
Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer

A young kid who loves fiction and fanfiction is reborn in a Harry potter marvel and Pjo combined verse after dying. Crossover elements of all fiction. Discord link https://discord.gg/EKwh25

Imabethatguy12345 · Fantasy
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113 Chs

Story out,

Story Out, is called Adam Black, I posted this on my other acount, Adem Thomas, remember I lost this one so I made a new account? I lost that account too, but I recently just found it back. I decided not to delete this story because although a lot of people hate this story, there is a lot of people who love this story too, I might even decide to continue it.

Again, it's called Adam Black it is a crossover between Hp/Marvel/ and Percy Jackson.

I will post a comment with my other account here so it can be easy access.

Wish me luck, I will see you there.