After entering i heard my mother humming in the kitchen as both she prepared lunch. When she saw me she gasped and rushed to me cooing and reaching for the medical box for cleaning spray and bandages and sits me down at the table whilst she continues to prepare my lunch. After a few minutes i was presented a plate with freshly made bread with a cup of Moo Moo milk. I started to eat and recount my earlier experience, "I saw a pokemon outside, it blue with big eyes and a big mouth, we played before Mr elm came and took Totodile back. Can i play with Totodile again tomorrow please?"

Elizabeth: "That nice, its up to professor Elm if he will allow Totodile out to play, when your older you will be able to play with any pokemon you like. We will ask Mr Elm if you can play tomorrow, now eat your lunch and go wash up."

8 Years pass.

Ahriman: "Mom im going out to play. i'll be back for lunch!"

Mom: "Ok sweetie, be safe and don't go to far!"

After i leave the house, i start running to the nearby lake and sit down by the shoreline. I start to meditate, listening to the sound of the trees in rustling in the breeze, the gentle sun shining down on me and the occasional sounds of nearby pokemon. Whilst meditating, Ahriman finds himself losing track of time and a sense of peace envelope him. Nearby rocks and fallen leaves start to float and slowly twirl around and dance as if two ethereal creatures gracefully spin, lift and leap around to classical music from back on earth. Many times this has occurred and Ahriman has awoken up to pokemon sleeping either on his lap or nearby. He has been keeping track and a tallying up on what he has seen and how often. Today he finds that a Abra is sitting next to him and a natu is perched on his shoulder. Ahriman glances at his watch and see that its nearly midday "Sorry guys, i have to go." as he starts to move, the pokemon wake up and greet ahriman and leave. After rushing home he goes upstair to wash up and write down his encounters this morning. "So thats 20 times i have seen this particular abra and 15 times for this Natu." After closing the book and heading down stairs for lunch his mom starts to speak.

Mom: "Me and your dad have been speaking and its nearly time for you to have your first pokemon, We have spoken with Professor Elm and have agreed to get you a pokemon early."

Ahriman: "Really mom, thank you! where is dad, is he off on another business trip?"

Mom: "Your father has been very busy since his promotion, he said he will be home when you start your journey but he's busy at work until then."

Ahriman, feeling disappointed that he won't see his dad till he's ten but remember he will be getting a pokemon early soon brighten his face and a smile can be seen. "So when can we get my pokemon?"

Mom: "After lunch we will visit professor Elm and pick up your pokemon"