
Adventure in the Xianxia Multiverse

• WARNING: If you can't stand a slow-pace, slice-of-life, smutty fanfiction with a perverted MC that has his mind in the gutter almost all the time, then this fanfiction isn't your cup of tea! • SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe: Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator. • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, etc! • Release Schedule: 1 chapter/day, averagely ±1,500 words/chapter • Read advanced chapters on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

Celestial_Demon · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch. 16: Offering Discipleship

Chen Fan began examining Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi closely.

First, he examined Wei Ziqing. Although he put on a serene face and contemplative look, he was inwardly checking out her figure.

Since he got the opportunity, he would not waste it!

Who said he couldn't take advantage of this opportunity?

Wei Ziqing fidgeted in her place as Chen Fan examined her. She never felt nervous like this in her life.

Finally, Chen Fan was satisfied checking out Wei Ziqing's figure and moved his gaze towards Xiao Qi. This caused Wei Ziqing to release a breath she'd been unconsciously holding and made Xiao Qi straighten his posture in high tension.

As Chen Fan examined Xiao Qi up and down, he pondered quietly. 'Should I pick up this guy as a disciple? Although his talent is bad, he has willpower that will help him in the Dao of Immortality.'

Talent is good, but willpower is equally important.

Unlike Chen Fan who was cheating, ordinary people had to work hard cultivating the Dao of Immortality.

'At first, I only desire female disciples because of the side benefits, but having loyal male minions also has benefits I can't ignore. My goal is to have a joyful life. I can order my male minions to deal with troublesome matters while I enjoy my life with my girls. Hmmm, taking a male disciple to take care of future problems sounds appealing…'

Chen Fan contemplated a little before making up his mind.

'Alright, let's take him as my first male disciple.'

Chen Fan turned to Wei Ziqing who straightened her posture as his gaze landed on her.

"You have a good Spiritual Root, and it'll be a waste if you don't cultivate Dao of Immortality. However, you lack willpower. You're like a rose cultivated inside a greenhouse. You may have thorns, but you are less resilient than wild roses."

Wei Ziqing took Chen Fan's criticism quietly. Although she felt frustrated because her weakness was spoken out, she couldn't refute him.

Chen Fan continued talking. "However, you can tamper your willpower, so this isn't a problem."

Wei Ziqing felt better when she listened to Chen Fan's words.

Afterward, Chen Fan turned to Xiao Qi. "Your willpower, on the other hand, is okay. However, your talent is bad. You have Metal Element Spiritual Root, but it's as bad as Elder Wei's damaged Spiritual Root before I repaired it."

Xiao Qi was disappointed after listening to Chen Fan. But, Chen Fan wasn't done yet.

"Like how I told Elder Wei, innate talent can't be increased if you're lucky," Chen Fan stated confidently, and Xiao Qi immediately felt better when he heard that.

Chen Fan suddenly looked up to the sky.

"Cultivating Dao of Immortality is to become immortal, free yourself from the shackles of Fate and Destiny, and become a Celestial Being. However, at my current level, I'm still shackled by Fate and Destiny."

He paused for a moment and then turned to them. "It's a fate that we met today; it's a fate that Elder Wei's injury acted up that resulted in me curing him; it's also because of fate that I want to take you as my disciples and guide you through Dao of Immortality."

Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi had some expectations when Chen Fan started talking with them, but listening to this caused them to be elated, excited, and full of anticipation.

"Although I want to take you two as my disciples, I want you two to think your answer carefully. The Dao of Immortality is not something you can stop once you start. This is a commitment for the rest of your very, very long life. Your worldview will be subverted when your attainment gets higher and higher.

"I want you two to think about your decision carefully. Tomorrow, I will be here as well. You can tell me your answer at that time. But remember this: if you accept to become my disciples, your life and future will be in my hands!

"I don't care much about talent, but I care more about loyalty and obedience! If you accept and later betray me in the far future, don't blame me if I will become ruthless! I have no mercy for a traitor! Got it?!"

Chen Fan ended his speech with a deep, solemn look.

Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi nodded. Then, they sunk deep in thought.

