
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Video Games
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29 Chs

Trigger Vs Cipher

It was the usual day of living in this Universe.

Nothing too crazy happened for the past few days other than cleaning the whole base from the corpse of BETA after the Battle For Yokohama which happened a moment ago.

I also assisted in with the cleanup and carrying the supplies since they were short on manpower because of the recent attack.... it was also my first time carrying a dead body by hand, and let me tell you? it was not pleasant.

Numerous Supply trucks sent by the Empire Of Japan have arrived and a battalion worth of TSF to assist with cleaning the rest of BETA which makes a quick work of the BETA.

Some BETA managed to retreat which the nearby Japanese Navy tried to intercept trying to annihilate them which ended in failure.

Well.. I won't blame the Japanese Navy for failing to annihilate them, since most of the BETA travel underwater which makes the job harder. It's already a miracle that the Japanese Navy managed to use only battleship cannon to destroy 60% of the retreat BETA.

I just worried about the escape BETA since they can analyze any information and provide a counter for it, which could end with most of the aircraft that I use becoming absolute.

But I did not really think much about it since it was not really my problem and I just rested for the past few days and sometimes help the UN force since they have been lacking manpower from the recent attack.

While I was resting, Trigger has been working together with the rest of the Special Task Force A-01. Aka the Valkyries Squadron. They are training together because they are preparing themself for another Operation which going to happen soon which the operation calls..

The Battle for Korea

Seeing as the result of the Battle Of Sadogashima was beyond what was expected by both the UN and the Empire Of Japan they wanted to accelerate the operation while the weapons were still considered useful.

As you know after BETA manage to gather information and bring it back to the HIVE they can provide a countermeasure for example if the enemy has air superiority all they need is information about how it works and provide an Anti-Air every time they go to battle.

Of course, we are going to join the fight except me seeing as I am still injured. But I can tell Alina or Trigger are very eager for this battle and will play an important role in this world and in future battles if I play my card right.

While she was training alongside the other Valkries Squadron I began to notice that her status her experience went up slowly as she kept training. It was useful information considering that means I don't have to make my pilot fight to the death just to receive the experience to level up.

While sometimes Trigger trains in her free time she goes together with Dr. Kouzaki.

Why would Alina Blackburn or Trigger spend time with the most insane scientist in the whole UN you ask? Well, Dr. Kouzaki has asked permission to study the X-02 Wvyren, since it contains a lot of technology that is more advanced than anything even we possess now.

Honestly, It took me a lot of conviction from Dr Kouzaki to allow her research on the aircraft but after many discussions with each other, I decided to allow it.

I don't really mind it being studied since I was curious as well on how the X-02 Wvyren works... 


A moment ago at the hangar was Dr Kouzaki alongside other scientists and mechanics who have been all around the X-02 Wvyren trying to study how the aircraft works.

I even heard Dr Kouzaki went all out and selected the best personnel on this base even from outside the country just to research the aircraft. She really wants to know how it works.

Right now All of the people are being explained by Trigger or Alina herself as she explains each of the aircraft's functions.

"Y-you are saying this is a new type of thruster that allows for more efficient fuel and enchant thruster?!" Dr. Kouzaki exclaimed in astonishment, her curiosity prompted her to reach out and touch the aircraft. "I never thought you could make it this way..."

Well.. I did sign another contract that Dr. Kouzaki would pay for any damage that Dr Kouzaki caused. I still can't help but worried since the money in this world is pretty much useless considering my system does not consider the money from this world as currency.

Dunno why though, maybe the Shop has its own currency that I do not know of..

But I still can exchange the money from the system for this world currency which is not all that bad I guess. but the exchange rate is pretty crap like 1 dollar for 10.000 Yuan here...

And I have not seen a single shop which I can use the money for.

"Yes it allows for a faster and longer time up in the air, useful for any combat There is also AI inside that can assist the pilot in battle." Trigger explain

"...AI? As in Artificial Intelligence? Was that the one that caused it to move on its own when we tried to contain it?"

"Exactly. Allow me to introduce you to Yukikaze!" Alina declared, extending her arms towards the X-02 Wyvern.

I turned my attention alongside other people to the X-02 Wvyren and watched as it suddenly folded its wings, as though offering a friendly greeting.

