
Adopted by BTS

I am an authoer from Wattpad that wanted to put her re-written version of this up on this forum.

Shaylea_25 · Music & Bands
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3 Chs

Chapter one: The adoption pt. 1

Shaylea's POV:

Shining brightly the sun engulfs the room in a yellow golden light, earlier this morning the coordinator of the orphanage informed me of some people coming in to adopt today. My siblings came rushing to once they got wind of what's happening today, smiles stretching their faces as they animatedly spoke about who they would be able to impress enough for the three of us to get adopted today. Excitement is not what filled me when I heard the news, because I wasn't even sure we would get adopted, as every time they never came in for three children it was just the one. Usually we would be left in the orphanage to wait for the next day for more to come in and leave with children that weren't us.

Now the early afternoon after hours of basketball to pass the time until the people get here, I left my two siblings on the court to continue playing as I rested. Gulping down some water I watched as they continued their intense game of one on one, eventually the score came to a tie. The friends I had made in the orphanage came into the courts to keep us company until the people arrived to adopt some children.

Jimin's POV:

*5:00 am*

Eyes fluttering open, I groaned when I saw the time on the clock sitting on my bedside table, glancing at Yoongi hyung's bed on the other side of the room I wished I had woken up in his arms instead of in my own bed. Getting up I wince in pain at the stinging sensation in my arm, a reminder of the cuts on my arm, sighing I headed to the bathroom for a shower.

*10 minutes later*

Buttoning up my black dress shirt and zipping up my skinny jeans, I threw on my jet black coat and headed downstairs with all necessary items in my pocket. Entering the kitchen I grabbed a seat at the dining table waiting for Jin hyung to serve breakfast for all of us, just as Jin hyung is plating breakfast Taehyung, Yoongi and Jeongguk walk in and sit down at the table.

"On today's agenda is to go to an orphanage and to adopt 3 kids, now management wants us to specifically adopt 2 girls and 1 boy," Namjoon informed us as we ate our breakfast quickly so we could get there sooner than later.

After all of us were finished, we headed to the company van and drove off to the orphanage so we could be back here in time for our afternoon schedule.

Shaylea's POV:

Staring off into space thinking about the people coming into adopt children, wondering what they're like and if they would actually adopt us if we impressed them enough. My peripherals caught site of my siblings glancing at each other awkwardly as if they wanted to ask me something but were too scared to do so.

"If you're going to ask me something, then please do it instead of just staring at each other like that it's making me feel awkward," I look at them waiting for the question.

"Can you sing for us Eonni?" Latesha asked as I began to contemplate my answer to the question.

"On one condition, you stop trying to hook me up with guys," I told her, I saw her face light up making me happy that I was able to do that.

"Okay I will do that, but could you sing one of Melanie's songs?" Latesha cheered as I nodded and began to sing 'The Principal' by Melanie Martinez.

Insert cover of the Principal

"That was so pretty, oh god I love Melanie," Latesha gushed, I smiled at her excitement, before I could say something we heard a round of delayed applaud. So I turned around, but it was too quickly because I almost fell off the bench I had been sat on.

Jimin's POV:

Once the car arrived into the drive way of the orphanage, I stared out the window in awe at the luxurious building standing before the car. Being the overly excited one out of all of us, I had jumped out of the car once it had been stopped in front of the car and I sprinted for the entrance of the orphanage. For a good while I stood still at the door of the orphanage and admired the structural architecture of such a luxurious building before I headed into the building.

Mouth hung open at the inside of the orphanage, just the inability to understand how an orphanage can be so luxurious was so apparent that it made me forget what I was here for originally. Faintly coming down the hallway I could hear some singing, so I made my way down the hallway towards the sliding door that it was coming from, I opened the door for my sight to fall upon two huge indoor basketball courts.

I looked around in complete bafflement at how an orphanage can be so luxurious, my eyes fell upon three distant figures. I inched closer to the three people in the distant and continued to listen to one of them sing, I heard the door quietly creak open and I knew it was the others. I turned to them putting my finger on my lips so I could hear them and so we didn't startle them. The solo singer finished up her performance and the other two began complimenting the performance but they all turned around when we started our delayed round of applause, the one who performed almost falling off the bench in the process. The performer had the most beautiful bright blue eyes I had ever seen in my lifetime as a hybrid, I was almost certain the others thought the same thing judging from the gasps I heard.

Shaylea's POV:

Coming face to face with BTS was not what I expected when I turned around but it is definitely what I got and I ain't complaining. Alpha odour was drowning me and I wasn't liking it, so I let out a few growls warning the Alpha's to stay away from me, until I got comfortable with the overwhelming amount of scents. I could hear my siblings getting rather excited to see BTS here but I was just trying to control myself, so I don't rip any of their faces off.

'Mate...' my inner omega began to chant as the boy's moved closer to us, I froze at the chant just begging it to stop and to not be true, but of no such luck it continued and it kept getting louder.

"Shaylea, is there something wrong?" Jackson asked concern layering his voice, I snapped out of my frozen state and shook my head in response.

"Are you sure?" He confirmed, I nodded so he didn't ask again.

"Hey Shay, you down to play some more B-ball?" Latesha questioned, I nodded as she threw the ball to me and we ran onto the court.