
Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer

A young kid who loves fiction and fanfiction is reborn in a Harry potter marvel and Pjo combined verse after dying. Crossover elements of all fiction. Discord link https://discord.gg/EKwh25

Imabethatguy12345 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
113 Chs

Schedule update

The chapters will be random I will update at least two per week probably more, most likely more, but will all be random. I am getting very busy with life and I have other stories that need loving. No, I am not dropping it, I've been pretty good at keeping my word on the schedule with this story, you should know that by now. Thanks again for the support it is appreciated. note that I do hear you your complaints about the misspellings and grammatical errors and blah blah blah.

Thanks for the support.

At least two Per week

Imabethatguy12345creators' thoughts