So yeah I never noticed that from the start, X-02 Wvyren possesses AI that allows a more efficient way of controlling the aircraft or Autopilot if they want to.

Of course, the moment I noticed that it had AI I tried to make friends with it. Which the AI is more than happy with as I bring my arms around its wing sighing the agreement.

I have my first AI friend. Best Day ever.

What? I should be worried about Skynet shit like that? Who cares the only important thing is that I have my own first AI friend.

The other scientists, along with Dr. Kouzaki, were captivated by this unexpected revelation. "Ai? So-"

I left Dr. Kouzaki and Trigger alone to do their own thing. I already had my own fill of excitement when I heard there was AI inside of the aircraft, so I was not surprised by Dr. Kouzaki.


Which brings me here...

As I walk aimlessly in the hallway I notice that we have a visitor coming here when I look over from the window. And I can't help but be surprised by who was it

It was a bunch of United States Embassy.

They stand out because the clothes were familiar formal clothing that I used to know back in my world. I usually watch it on the TV on how the diplomacy with each country.

But man I never noticed that they came traveling by Spacecraft. 

A real spacecraft for travel purposes, ain't that so cool? Kind of an expensive thought just for a single travel between countries.

If it were back in my world, traveling through spacecraft would only be allowed by the rich. Still cool tho.

But I don't why, for some reason, I felt like the United States Embassy noticed me and had been looking at me in worry every time they got the chance to look at me. Must be my imagination.

Why would the United States care about a single citizen when they have to worry about BETA a lot more?

Another good is that I receive a lot of money, both from the system and Dr Kouzaki as the price for saving the base and giving permission to study the aircraft.

Still, Dr Kouzaki has been nice enough to give me permission to use the money I possess to buy a for everyday needs, even a gun.

I was surprised to find out that Japanese civilians are allowed to own weaponry for self-defense purposes. Man Japan owns a gun, now that's funny seeing everyday citizens owning a gun.

The United States must have given Japan a taste of FREEDOM in this place. And I love it.

Wait it's called Empire Of Japan, not Japan. So I guess that makes sense..

Still weird seeing that Japan still possesses some past culture like being a noble and Shogun. It's like they are still stuck in the past...

Maybe the United States forgot to use a Nuclear Bomb which caused Japan to change...

But anyway, since I received a lot of money from the system I decided to summon another pilot from the round of tables to at least reduce the stress that Trigger had to fight alone.

And seeing as the BETA that escapes can prepare a countermeasure just from a single glance of information from the recent battle I thought it would be a great chance to finally summon another pilot.

I can't help but be glad knowing that the system was not gacha system, if it were I can't help but worry about if I could even get a legendary pilot...

And after thinking for a few days about who I am going to summon from their trait, history, skills, and cost. I have managed to decide who I am going to summon.

This time he is famous for the title of Demon Lord of the Skies itself, and he has the ability to be my shield against the endless horde of fans who have been pestering me for my signature.

That's right I am summoning Cipher, AKa Galm 1. The real Demon Lord of the skies.

Oh yeah, baby! I am summoning the greatest pilot from the famous Belkan war itself! The one that single-handedly destroys the Belkan airforce and stops the nuclear warhead from turning the world into a desolate landscape.

And oh boy the moment Cipher appeared I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he was at least a guy and his looks were not bad too. And his name is none other than Takahiro Keiji.

He was a kind and handsome man, with brown hair and an Asian-like face, a height of around 179 cm. With a small beard around his chin.

So he is an average Asian person I usually meet in the UN, kind of surprising but a welcome one.

But with this I got the perfect shield- I mean pilot that I needed.

And If I can at least guess from the wrinkle on his face He should be around 34 years old.

Once I summoned him, I let him in the UN base and explained the git of the story to Dr Kouzaki about his piloting skills and she was more than happy to accept him even providing a room for him.

I have no idea why Dr Kouzaki trusts me with bringing unknown personnel inside her base, but I don't care since it makes my job a lot easier.

After that, Dr Kouzaki gives Cipher a keycard to his room. And told him to stand by first while Dr Kouzaki thought which squadron he would put with.

This brings us here, where I am currently giving him a little bit of a tour of the base since this place is massive and you can easily get lost.

"Interested in the Spacecraft captain?"

