
Adam Black The Grand Sorcerer

A young kid who loves fiction and fanfiction is reborn in a Harry potter marvel and Pjo combined verse after dying. Crossover elements of all fiction. Discord link https://discord.gg/EKwh25

Imabethatguy12345 · Fantasy
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113 Chs


You guys are so lucky I love writing this book otherwise I would of gave up on this

Are you people doing this on purpose just to get on my nerves or just plain blind you can't see texts of the chapters that are already short I excepted necessary critiscm not this!

Seriously guys what the hell? if you don't like it just drop it.

I am very grateful for a people who support this I love you guys so much and the people who crtisize necessary.

Honestly, now I understand why so many people drop you guys are insane why don't you try and write a book and let everyone trash unnessasary at your hard work youd understand!

He has Asgardian abilities but he choose s to stay low because he wants too lets not forget he is a KID a kid who's Loki's reincarnation but nonetheles an 8 year old K.I.D!!!!!

. sorry just got to let that out, Im done now. I got a chapter tomorrow bye love you~