Seeing their thoughtful faces, Chen Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Afterward, Chen Fan waved his hand in the direction of the ground beside them. Three blocks of hardened earth rose up, snapping Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi out of their thoughts and surprising them.

Although they were now aware of Chen Fan's status, they hadn't obtained enough resistance for abnormal phenomena yet. It was understandable that they were surprised.

"Let's sit down and wait for Elder Wei to finish with his practice."

Chen Fan told them. They silently obeyed.

Although they had yet to become Chen Fan's disciples, their minds were set on accepting.

And so, they quietly waited for Wei Fu to finish what he was doing while stewing in their respective thoughts.

At least, Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi did.

Chen Fan had turned to the villa on top of Yunwu Mountain, his target. He did this to hint at Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi… Wei Fu as well when he was done and saw his look towards the villa.

Time passed, and one hour had gone by. Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi silently waited for Wei Fu to finish his practice. Not even once they initiated a talk with Chen Fan. They were afraid of bothering him.

What's more, they were amazed by Chen Fan's patience. Unlike them who had shifted many times in their places, Chen Fan never moved. Not even once!

He sat silently like a statue on his seat. His patience was truly worthy of their respect!

Unbeknownst to them, Chen Fan was pretending.

After reforming his body, sitting still for a long time didn't bother him anymore. If not for this, Chen Fan would have broken his acting as a wise and mysterious expert a long time ago!

To endure his boredom, Chen Fan pondered about his future. His future prospects were boundless, and how it would be shaped was up to him.

Of course, Chen Fan being himself had his mind in the gutters. He made many plans to pick up girls that had certain significance in the original story.

He also thought that he would move to another universe after he conquered the other Cultivation Planet where Earth's ancient cultivators moved out to.

Suddenly, Chen Fan stopped his contemplation as he sensed Wei Fu successfully enter the early stage of the Houtian Realm with his Divine Sense. He didn't show outward reactions to this.

Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi also saw something strange when they watched Wei Fu. This old man exhaled black smoke from his nose and mouth.

Sensing their curiosity and worry, Chen Fan decided to enlighten them.

"Elder Wei successfully breakthroughs to the Early Stage of Houtian Realm. This means he can externalize his energy. He's now equal to the Transcendent Grandmaster Martial Artists."

Xiao Qi was amazed that his old master finally broke through to the new realm of Martial Artists. As the Wei Family's bodyguard, he'd seen his old master's physical capabilities as Internal Force Martial Artist; this old man was far stronger than him.

Now, Wei Fu has broken through. He's now a Transcendent Grandmaster.

Xiao Qi couldn't imagine his old master's new strength.

On the other hand, Wei Ziqing was shocked into a daze.

After understanding the depth of the hidden martial world from Chen Fan, she realized that her grandfather had been stuck in a bottleneck for years.

Moreover, there was no future for him after he got his injury. Now though, not only her grandfather's injury was cured but he had also broken through into the next realm.

'This all is because of him,' she thought while glancing at Chen Fan.

When she saw his solemn and dignified look, she blushed slightly. 'Ugh, why do my stomach flutter and my heartbeat move erratically when I look at him. Have I fallen for him? No! Impossible! What are you thinking, me?! You just met him! Love at first sight doesn't exist in the real world! It only exists in romance novels and movies!'

Wei Ziqing hadn't fallen in love with Chen Fan, but she admired him deeply. This crack in the shell around her heart was an opportunity that Chen Fan would not waste.

Chen Fan could sense Wei Ziqing's inner turmoil and blossoming admiration for him. He felt pleased by this development, but he didn't let it show on his face.

Although Wei Ziqing hadn't fallen in love with him yet, this was enough to lay a foundation for his conquest in the future.

Finally, Wei Fu was done meditating. He opened his eyes and stood up. Then, he turned to Xiao Qi.

"Use your gun to shoot me!"

Wei Ziqing and Xiao Qi were taken aback.

Was he trying to commit suicide?

Did something happen that makes him want to die?

Patch note: 21-7-2021, fixing small issues and errors.

Eduardo Ribeiro Pinto, Planetism, deletedplayer, and Edgar Gonzalez… thank you for your patronage. I deeply appreciate it.

Read advanced posts early on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

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