I turned my gaze, realizing that Cipher had set his sights on the very spacecraft I had been examining earlier.

"Yeah.. I never saw a Spacecraft so close before so it was interesting." Before looking back at the Spacecraft "So.. have you ever seen a Spacecraft?"

"Eh.. if you are talking about seeing a Spacecraft up close sometime, but if we are talking about riding it I did it once before."

"Eh? As In real spacecraft?"

he turned his attention to me with a big smug on his face "I may not look like it" he tapped his chest a few times "But I've got experience with every type of aircraft you can think of in modern warfare. From cargo planes to AC-130s, Awacs, and I've even had the chance to handle a spacecraft, taking a ride to the stratosphere."

"The stratosphere? Are you saying you rode it all the way to the Ozone Layer itself?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.


"Wow, that's absolutely amazing!" I exclaimed with starry-eyed wonder as I soaked in his story. "What type of spacecraft did you use, if you don't mind me asking?"

He suddenly smirked at me. "You'll be surprised; it's the legendary ADFX-01 Morgan."

Oh! I know that one! That's the same Aircraft that was used back in the Belkan War. The one that almost caused a total Nuclear War just because Pixy hates the border!

Even the X-02 Wvyren that we have in this base uses the same type and design. 

"That's so cool!"

Cipher let out a small cough "We are getting things off track here captain"

I sheepishly scratched my head and chuckled. "Hehe... you're right. But, at least, do you grasp the main idea of what you need to do right?"

I was currently explaining many things he should know about this universe, from our enemy, objectives, and so on. It kind sucks that the system just not sent some information instantly to him and I have to explain it myself.

"Don't worry Captain... I'll show this beast called BETA its place" He confidently clapped his hands together, a grin spreading across his face.

That's reassuring having him around. I mean his trait alone already shows what he can do by himself.


Level 10 Trait: Novice Flyer: Beginner (+10% aircraft control) - Cipher has just begun its journey as a pilot and is still learning the basics of aircraft control. He shows promise but has much to learn.

Level 20 Trait: Skies' Apprentice: Quick Learner (+15% skill acquisition rate) - Cipher's ability to pick up new skills and techniques at an accelerated rate allows them to adapt swiftly to different aircraft and combat scenarios.

Level 30 Trait: Fearless Aviator: Courageous (+20% fear resistance) - Cipher's fearless nature makes them resistant to intimidation tactics used by enemy pilots, giving them a psychological edge in dogfights.

Level 40 Trait: Skyward Surge: Agile (+20% maneuverability) - Cipher's aircraft handling skills have improved significantly, allowing them to execute agile maneuvers in combat with greater ease.

Level 50 Trait: Triumphant Underdog: Equalizer (+50% effectiveness in outnumbered situations) - Cipher's unmatched prowess in the skies allows them to thrive when outnumbered, turning the tables on adversaries who would otherwise have the advantage. In a 3 vs. 1 situation or any scenario where they face numerical odds, Cipher's skills and combat effectiveness make it an even fight, if not tipping it in their favor.

Level 60 Trait: Ace Killer: Combat Veteran (+30% effectiveness against higher-level pilots) - Cipher's reputation as an "Ace Killer" has grown, and their extensive experience in eliminating top-tier enemy pilots grants them a significant advantage when engaging higher-level opponents. They have developed tactics and strategies specifically tailored to take down the most skilled adversaries in aerial combat.

Level 70: Intimidating Presence: Menacing (+10% fear induction) - Cipher's aura of intimidation is just beginning to manifest. While they cannot strike fear into all opponents at first glance, their mere presence has a slight chance of inducing fear in less experienced or lower-level enemies. As Cipher's power grows, so will their ability to invoke fear in their adversaries.


Truly he deserves the title of Demon Lord of the skies. His Trait alone suits his personality and skills..

And damn Intimidating Presence? So you are telling me that he can give debuff against the enemy just from their eyes land upon him? Yeah... $850.000 for him was a steal.

Anybody who faces him is not going to have a fun time... but it kind sucks that these BETA don't feel fear at all so it's kind of useless. I am sure I can use him later in case I need to fight another human.

"So where are we heading Captain?"


"Where are we heading Captain?"

I let out a sigh but answered anyway "We are heading to PX, there is someone I want you to meet."

