
Ace of the Abyss

"You're death is not my mercy" says Arturios while sitting on a pile of corpse. Life has never been easy for him, so he shows interest in death itself..., some say that cold hearts never melts, but he has a soft and cold heart at same time....,, Just watching for his final moments of his life, his only feelings were grief, agony and a hint of anger but in the end he could just do nothing. but the goddess of fate seemed to have a different destiny exclusive only to him. [Ding...] [The amount of offerings have been satisfied....] [The special privilege of the paragon 'armament of darkness' has been used] [Preparing a supreme grade summon...] [Summoning "ROYAL CHAOS DEVIL"] [The host has acquired a special class "HELL BRINGER"] [The host.......] [The host......}

PaladiNetwork · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The continental Drift

It the 35th eternity and the Stygian era and, the ruler Stygian sovereign had been leading the empire quite flawlessly, so it was hard to think it was his fault for what was happening right now.

under the scorching hot sun and the tyrannizing gaze of millions, stood a man, this fearsome warrior stood in front of a huge cage made of iron. Inside the cage was a giant cat-like beast adorned with scrapes of wooden coverings, menacing at the man which it is going to fight to death battle.

Both the man and the beast have done so many times already, they have done it with many others, but it was also their first time facing each other, they were the most gruesome pair under the reign of the Stygian sovereign, seeing this display of unyielding passion and bravery all the audience present here started to roar that was represented as cheering,

And the colosseum they were at had the ability to seat more than 30 to 200 billion spectators, it would shield all the people from the mighty gazes of the sun and all the gusts and magical discharges that occur in the battles, it was supported by the magically enchanted masts connected to the colosseum top.



The giant navel blue cat drifted out from the cage roaring at the warrior, just as it was about to bounce at the human or rather the lion-kin,



The lion-kin suddenly disappeared from where he stood and appeared again after landing a rather shallow cut on the skin of the cat, but it still earned a lot cheers from crowd.



The cat also didn't seem to be any pushover either, it swiftly jumped on the latter and left the wound of claw's deep and similarly the battle continued for another few hours.

The cat which was using its full body combat until now decides to stop to catch its breath or that was what all were thinking, when the lion-kin saw this, he started to dash at the cat with his full might, and little did he know that it was a very dangerous move.

The cat opens its mouth all of the sudden and a ball of black lightning forms and releases it on the latter, the lion-kin when sees this, jumps straight above the ball of energy instead of dodging by the side and as he nearly dodges the sphere at the hair's distance and pounces on the cat.

All the audience that have have seen this battle from the start have guessed that it was neither a easy battle nor a obvious win. It was a battle between to evenly matched opponents.






After a long battle of two, it was finally time to the determine the winner as this brawl was going nowhere, just as about the referee would stop the battle as commanded,




All of a sudden, the earth beneath the opponents begun to crack, it was not only there but the whole colosseum started to crumble and split apart, the people out of panic started to run here and there, but the chaos soon calmed down as the imperial guards arrived and evacuated all the gladiators as well as the spectators.

They later learned that it isn't just happening in this place but all the over the empire, the land was starting to crumble and divide and separate by the impact.

Somewhere near the centre of the empire,

In the centre of this centre stood a magnificent castle of lighter shade of brown walls and the exquisite emerald green plus royal molten gold colored top, it was a collection of a total of nine towers and one main room that looked more like a closed-top podium and five open ground that were spread out in deferent directions.

If any of the people from our present era or their future era were to come see this place, they would be awed and astonished by the amazing architecture and the abroaidary of this civilization.

Inside this castle at a certain grand hall, seated a total of 12 members and including their guards, attendants the count would be approximately 36 to 40 people present in this meeting, that had made all the top executives of the empire to be present here.

"Do any of you have any idea on what's going on here??", "'cause I heard it is happening all over the empire and at different places", and to break the silence someone suddenly decides to speak up.

"Are you sure it is not one of you people's doing??, well I not sure because it is too big of a destruction for any one of you to do, but still if it is any of you then accept frankly and let's find the solution for it", says the seemingly youngest member sitting here.

"I have been telling you!!, but I'll say this again, it is the wrath of the god, maybe we have done something that shouldn't have!!, let's pray to them so we wouldn't suffer any longer", says an old man who seemed to have difficulty in standing up even with a stick but every one nods in approval to his words as well, since it was the most possible scenario.

"Ya that's true, maybe we have incurred the wrath of the gods due to the poor ruling under that Stygian sovereign I did say he was bad news but you people never hear me!!", said a middle-aged man who seemed to have a bad opinion of the ruler.

"Ah!!, you just need a reason to push all blame on him, we all know how good this eternity is under the lordship of the Stygian sovereign and we all know that it was lots better than when your father the Janitor sovereign, now I think is really you whom god are angry on!!", said yet another woman sitting in the round table while also receiving acknowledgement from many others present here.

Seeing that his taunt had backfired on himself, he frowned slightly and opened his mouth to argue but when he found that there was no saying in this matter he sighed and quickly closed his mouth.

But the others seemed to have gotten quite a thrill in this situation, so seeing that he couldn't put up a word they began to talk again, "Ha-ha!!, did the cat finally get your tongue!!", "why don't you talk now, ha, no words to say are they", many people started mocking him in unison sarcastically.

"There's no need to blame him for this matter, elders", "And this isn't the god's wrath as well, so kindly relax yourselves", someone suddenly intercepts and explains the matter to stop the conflict.

When everyone hears this voice, they stood up all of a suddenly to greet this seemingly late-comer.

The origin of the voice or the person who spoke that was none other than the present great emperor, The Stygian Sovereign,

'Kinqardin Vinstorm Von Dermis-Heimer'.

As his presence emitted in the grand hall, his stature was greeted by silence which only omitted power, power and power!!!, his aura only demanded to be revered and respected.

"I have received the divination of the goddess of Eternia that this not any curse but the natural course of action of the ecology", "And we are said no we are ordered not to meddle with this matter, that's all I could comprehend".

"Oh, your eternity!!, it's been a pleasure seeing that you have done the right thing even in this dire situation". Says the woman who was swearing on the son of the previous sovereign.

On hearing this, all the others present here started their own ways of appreciation to their sovereign.

"So, your eternity, what does it mean by 'do not render the action' that the divination has said", "Does it mean we should stay away from the citizens and the vessels??". This time it was the youngest member that enquired.

"Yes, your eternity, I think we should be leaving this place and then return after all this mess is cleared"

"I also think we should stay away from this land drifts that are happening now"

"I think it's the best to separate different vessel species into different parts of this land to live"

"Yes, I think that's the best course of action, if you ask, your eternity"

This way all the others started to voice their opinions to their sovereign simultaneously.

A few months later:

It has been about half a year since the great continental drift had started, the whole empire had started to brake and divide and this process had been going on without any intervention.

Except for the 'Dermis-Heimers', none of the other races knew about the current situation and what was even shocking was that those of who knew this fact also knew of another fact, and that was, the 'Dermis-Heimer' imperial family has decided end their reign and enter seclusion for reasons unknown!!

[#Your Eternity: It's somethin' similar to your highness or your majesty or any other thin']