
Adeptus Mechanicus: Machine Spirit be Damned

What happens when a forge master dooms his entire sector by choosing the wrong side of the war. And in a last ditch effort uses forbidden technology that leave him lost in an unknown universe with nothing but his experience,knowledge and help from the gods that plaqued his previous universe . Follow the fabricator general as he plunges a new universe into chaos as he curves his legacy by the will of the Omnissiah But not all goes to plan…. ———————————————————— I’m not that great in synopsis but hope you enjoy the book anyway *And for those who knew the first synopsis it still applies I’m just experimenting a little. I don’t own warhammer or whatever universe this story ends up in lol(I will use the readers suggestion) 1.DC (in progress)

Chilled_Cronics · TV
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8 Chs

Lest they Know

—-Forge world Helios——

~"Segmentum Obscurus"

Atop one of the many forge spires of the world one Forge master can be seen observing the vast arrays of metal and smoke that covers the world. No expression can be read from him as he no longer has the weakness of flesh but instead replaced with cold steel and bionics made to enhance his body to work with both shocking efficiency and if need be fight of any who opposes the will of the machine spirit or maybe even his….


'How many years , how many years have I slaved away dreaming of progress yet only to be met with cries of heresy and imminent execution if I "over step my bounds". I observe the grim horizon thinking of how much I sacrificed yet still the system isn't satisfied with its pound of flesh yet in this case, the many bodies consumed by this forge world to meet my barest sense of production limit. My mechanical brain going over various scenarios choosing and evaluating different ideas and commands that won't decrease efficiency .A habit I acquired to make sure everything goes to plan, efficiency, that's what drives consistent progress..

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a servo skull that must have been hovering there for some time, I find this abomination an inefficient way of communication, yet all my efforts of improving this archaic device led me to be essentially banished to this planet far from the Segmentum Solar .Some even went as far as wanting to label me a heretic for trying to go against the tenants written and observed. That damned Magos Degios and his mindless lackeys pushed for me, MEEE to be stripped of my position, was it not for my irrefutable contribution to uncovering and understanding various STC's I would have probably be dead. Yet that would have been mercy maybe I would have been turned to a glorified servitor.

*Beeeep*The servo skull flashes bringing me out of my musing

'I should see what this is all about'.

I connect to the servo skull skimming through various forms of data reports. A mundane task but one in which I enjoy, Apparently they managed to get the dormant titan in a semi operational condition given its machine spirit seems set on maddening anyone who dare bend it will. Futile attempt as I do not lack resources to change its machinations.

'Interesting ',deep in the message logs I scheme through a message sent out by the imperial command that a space marine chapter would make a visit to this sector, strange,why is there no mention of what chapter .Do they mean to make a surprise visit or was it a last minute notification probably lost in the vast bureaucracy plaguing the Administratum.Irregardless I should probably prepare for their visit ,they should be arriving within soon.

I connect to the forge world nerve network and send my commands to the relevant forge priest to prepare the forge world,for its upcoming visitor.I should also make sure I beef up security,though I've designed this world to bleed any invader to our mutual death,their is no such thing as over assurance.

I dismiss the servo skull and walk through the vast work area I set apart for myself, with various designs and prototypes filling the room .My attention is pulled back to one device I never finished working on as the way it works still eludes me.

The cube like machine, lays floating in the display as I pick it and observe it closely.One can observe the various the beautiful designs etched the cube machines that seems to be able to output enough energy on its own to power a Nemesis class fleet carrier if my calculations are to be trusted.Yet the obvious alien nature of this technology would have me disassembled if brought to the wider imperium but I'm not so close minded to see what such technology can bring if it can be replicated.

I place the cube structure back in its display as I walk deeper into the work area.

'At least I shall keep this beautiful piece of machinery as one of my many aces,one can never be to cautious in this galaxy of endless war, one is but a small machine ready to be sacrificed for another's baseless plans and I refuse to reduced to a mere pawn….


'From the weakness of the mind,Omnissiah save us.

From the temptation of the flesh, Silica cleanse us.

