
Across the Worlds

Same main character gets reincarnated . Read the first chapter and get on the ride.

Vishesh_Singh_7260 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Training for the first time

In the classroom of hustle and bustle . A young female teacher of around 25 entered the classroom. Wearing a windbreaker like dress . She gave a youthful appearance . Seeing her , the students who were talking became quiet . Silva who was peeking outside the window hurriedly opened his book and started listening to her .

Seeing that the whole class has became silent , the young teacher named Amber started to speak .

" Good morning all my dear students . You will be happy to know that half of your lectures will be cancelled for today ". Hearing her every students felt excited except few including Silva .

" Why today ?". He complained in his mind .

" It's because you all are going to attend the special class by Sir Keat for extend period of time . Sir will be examining your physique and Chakra nature ".

Hearing her words the eyes Silva sparked .

" Finally!! Finally the moment where my destiny will change . The reincarnation event where I will get the most special 'class ' and shock everyone ". He kept murmuring to him self walking into the line . The students however didn't find it strange as they walk behind him .

On the open ground a man of around 40 ( Geo pea age system ) was standing . His physique was broad and well built. His stern look gave off aloofness. Some students even started to sweat .

" Good morning to this beautiful ground of St. Kaiju . I am here to examine your training talent and nature thoroughly and assign you proper guidance ". He said loudly as his words spread to the whole ground .

" As you all know that the ki energy requires different types of environment and training. It's like an apple plant can't grow in a dessert likewise your talent won't bloom with different training methods .

In the 1st year of your school your Chakra nature has been transparent but it will start to take form and give a color or nature. Some of you might even have experienced it before hand .

Now then,

Raise your hand if you want to volunteer and show me your Chakra nature ".Saying this he paused a little trying to find the right candidate .

Of The class of around twenty five to thirty students. Only ten students raised thier hands .

Silva also didn't raised his hand .

" As if he will pick me ".

" Yes you black haired boy tell me what is your Chakra nature ?".

" Black ?" . Silva blurted out loudly .

" That is a wiered way of pointing out to someone because it's a common hair colour ". Silva thought but In the Geo pea all the elites have blond hair and common people have brown hair colour . Many royal families even have red and yellow hair colour . Black hair colour his very uncommon here such that only Silva have it in the whole classroom.

" Black ?! hmmm. ...? It's a very rare type of Chakra nature . You are lucky to have it . Now come! Let me see how much your Chakra nature has changed ".

Silva's hands trembled . " Ohh my god ! I just blurted out the first word he said . If he finds out that what I said was a lie he will make me run a thousand mile !".Silva said in his mind imaginig to his past experiences .

He slowly walked to a little mountain like mound on which Sir Keat was standing .

"Now let me see how dense is your Chakra natureis really ? ". Saying this he put his both hands on the shoulder of Silva and took a deep breath while his eyes looking at the sky .

After few seconds, the eyebrows of his got a little close and he withdrew his hands . His expression changed . He said in a little apologetic and understanding voice .