
Chapter 21:Disappointed

when Coulson hand touch the crystal there was....nothing, nothing at all the crystal did not lit up as it should be.

seeing this Coulson frown and ask"is it broken?"

"no"Lyr reply and in order to prove it he put his hand on the crystal and the crystal lit up in a sky blue color that signifies his elemental affinity is Ice.

"it just means that your not suitable to be a mage" Lyr said while taking back his hand.

Hearing this Coulson was dejected, he has a chance to be stronger but reality is cruel to him, its like a delicious cake that is in front of you but you can't eat it because of you having no mouth.

after a couple of minutes Coulson finally regain his usual behavior and said" well since Im don't have an affinity to become a mage lets not talk about that" Coulson said and he also recall his purpose on coming here.

"So Mister Adonis, Im here on behalf of SHIELD for the purpose of seeing if you are a mutant and if you can or cannot control your power but from the looks of it you have fully control of your power" Coulson explain his intention of coming here.

"of course I have full control of my power, we mages need to practice to be strong not like mutant" Lyr said in a sneer.

"well since my purpose is achieve can you please give my subordinates back so that we can leave" Coulson said while looking at the unconscious SHIELD's elite squad he really didn't want to stay here any longer, today he feels like he learn a lot of things, their organization is not really strong as he expect it would be.

hearing this Lyr nodded and wave his hands at the squad and woke them up, the thing that made this people be unconscious is one of the defensive spell Lyr set up in the backyard, it was just a simple sleep spell but for this ordinary people it was enough to make them fell asleep.

when the squad woke up they look at their sorroundings with a confuse face, the only thing they remembered is that they should be stealthly advancing in the house when they suddenly black out.

and now that they woke up they were confuse at first and notice that they were on the floor and quickly stand up and look around only to see a boy no older than twenty is sitting with a frozen coffee and opposite to him is their superior level 7 agent Coulson.

as for Coulson seeing them woke up with a confuse face breath a sigh of relief and wave his hands at them and said "forget it" to the squad as he saw that they were ready to attack Lyr at any moment.

seeing Coulson wave his hands at them, they were confuse but still obey and move at the back of Coulson but the way they look at Lyr is not friendly at all.

Lyr did not care at the way the agent look at him and only look at Coulson "Agent Coulson since every thing is done you can leave" Lyr said and wave his hands at Coulson.

"Yes, its time to leave but first Mister Adonis are you interested in joining SHIELD" Coulson said while standing up in his chair.

"hmm, let me think about it" Lyr said.

his answer didn't seem to surprise Coulson as if he already knows his answer, Coulson only nodded and walk to the door with the squad following behind him but not before the squad give him a glare.

a couple of minutes when Coulson leave, Lyr use a detection spell to see if they leave a spy cam in his house and sure enough he found not 1 but 3, one audio transmitter underneath the table, 2 in the chair where Coulson was sitting and a spy cam at the handle of the door, he immediately destroy it and said "troublesome"


when Coulson leave the store he deeply in hail the air outside seemingly missing it a lot, he was greatly stress today as a lot of things happened, his vacation being cancelled, taking out a suspected mutant but was Mage and he didn't even know on what extent his power is.

"sir the cams are destroyed" one of his subordinates inform him but he was not surprise only nodded at the man. If a person that powerful can be spy on it will greatly be a big joke.

Coulson took out his phone "sir the situation is bizzare" Coulson said to the other line of the phone.

"explain" the other line reply....