
Chapter 10: So Dumb

"El is there a solution" Lyr ask El, he leave the orphanage at night as he didn't want goodbyes.

He was currently conversing with El about his situation now, he was currently in a very awkward situation now. He was so excited to leave the orphanage and he didn't think the simple problems, he didn't have money and worse he didn't know which direction he would go and right now he was still in the forest and in the middle of nowhere. He was walking the night till morning but still he didn't find a clue of any town or cities are nearby.

[host is so dumb, host can just buy a map in the knowledge shop but the money is a problem as the system didn't have that] El said mocking him but he didn't care he was currently struck dumb by El words.

he facepalm himself " right I have the system"

" El buy a map" Lyr said hurriedly, he didn't care much on the problem of money as he have a plan for that.


[map has been purchase for 10 OP]

"hey why is the map so expensive" he ask when he saw the price. You should note that even a high-ordinary gears can be purchase 1-10 Omni points. "I want a refund you dumb sys-----"


[congratulation to host for unlocking the Map function]

he was cut by the sudden sound and he was dumfounded when he heard the words and stop his track, " your so generous system, your the almighty system, I love you system and your not dumb at all" he said with a big smile while flattering the system.

[host is an idiot] said El in a scornful tone.

he didn't care on what El said as he directly said in his mind ' map '.

what shows in front of him is like the typical map in games, the map is big that it fell like he would be dizzy just by looking at it (but sadly magicians has strong spirit so it was nearly impossible to make him dizzy). The map clearly shows the whole world so it basically be big.

"show me my position" he said and the map zoom in to where he currenty was, there was a blinking white light and he assume that it was him."show the nearby city. The map zoom in his opposite direction, it shows him a big space with full of little box, he assume that the space is the land and the little boxes are the houses.

what make him surprised him is the words beside the space, it writes 'New York'. NewYork the center of the movie's plot.

"Damn, am I that bad with direction" he said, the direction of the city is clearly the opposite on where he was walking.

[yes host because the host is an idiot] El mock him again

"shut up" he said angrily ' I have to walk again and it's so far ' he clearly see the distance between him and NewYork.

[as I said host is an Idiot] El said

"you---" he was saying but was enterrupted

[host is a magician so why walk] El said cutting on what he was saying

"wha-!!!" he didn't know what to say he can only facepalm himself for being so dumb.

"wind hawk" he said casting a summoning spell.

what appeared in front of him is a large green hawk.

Wind Hawk - level-2 summoning spell

- a very fast wind hawk that is good for mount.

innate talent:

wind shield

- cover the whole body with a protective membrane the that makes it have no resistance of air or wind, so it was extremely fast.

activation cost:

50 mana (activation)

10 mana per minute (active)

he mount the eagle and said excitedly

" To NewYork, to new Life " he shouted in the sky...


he very much enjoy the feeling of flying and the feeling when the wind blew in your ears, he didn't make the wind hawk to activate its innate talent as he wants to enjoy this feeling. It was not his first time flying but it was different the system training space has no wind at all not like the outside but of course he didn't forget to cast an invisibility spell to him and the wind hawk as he didn't want the SHIELD in his tail so soon.

4 hours of flying he finally arrive at new york, he didn't have any problem with the mana consumption of the wind hawk as his magic recovery speed is basically enough to summon the wind hawk tirelessly. He jump down from the hawk still in invisible and unsummon it, he then walk towards the city.