
Adventure in the Xianxia Multiverse

• WARNING: If you can't stand a slow-pace, slice-of-life, smutty fanfiction with a perverted MC that has his mind in the gutter almost all the time, then this fanfiction isn't your cup of tea! • SYNOPSIS: Being in the wrong place at the wrong time, a young man died unjustly. Fortunately, he was allowed to have a second chance in another universe with a couple of bonuses. Follow his story! • Author's Note: English isn't my main language, but I still try my best. Anyway, this fan-fic can be considered a wish-fulfillment and will be a crossover with other Xianxia stories. • The first and current universe: Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator. • Planned Xianxia: The Ultimate Scheming System, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, etc! • Release Schedule: 1 chapter/day, averagely ±1,500 words/chapter • Read advanced chapters on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

Celestial_Demon · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Ch. 14: I Am An Immortal!

When explaining the achievable stages of Dao of Immortality on Earth, Chen Fan didn't use the actual stages of this universe's Dao of Immortality. Instead, he told them the classical stages from old xianxia stories.

He had his reason to do so. He used the classical stages of Dao of Immortality for a system that he'd devised for his precious people and followers.

Right. He planned to teach and guide his close people and followers through the Dao of Immortality. However, he didn't want to teach them his special Dao of Immortality.

Houtian Realm is equal to the Initial Stage of the Dao Body; Xiantian is equal to Half Completion; Core Formation is equal to True Completion.

Each stage has three minor stages: Low, Middle, and Late. There is also a bottleneck that's known as the Peak stage or Half-Step to the next level.

"At the peak of Houtian Realm, you can live for 250 years; at the peak of Xiantian, you can live for 1,000 years, and at the peak of Core Formation, you can live for 10,000 years! However, as time passed, the vital energy of this planet degraded until those ancient cultivators were forced to move out to a new world with abundant vital energy."

The fact about ancient Dao Cultivators moving out of this planet to find a better environment to cultivate wasn't bullshit. This is indeed mentioned in the canon.

Chen Fan paused to glance at his listeners. He quietly thought, 'I wasn't a good orator in my old life, but now, I can make them spellbound by my words. Many things have truly changed in me since my unexpected death. Yet, there is also something that stays the same.'

He soon put this realization aside and then continued his explanation. "This degradation of the planet's vital energy is one of two main reasons behind the rise of the Internal Force system."

Wei Ziqing suddenly raised her hand. "What's the other reason?"

"Talent," Chen Fan answered, "Not anyone could sense the vital energy of the universe. Sensing, cultivating, and controlling inner energy is easier because of its nature as a part of humans."

Wei Ziqing nodded.

She, her grandfather, and their bodyguard felt like their view expanded and attained a new understanding of the world after listening to Chen Fan.

"Anyway, let's talk about Martial Arts with Internal Force next. As you can see from the diagram I drew, from the lowest level to the highest are External Force, Inner Force, Transcendent, Divine Realm, and so on… I assume you all know about External and Internal Force already, no?"

They nodded in response to Chen Fan. Then, he turned to Wei Fu. "And since Elder Wei is a veteran martial artist, you must have heard about Transcendent Realm and above, no?"

Wei Ziqing turned to her grandfather who nodded solemnly. She heard her grandfather say, "Indeed sir Chen, I have met a Transcendent Grandmaster in the past. For the Divine Realm Martial Artists and beyond, I heard some rumors and read about their legends."

'Grandpa called this boy respectfully…' Wei Ziqing was startled, but she didn't let it show on her face. She kept listening attentively.

Chen Fan nodded. "Would Elder Wei mind explaining what Elder Wei knows about the Transcendent Realm and above? I will also add my knowledge regarding this matter."

'I suppose this is an opportunity to widen my granddaughter's understanding about our world,' Wei Fu contemplated for a moment and then nodded.

He turned to Wei Ziqing and then gave his ignorant granddaughter a brief explanation. "Transcendent Grandmasters can externalize their Internal Force. This makes firearms and bladed weapons unable to harm them. In addition, they have mysterious arts that can hurt someone from afar too!"

Wei Fu's tone held awe, respect, yearning, and envy as he spoke.

'Can't be harmed by firearms and bladed weapons? Have mysterious arts that can hurt someone from afar? Are these people still human?'

Deeply shocked, Wei Ziqing couldn't help commenting in her head.

Chen Fan gave a faint nod. "Indeed, they can use Internal Force to enhance their physical strength, durability, and speed beyond what Internal Force Martial Artists can do. They can also use simple tricks, though for ordinary people these tricks look mysterious. One of the examples of the tricks of externalizing Inner Force is in front of you."

"So, you're a Transcendent Grandmaster?"

Wei Ziqing asked, voicing out her grandfather's previous suspicion of the level of Chen Fan's attainment.

Chen Fan smiled faintly at Wei Ziqing, making her blush.

"No," he finally responded. "I am an Immortal!"

Right after saying that, the words "Earth Immortal" floating between them were highlighted.