From the savages of the destroyer, Anima shield us

From this roten cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free'

~Cult of machine 

~2 Terran months later~

~Segmentum Obscurus~

In the silence of space glided a behemoth of steel,adorned with glistening gold and battle scars.Guns of un fathomable size lined the ship giving all those who witnessed this majestic ship of mankind a sense of dread upon laying eyes on it. A 20 kilometer battle barge made by the Imperium of Man,sanctified by the Omnissiah and assigned to one of the Emperor's son,given a simple name but the Vengeful spirit.


"Warmaster I don't see why we need the help of a disgraced forge master."sighed a space marine as he couldn't understand his warmasters reasoning. 

"You fail to realise this so called disgraced forge master turned 8 burren planets into industrial juggernauts,I believe his sector is the 10th highest in terms of production in the imperium,is that right Erubus." Horus said as he shifted the the map to show the planets in question.

"Also the forge master has a past yes,but one we can use no?"Erubus stated satisfied with the nods of acknowledgement from the rest of the Mournival."We have many STC we could give him to study,same as the other tech priest,their hunger for knowledge gives as a clear opportunity."

"Then it's settled, but we should always work within the realm of caution"Horus said turning to look outside at the vast space observing as the crew busied itself down ensuring the ship maintained its course towards forge world Helios. 

--Dockyard --

Servitors and their tech priest handlers mill about all attending to various tasks,from the building of gun boats to the construction of a gothic class battleship off in the distance yet this time the dockyard is being used as a docking bay for a heavily armored transport.

"Do they have to make us wait."ask a Skitarii marshal,one among the 80 acting as my guards.Not to mention the dozens of rangers scattered around the near vicinity of the dockyard but well positioned to go unnoticed.

"Its just a mere power play on their part, we just have to wait,they'll seize this petty game eventually."I acknowledge the marshal,who was he or is it a she,inconciquential,I also tire with this game the luna wolves are playing or do I refer them to their new names,Sons of Horus.I can already see how much nercassistic the war master is.Maybe I shall name my little branch of the Mechanicus as the cult of Ignatius Ferrumax .

Gears move and the forge master trembled in what seemed as madness as he seemed to be delighted by his innermusing of the the sheer absurdity of what he just thought,such an act would be same as social suicide as even he lacked that level of narcassisim to go through with it. But to his close marshalls it seemed that their forge master was writhing in anger as many knew how much he hated to be treated in such a manner.

Bolts and hissing could be heard as the heavy door of the transport slowly lowered,a sort of honor guard matched out of the transport clad in terminator armor and positioned themselves around the transport.Minutes when finally heavy thumping of metal on metal could be heard as a being of great stature made his way down the transport door towards the forge master.

'He's taller than I expected.'I thought as I scanned his armor.It was indeed a work of art probably made by the forge master of Mars himself,truly a beautiful work of art.

It seems I was lost in figuring out the war master terminator armor that I noticed he was already in front of me observing me.

Not many have made me feel uncomfortable in my lifetime but being observed by a 15ft emotional man with eyes that seems to bore through my mechanical eyes.Given that thanks to my mechanical implants I was 8ft tall this level of inferiority was more shocking than humiliating .

I gripped my multi tool stuff,a variation of the custodian Guardia spear outfitted with many improvements on fire rate and an interface that allows me to call upon it allowing it to hover using hover technology. One of my most priced possessions.

"I welcome the war master."I say slightly trying to gauge his purpose of being here,measuring my words not to sound disrespectful but also let my curiosity seep through.

"I appreciate you allowing us to land on your world ,but I couldn't help but notice the high security,is there a problem?"said Horus as he looked around the vicinity of the dockyard

I guess it was delusional to think I could sneak anything past him,though I reply stoically as possible,"It's just a safety precaution to ensure the war master doesn't come into any harm,you know being so close to the eye of terror."

The war master didn't seem so convinced but at the same time he couldn't argue with the logic,this is a place where security is a top priority so expecting less would be illogical.

Not allowing the silence to continue on longer,"I'm sure you have some important details you need to discuss,let's head to the office."I say as I turn and lead the way.

Many seem shocked by my lack of respect as even some of the Space marines were about to raise their bolt guns,but with a wave of their chapter master they lowered and begrudgingly followed their chapter master.


First chapter what do y'all think,it's still a working progress but I'll improve,I'm kinda slow in updating as I make sure each chapter is at least above 1500 words so thanks for reading…

first chapter what are your thoughts,I welcome any idea

Chilled_Cronicscreators' thoughts