
Being real mature

Biology class ended super fast and so did the rest of school day, I kept avoiding Dave the rest of the day and he's right.

I'm really making things weird and the closet incident really got me all up in my feels, I mean the dude literally left me hanging and he thinks that my crush on him is funny.

Suzie: I was thinking would you like to go for ice cream with us later

Connie: no

Rose: come on Connie you can't be wallowing like that it's really heartbreaking

Connie: I'm fine ok I'm just gonna go home, hopefully my folks won't be there and I'll just listen to Taylor swift's songs

Suzie: you wanna listen to break-up songs

Connie: yes Tay Tay always gets me through

Rose: you've never been in a relationship before so Taylor has never helped you through anything

Connie: whatever I'm going home

I left Rose and Suzie and I went home I know that they're just trying to make me feel better, but they don't get it they don't get how I feel and right now I need to be super alone.

When I got home my folks weren't there and thank God for that. I ate my favorite cereal that I eat when I'm depressed, I went on Spotify and downloaded Taylor entire heartbreak album just to feel like Dave actually broke up with me even though we didn't even date.

The album was 3 hours long I was half way through it when I heard my door bell ring, I was a complete mess my hair was messy and I was in a giant hoodie and shorts, I was in no shape to open a door for anyone but I still did it anyway.

I opened the door and it was Dave he had a giant smile on his face and I don't know why

Dave: now there's my best friend

Connie: what do you want

Dave: you know it's a sight for sore eyes to see you look like that *hugs her*

Connie: what do you want

Dave: go fix your hair Connie we're going to a party

Connie: no *about to close the door*

Dave: look you're being real mature about this whole stuff

Connie: I'm not in the mood to go out and certainly not with you

Dave: are you listening to Taylor swift...come on please Connie I miss you, and I really wanna go to that party my friend said that there will be a stunt actor there

Connie: and I should care because

Dave: please it could be my idol

Connie: no

Dave made a super sad and cute face that I couldn't say no to God why I'm I so into this guy

Connie: fine I'll go change

Dave: no you look amazing

Connie: I look disgusting

Dave: No you look great that party will be fill with creeps and you look ok, you may not be fitting for their eyes but you're definitely fitting for mine.

Connie: fine at least let me fix my hair

Dave: oh just put it in a bun

Connie: I need to turn off the music and lock the door

Dave: ok fine but hurry up I don't wanna be late, I already feel like we're missing something

I went into the house turned off the music and I went to my room to do my hair, I fixed it like a ponytail and I added some make up just because I look god to Dave doesn't mean I don't have to look god for the world.

And now that I'm thinking about it Dave literally sent me a cool signal I don't know if he meant it or he said it without thinking, but come on Connie he said you're not his type may be he's into Barbies.

I went to Dave's car and he took me to the party we got down from the car and approached the guy that invited him.

Dave: what's up dude

Seth: hey how you doing man glad you could make it

Dave: I wasn't intending on missing a party like this..... this is my tiny dude Connie

Seth: nice to meet you Connie I'm Seth

He extended his hand and I shook it Seth was a pretty boy too, his eyes were hazel and he's very hot I mean his muscles were pointy and nice.

I wonder if these guys live in the gym the hand shake was getting pretty long and Dave got annoyed so he removed my hand

Dave: so where is he

Seth: he's not here yet but he'll be here shortly.... I see you around little lady

Dave: she's a dude

Seth: nahh she's adorable

I couldn't help but blush and Dave saw it he raised his eyebrow, he wasn't expecting me to react to that comment but I'm a girl dude.

Seth went to meet the other guests at the party I knew Dave was gonna talk about what just it just takes a matter it time. Five, four, three.....

Dave: what was that all about

Connie: what

Dave: you know awkwardly long hand shake and the blushing seriously tiny dude, I think you're getting corrupted I told you to leave those romantic movies alone

Connie: whatever... anyways who are we waiting for

Dave: do you remember the kid that was with me when we met at summer camp

Connie: yh I think his name is Rupert

Dave: Ronnie actually

Connie: ok so why are we waiting for him

Dave: he's doing extreme sports now and he saw our plane video, he bragged that he could do better so we're here to prove it and I also wanna see him cuz I miss him

Connie: what do you mean prove it

Dave: we're gonna do a stunt but not tonight the reason why we're meeting him here is because his flight will be landing in this area

Connie: uh huh

We waited for Dave's friend to show up and it was already getting dark I was on the edge of leaving when we saw a car pull up, and I saw another angel he was so tall I think even taller then Dave cuz Dave is 2 ft 5 inches taller than me.

But this guy was the real deal he has beard and a mustache and he's only 19 years old I think. He was also muscular and sups amazing, this couldn't possibly be the Ronnie that I saw decades ago cuz that Ronnie was a complete dork but this dude is the real dude.

Dave and Seth went to him and they all hugged they started coming back to me and right now I really regret why I didn't wear something hot. I tried my best to keep myself in shape cuz he's just so wow and right now I think Suzie and Rose was right there are other guys around.

They came and took their seats I kicked Dave's foot form underneath the table he got the hint that he needed to introduce me to his friend

Dave: uh Ronnie you remember Connie right

Ronnie started to examine me and it was kinda hot the way his eyes moved around my body and my face

Ronnie: oh uh you're the girl from the plane

Connie: we also met at summer camp 11 years ago

Ronnie: we did

Dave: yeah you remember the girl that was being bullied right before I saved her

Ronnie: oh right the one with the freckles and glasses

Dave: yes you got it she was a complete dork back then

Ronnie: nahh bro I thought she was cute back then and she's even cuter now

wow two compliments from two hotties in a single day, I think I still got it the girls were right screw Dave I have Ronnie. I can't believe I'm thinking about that now

Ronnie kept having conversations with me and Dave got left out entirely in the conversation and my mind all I was thinking about was Ronnie.

He couldn't handle it anymore so he took me home the drive home was boring asf, he didn't say a word and neither did I when he reached my house he broke the silence again and ask me a question

Dave: what was up with you today dude you completely shut me down you didn't talk to me cause you saw Ronnie

Connie: oh that reminds me can you please give me his number I wanna talk to him

Dave: seriously Connie that's how it's gonna be.... you know today really opened my eyes, and I think I've finally stopped seeing you like a dude. The way Seth and Ronnie complimented you so weird but it got me to see you different like completely differently

Connie: so it took your friends complimenting me to make you see that I'm a girl that's actually pretty

Dave: I always thought you were beautiful Connie ever since we met, but I didn't think that you felt the same way about me so I tried to stop me feelings for you.

Connie: so you like me

Dave: I don't know Connie....this entire situation is weird for both of us..... i think we should take a friend break

Connie: there's no such thing as a friend break it's either you're ending our friendship or not

Dave: no just let it be my way. we need sometime apart to figure out if what we feel is real, I mean ever since I found out that you liked me I just been seeing things in my head about you, about us you know

Connie: what kind of things

Dave: nevermind

Connie: ok we're on a break I guess I'll see you when I see you you Dave

Dave: that's gonna be everyday cuz we go to the same school

Connie: just go with it

I left the car and I went inside my parents weren't home so I played me Taylor swift playlist, I mean now I have a reason to listen it now cuz I'm on a friend break after all.