
Jerez (II) South Blue Arc [I]


Third Person


There was a wind of change, and the first student of Zephyr was born as the five-year-old Jerez.

In another, Universe, Zephyr was without a student for many more years, now, he had one at the age of thirty.

He would never know the change that would arise from picking up Jerez and not picking him up, but, only time would tell.


First Person


So bored...

Nothing to do...

Apparently, Zephyr was tasked to go to Marineford after capturing 'Raider Jack', likely for a promotion, since it's not usual for a Captain to have the ability of Haki, no matter how rudimentary.

When did he become an Admiral again?

I can't remember...

Uhh... We couldn't even get something on the way to eat, I'm so hungry!!!

I wonder what the all the other Marines are doing...

Garp and Sengoku are both old, likely around the same age as Zephyr, maybe a bit older, or a bit younger, so they're probably Captains as well.

Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru should be around my age, I think Aokiji looked the youngest, Kizaru looked pretty young as well, and Akainu is likely the oldest of the three.

Anyway, my plan is to become an Admiral before those three do, and they pretty much became Admirals in their thirties or forties, meaning that I need to become one during my twenties...

Yes, that does sound far-fetched, but, if Luffy is able to become the Fifth Emperor at nineteen, I can become an Admiral in my twenties, I mean, I have the best teacher or the one who will become the best teacher.

Thinking about that, I wonder if I should get a Devil Fruit?

I'd rather not get important Devil Fruits, as I may ruin too much of the plot, so, I probably won't get one, well, maybe except for the Yami Yami no Mi just to piss off Blackbeard.

But, yes, excluding the Yami Yami no Mi, I won't be eating any Devil Fruits---


I hear a voice shout out, I suppose it's dinner time.

Making my way to the ship's hall, which is currently being used as a dinner table, I somehow feel that it's not meant to be used as a dinner table.

But, regardless, sitting down, I'm far to short to see anything, and without shame, I am picked up by Zephyr who puts me on the table.

I look at him, who merely points at the food and gestures for me to eat.

Thankfully, my body is a bit more developed than your normal five-year-olds, that includes my teeth which allows me to chew the food, which comprises of only vegetables, whereas everyone else has dishes comprising of barely any.

"You've got to eat your vegetables if you want to grow up big and strong!"

Luffy literally ate only meat for I'm pretty sure for the first seventeen years of his life before Sanji came along.

But, since everyone's looking at me and laughing at my predicament, I reluctantly begin eating my vegetables and looking around, to my surprise there are no Marines, I can recognise, which means one of two things.

One, they either died or resigned and therefore didn't appear in the Canon.

Two, they lived but faded into obscurity.

It's likely the former, as anyone that was sailing previously with Zephyr would probably at least me somewhat famous and revealed in the story.

Though Zephyr wasn't Canon, since he is here now, and he trained---

"Hey, why are you in such deep thought?"

No, it wasn't Zephyr who said that, but the person next to him, who gives me a pat on the back startling me.

He looks to be around twenty or so, and I can already see the death flags, though there probably will be one or two of the people here that do survive.

As I'm calculating this, I realize, I should have looked at my plate, as I realize there are clearly more vegetables then there were before.

At the same time, Zephyr excuses himself from the meal, "Alright, I'm done, good night boys, I'll see you in the morning."

Taking away his plate, it comes to me.

That old---


Three Days Later


Here we are, Marineford.

You know, passing the Grand Line as Marines is a lot safer than the method that Luffy used, I mean excluding some violent weather that was only present near the Calm Belt, there were virtually no problems whatsoever.

Especially since the ship's hull was coated with Seastone, we didn't get attacked once by a Sea King, though we did see some in the distance, none of them attacked.

Passing the Calm Belt, was definitely, interesting...

Since the Calm Belt has virtually no winds, Zephyr decided to literally row the entire ship, it's hard to describe, but that's what he did...

It's not like we didn't have an engine that propelled the ship, it was simply that Zephyr was capable of moving the ship faster by rowing than the engine could.

Though he did get tired after doing it for a while, thankfully, it was enough for us to leave the Calm Belt and enter the Grand Line.

When we entered the Grand Line, it was smooth sailing from then on, though there were Pirates aplenty, there was nowhere near the same amount of as during the Great Age of Piracy.

However, as I expected, Kaidou, Big Mom and even Whitebeard were already active, Roger with Rayleigh should be as well, though probably just not infamous.

I wonder how Shiki is doing right now...

Also, Brook...

He should be dead by now and stuck in that... Triangle place, I can't remember, I'm going to have to check later.

Then, there are those two giants, from Little Island? Who else, must not forget what I know, Doflamingo might still be a Celestial Dragon, wait, is he even born right now?


Screw it, I'll just try to do what I can and since Zephyr is now leaving---

"Jerez! I need you to come with me!"


The next moment, I find myself lifted up and being taken.

End of South Blue Arc [I]

If we do come back to it, then it will be called, 'South Blue Arc [II]'. Just to clarify.

Also, the next chapters will be longer than 1000 words!

Time for world building as well!

Also, the release schedule is weekly.

Greenfieldcreators' thoughts