
Ad Astra

The Universe is ever changing, ever expanding and full of mysteries. How about a walk through it.

StellaVati · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

A new place

Theo's eyes opened slowly only to be immediately closed due to the light and the intense dizziness he felt. A while later the dizziness reduced and he could sit up and figure out where he was. It was a run-down building with outdated medical equipment and some beds with other wounded patients on them. A nurse stepped in and seeing him awake let out a gasp as she called out to someone who was out of Theo's sight. Soon a middle aged man in a funny-looking coat and overalls walked in and proceeded to check Theo's vitals.

"Well kid, it's amazing you survived all of that. The blaster shot missed your vital organs and slightly cauterised your wounds. The drugs you took also kept you somewhat alive." The man was talking as he checked the drip attached to Theo's arms.

"I'm honestly impressed you lived that long in the wasteland and you didn't catch anything from those racks in the trash heap. You must be a lucky kid." the doctor kept prattling on.

"Thank you for your help but where am I".

"Well you're on Langen 6 the home to all that is broken, wrecked and desolate. Well, that isn't always the case because..."

"ahem," a cough came from beside the doctor as the nurse called his attention.

"Sir, I am sure that Mr Nick would like to know the status of the person he brought in."

"Oh yes…yes,make sure to send him a message while I check on the other patients." The doctor proceeded to leave Theo as he went to check on the other unconscious or sick people.

Whoever this Nick is he is probably who saved me in the wasteland but for what reason? After all, whoever this Nick character is might be a little influential as he took from the conversation between the nurse and the doctor.

Theo reached for his pockets and was alarmed as he noticed that his gun and wallet were missing. With further inquiry, he realised he was in some hospital gown of some sort. Probably his clothing was removed to treat his wounds well. One of the nurses came toward Theo and motioned for him to follow her as she took him to a room where he saw a giant of a man sitting and waiting for him.

"Well it seems you survived kid, Sarah was sure you weren't going to make it out alive." Nick said with a smile as he stood and approached Theo. "I'm Nick Araujo but you can just call me Nick" he stretched out his hand for a shake.

"Thank you Nick for saving me" Theo stretched his hand and received the handshake. "Ehm how much do I owe you for the treatment".

All of a sudden Nick burst into laughter "Pay me back? kid if you could pay me back you won't have been lost in the wilderness covered in rags. And from what I can remember you hardly have anything on you."

Theo felt heat rise to his face as the man quickly guessed his state. "Well, there is something I can do at the least to make it up for this help" Theo blurted out to hide his embarrassment

"We would speak of that later now, dress up and come on". He handed Theo a pair of dark brown combat trousers and a black shirt. Theo quickly put them on and walked out with Nick. As Theo left the hospital with Nick a nurse ran to him and handed him some pills, "take two of these after pills for three days to make sure there aren't any issues, and we would be here in case of anything else".

"Thank you and I will have no problem" Theo thanked the nurse and picked up his pace to catch up with Nick keeping the pack of pills in his pockets.

"If it ain't much can I ask what you were doing in the wasteland? It is extremely dangerous and most folks who go out there are either hunters, scavengers or people looking to die. And from what we saw you are the latter". Nick entered a jeep parked outside the hospital and started up the engine.

Theo entered the back seat as the vehicle started moving on the dusty street. "I just woke up in a garbage heap surrounded by some creatures I have never seen before. I just kept running in hopes I escaped".

"Well you must be one lucky devil kid, not everyone can survive the wasteland, especially with a bullet wound no less".

"So where are we heading to?" Theo had to ask.

"To meet the crew".

The jeep moved across the landscape giving Theo a way to take a good look at the city.