"To be precise, I am at the level of Earth Immortal!"

"Huh? You? An Immortal? Are you bragging? Do you think I am an idiot? You are a couple of years younger than me! How can you be an Immortal in the legends!"

Wei Ziqing couldn't help refuting Chen Fan's claim.

Chen Fan wasn't offended by Wei Ziqing's rebuttal. He raised his hand and rolled up his sleeve, after which he made his hand disperse into motes of light and then reform again. This made Wei Fu, Wei Ziqing, and Xiao Qi open their eyes wide and hang their jaws in shock and disbelief.

Their hilarious reactions made Chen Fan feel pleased, but he wasn't done yet. He showed his otherworldly handsome face and long snow-white hair.

He also used his Qi to create a strong breeze that blew his hair and tailcoat and made the fallen leaves fly and swirl around him.

He truly looked like an immortal gracing this filthy mortal world with his majestic presence!

Wei Fu, Wei Ziqing, and Xiao Qi were stunned into a daze after seeing the new look of Chen Fan. They never saw an Immortal, but at this moment, they had to admit that Chen Fan's look was worthy of being called an immortal's look.

The more they looked at his face, the more attracted they became. Their heartbeat became erratic, their face blushing.

This is the supernatural charm of the Dao Body, which is sculpted to utter perfection!

After showing off, Chen Fan finally spoke up. "Right now, I'm only at the Earth Immortal Realm, but soon, I will ascend to the Celestial Immortal Realm where I can withstand nuclear warheads, control mysterious phenomena like gods in legends, and become ageless where aging and illness won't matter anymore!"

His declaration snapped Wei Fu and Xiao Qi out of their daze. Other than his declaration, their strong willpower also helped them resist his supernatural charm.

Wei Fu was an elder with vast life experience. He had even fought in a war. This made him have strong willpower.

On the other hand, Xiao Qi was a mercenary. Although his experience wasn't as profound as Wei Fu's, his mental strength was better than an ordinary person.

Wei Ziqing was the only one that couldn't return to her senses.

Although she acted like a tomboy, she grew up like a flower in a greenhouse. She was always protected by her family's status and influence.

In this city, who dares to offend the Wei Family? No one!

Hence, despite her willful personality, Wei Ziqing's mental fortitude was less than that of her grandfather and Xiao Qi.

Chen Fan felt pleased when he saw Wei Ziqing's reaction. He bet on Wei Ziqing's weak mental strength even though she acted like a tomboy, and his gamble paid off with this.

Although his charm wasn't enough to make Wei Ziqing madly fall in love with him, this surely left a lasting impression on her heart. Then, he would use this opportunity to worm into her heart and thoroughly conquer her.

Suddenly, Wei Fu kneeled and bowed his head, after which he gave Chen Fan a cupped fist salute.

"This Wei Fu pays his respect to Immortal Master Chen! I pray that Immortal Master Chen isn't offended by our shameful behavior! We couldn't see Mt. Tai in front of us!"

'Holy shit! One of the famous lines of Xianxia came out!'

Chen Fan shouted in his heart but didn't let his surprise show on his face.

He had to keep pretending as an unflappable expert if he wanted to maintain his charade in front of these people.

"This Xiao Qi pays his respect to Immortal Master Chen!"

Xiao Qi also kneeled and paid his respect to Chen Fan, but he got ignored.

This guy is so pitiful…

That aside, the sudden action of Wei Fu and Xiao Qi snapped Wei Ziqing out of her daze. She turned to her grandfather and bodyguard in confusion and disbelief.

"Why are you just standing like that?! Hurry up! Pay your respect to Immortal Master Chen!" Wei Fu scolded Wei Ziqing.

Her head still muddled because of Chen Fan's supernatural charm, Wei Ziqing just simply responded to her grandfather with "Huh?!"

This made Wei Fu feel anxious and afraid. He knew that challenging the dignity of an expert can get you into trouble. Moreover, this was not a mere mortal expert standing before them but a real Immortal Master!

He couldn't imagine the consequence of angering an Immortal!

When Wei Ziqing just stared at her anxious and fretful grandfather in bemusement, Wei Fu couldn't help feeling helpless and angry. However, he understood that his ignorant granddaughter couldn't be blamed.

Wei Ziqing didn't know the unwritten rules of the hidden martial world. She wasn't a real martial artist.

Still, Wei Fu had to scold his granddaughter and make her pay her respect to Chen Fan before she unintentionally offended him. In his mind, Chen Fan's status as a young immortal is fearful.

As this happened, Chen Fan just watched the show while pondering, 'Tsk, Tsk, I think I get why those experts in Xianxia act like assholes! If your ego got stroked excessively like this, you would get addicted to the feelings and get big-headed! Fortunately, I'm such a humble person…'

Spoiler; Chen Fan was not what you call a humble person. He might act like one, but there was no way he was humble!

Patch note: 21-7-2021, fixing small issues and errors.

Read advanced posts early on www.patre on.com/celestial_demon

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