
Across the Worlds

Same main character gets reincarnated . Read the first chapter and get on the ride.

Vishesh_Singh_7260 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Knowing the world

"What am I going to do now ? ". Sitting at the stone railing Silva asked himself . Having a storm of questions in his mind he noticed that he is holding a book in his right hand . Sir Pele already left him at the terrace . Silva sat silently for a while but his head started to feel dizzy and pain started to swarm it through the nerves.

" What is this book for ? Maybe Sir Pele Give it to me . My brain hurts so much .

Hmmm...? When did I reach here ?

I guess there is no way to find it now .I think I should read this to distract myself for now . I know very little about this world anyways ."

The book contains concise knowledge of this world and the past history .


Around 1 Million years ago an asteroid hit the planet . The researchers named it as the 'stone of life and death ' . The asteroid instantly killed all the living things in that area . which is named as Geopea . Few days after the asteroid hit . It started to melt and seep inside the planet . In a few months it completely vanished and the surrounding area became green again . But it started to grow strange looking plants. These plants were alluring and beautiful containing strange looking fruits . All the animals feared that area.

But one day a baby elephant which has been left from it's family came to find the plant . In hunger and curiosity it ate the fruit . Initially the baby elephant was fairly big it grew smaller but the baby elephant became happy because his hunger and tiredness vanished. In addition it grew two wings ! After that event mysteriously many other animals started to eat the plants and fruit . Some with hunger , some with curiosity and after 1 lakh years the entire 'Geo pea ' had some kind of chi energy .

(Note : Nobody knows how the researchers found that kind of detail. It is a story containing some lies for children however eighty percent of it is true . )

But due to the special section of the nature only one fifth of the plants and animals retained the heavenly energy known as ' chi ' or 'qi '. While everyone can containing it for a small amount only few can control and manifest it .

According to the rough estimates of around 24 billion people and human like species only 1.7 billion have the power to manifest and control it .

After a few chapters he read about the realms the human being have researched about . It is divided into eight different levels i.e Kan , Li , Zhen , Gen , Dui , Xun , Kun , Qain ..

Over. Half of the population who can manifest it can't go over Zhen realm . Gen is considered above average while Dui is ranked in special rank . Xun class cultivators are given commanders rank while Kun level masters are Kings or it's ministers while some private firms head like Mecha magic and Dow training hall have thier heads at kun level . Similarly the ' beasts ' which can manifest the ki energy are divided into eight parts from 1 to 8 respectively . The beasts are however more in numbers and variety which includes from spider to dragons! Rank 5 beasts whic are comparable to Dui level master are over 13 billion in numbers but they are sparsely distributed accordingly as the planet is much bigger than the planet similiar to earth . One theory suggests that the animals have lived on Geo pea far more than humans hence they are more adapted to ki energy . But only few have broken to 7 rank while 8 rank is considered a legend like the Qain class .

Reading the book halfway Silva kept it beside his bed pondering about the content of this book.