
1. Chapter 1

Author's Note: This happened because people people keep encouraging me to write, which is both unexpected and unnerving. Mostly AberrantScript, but you're all to blame to some extent. Anyway, thanks for the kind words, I hope this one's at least half as enjoyable.

"Schooools out, for, summer!", Luna Loud sang to herself as she strolled down the halls of Royal Woods Highschool. It wasn't true, sadly. She'd be right back here tomorrow morning, bright and early. But there was a whole afternoon standing between her and the resumption of her studies, and nothing helped you get through the bad parts of life like being able to stop and enjoy the good parts as they came.

Speaking of the good parts…Luna thought with a grin as a very welcomed sight came into view. Sam Sharp. Bandmate. Friend. Girlfriend. That last one was a recent, but extremely welcomed development.

Luna quieted her steps as she made her approach. Slowly and deliberately. The blonde beauty was currently preoccupied with something in her locker, and Luna couldn't resist the urge to surprise her.

Luna had closed the distance to her prey and was just about to announce her presence with her usual brand of style, flair and volume, when she chanced upon a glimpse of what had so thoroughly ensnared her girlfriend's attention.

Sam, as it happened, was hunched over what appeared to be a comic book. That wasn't particularly unusual in and of itself, though Luna couldn't recall a time when Sam had ever displayed an interest in such things. It was…somewhat more unusual that Sam had apparently felt the need to conceal her hobby…and more unusual still that she was breathing rather heavily for such a low energy activity. But this was high school, you saw stranger things on a regular basis. Things like the content of said comic book.

Clutched between her girlfriend's fingers was a two-page spread, depicting a costumed man and woman locked in a passionate embrace. Registering almost simultaneously, and far more prominently in her mind, was how familiar these figures looked. The man, who was colorfully clad in tones of red, blue, and black was easy to identify, in no small part due to the how frequently his domino-masked visage could be found around the Loud House. Ace Savvy, the Worlds Savviest Crimefighter. The woman, however, was far more surprising.

A purple leotard. White face paint with stylized black clubs' markings circling her eyes. A black studded collar, and a wicked looking guitar strapped to her back. Objectively, Luna could appreciate that it was a pretty rocking ensemble, all things considered, but there was something about the overall design that gave her pause. Which triggered an unexpected sensation of familiarity.

Luna's eyes widened as memories came rushing back to her. Banana peels. Leni's scarf. Raccoon. Lincoln's comic book. Recognition at last. The Night Club. Luna Loud was staring at a stylized depiction of her own, fictional, super hero alter ego.

"Geh?", she articulated with intelligence and grace.

"Eep!" was Sam's response, as she shot upward in surprise, very nearly concussing herself on the top of her locker.

"Luna!", she squeaked, her voice several octaves higher than normal. Luna would have thought it adorable, had she had full control of her mental faculties. Sam, to her credit, made a heroic attempt at recovery, given the circumstances.

"H-Hey, L-lunes", she greeted her girlfriend "Funny seeing you here".

Even in her addled state, it didn't escape Luna's attention that Sam was attempting to discretely slide the comic behind her back.

"Buh", Luna articulated.

"Comic book? What comic book?"

"Neh", Luna gestured at the literature in question.

"Behind my back?"

"Guh" Luna affirmed.

"Well, I don't…OH HEY, what do you know. There WAS a comic book. Behind…my back. Funny that."

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as Sam sheepishly, and reluctantly pulled the comic from its hiding spot.

"I guess we should talk about this."

Sometime later, Luna found herself sitting across a lunch table from her girlfriend, her powers of speech restored by a refreshing can of cola.

"So…" she ventured uncertainly, "Didn't know you were into that stuff".

"Comics, I mean. Not that there's anything wrong with that", she quickly followed up, seeing the blonde girl's cheeks redden ever so slightly with embarrassment.

"I'm not. Not normally" Sam replied, still nervous, but with far more passivity than she'd displayed previously.

"It's a web comic, from the internet. I found out about it through my little brother."

Luna took a sip of her cola and gestured for the girl to continue.

"I'm not normally into this super hero stuff, but something about this one really spoke to me. It's cheesy, but it's a lot of fun, I got hooked pretty quickly." She smiled beatifically, clearly warming to the subject. Luna found herself appreciating the sight.

"The Night Club is the coolest!" She squealed, "She kicks all kinds of butt, and she's super hot"

Luna smiled broadly, she liked where this was going.

"And she and Ace are amazing together! I ship them so hard!"

Luna's smile became significantly more strained.

"Recently, the author started taking commissions from fans. I commissioned…maybe…five...or ten pages, and the author liked my ideas so much that he ended up doing a whole issue based on them! So I commissioned a printed issue."

With that, Sam shoved the comic into Lunas hands, looking at her expectantly.

Mildly perturbed, Luna began flipping through the pages. Now that she had a closer view, she was able to make out details that had previously escaped her notice. Even she could tell that the art was a little on the crude side, but there was something eye catching about the way everything was drawn. It was very colorful and dynamic. It had a lot of heart, and was clearly made by someone who really enjoyed what he did. She could appreciate that, being a creative herself.

Eventually, Luna found herself on the two-page spread once more.

"That was part of my original commission!" Sam squeaked excitedly

"Isn't it awesome? Ace of Clubs is my OTP!"

Luna wasn't certain how she felt about the fact that her girlfriend was pairing up Luna's fictional alter-ego with other people. She took a closer look at the pages in question.

Luna had some passing familiarity Ace Savvy, as he frequently made his way around the Loud house in one form or another, thanks to Lincoln. She'd even chaperoned her little brother on his trips to the comic book store on occasion. But a closer inspection revealed differences that didn't quite match up with what she could recall off the top of her head. This Ace was somewhat leaner of build than she remembered. He was a bit younger looking too, fresher of face than she recalled. And did Ace Savvy normally have white hair?

Her suspicions building, Luna flipped back around to the cover of the comic. Aces Wild, it read in bold print, depicting a scene of Ace and the Night Club standing back to back, surrounded by villains. And there, in the corner, she found what she'd been looking for. A humble and innocuous logo. Clincoln McCloud Publishing.


Just a weird little idea I had. Not totally sure where I'd take this if I wrote any more, but we'll see what happens.