As I finished the recent mission a new update was added to the system and it was a Map. It can tell me the location of my pilot, aircraft, and everything that I purchase on the System just by looking through the map.

Pretty useful In case I lost one of the items that I purchased.

And right now I can tell that Trigger is currently at Px, must be eating right now.

Knowing that she was there I want to take the chance to introduce him to Trigger since we are going to work together for some time.

"Oh..Meet? Is this person going to be my partner?"

"Depend on what you define as a partner Cipher."

As we entered the Px, the whole place was empty of any noticeable people. But I noticed someone in the corner of the room with its noticeable yellow jacket in the distance

I have concluded that it can only be one person and it is none other than Trigger or Alina.... only she could be brave enough to wear a yellow jacket even when it is fucking hot outside.

"Hey, Alina!" I call her out while walking to her side

The moment I call her name, she startles and swiftly turns to face the voice, breaking into a broad smile. "Captain! It's great to see you!"

"Yeah good to see you too" You stop walking right in front of her 

"yeah, so what do you need me this time captain."

"I am going to introduce you to a possible new team that's going to join your squadron" I make way for Cipher "Say hello to [Redacted!]"

The moment Trigger and Cipher have their eyes on each other, suddenly I can feel the room's air got sucks out as both of them keep staring at each other. Without neither seems to want to back down.

Cipher maintains a neutral expression, reminiscent of a composed warrior, while for some reason Trigger's unsettling grin exudes a sadistic and maniacal aura...

Uh oh... why do I have a feeling something bad is going to happen?

"And you are...?" Alina tilts her head to the right.

"...Cipher, Mercenary"

Um... I don't why but it seems both of them hate each other...? 

"Heh... looks like we got ourselves wild dog on the loose" 

"You damn criminal place should be in solitary for your crime"

Oh, burn! But seriously, I never expected both of them to become this intense just from introducing them to each other. "Uh... guys?" With my arms raised in the air, I tried to calm them down.

"Young ones like you should show some respect for veterans..." Cipher remarked with a bulge on his head.

"Hohohoho," Alina covered her mouth, "And a fossil like you should have stayed in bed, letting the young ones take over these days."

Holy crap I have to stop letting these guys cook! "Stop Stop!" I got in the middle of them to stop them from starting any fight "If you have an issue with each other, why not settle it in a duel?"

Both of them stare at me for a moment before locking eyes with each other. "Want to take it outside and fight like real pilots?" Alina suggested.

"Just don't come crying to me later if you lose," Cipher retorted.

"Heh, grandpa must need a cane since how old you are-"

Their insults continued, gradually fading into the distance once they were far away from me...

...Was I wrong to summon Cipher? Should I have summoned someone who is a lot calmer like Pixy?

...No, he'd likely stir up more trouble than it's worth. I guess I just have to improvise. I shake my head and start following the two from behind.


Trigger and Cipher for the next month have been very busy. 

Dr. Kouzaki has been working both of the pilots to the very bone.

Training, Training, and more training like a damn spartan with how much training they have. Luckily I was injured so I don't have to deal with the spartan training at all.

Except Trigger who keeps complaining about the spartan training every time we ate alongside other Valkries Squadron.

Both of those people still challenge each other at every chance they have. 

Nobody Is stopping it either since it will be a great chance to grow together. But I can't help but think that's just going to grow the rift against each other.

But man two of the best pilots in Ace Combat in my hand...

Ahh... if I keep gathering talented pilots like this we will be unstoppable.

By the way, Dr. Kouzaki keeps looking at me in interest on how I find a talented pilot which in return I ignore. Dr Kouzaki did not pursue it, since I can tell either way that she is going to get a skills pilot which benefits her anyways.

2 weeks later the battle for South Korea where the 20th HIVE was located began, and this time all major powers were involved in this battle.

The United States, the United Nations, the Empire of Japan, China, COSEAN, and so many more.

Dr. Kouzaki said because of the first time in history that humanity managed to reclaim the homeland from the BETA from the battle of Sadogashima, which boosted the international community's confidence in winning the war.

With everyone's morals high and confidence high, the UN began requesting reinforcement from other country has been in order to wipe out HIVE 20th in order to finally put an end to the war.

That's why almost every single force around the world is gathering in this spot Even the most famous pilots will be here, like the Special Taskforce A-02 from the United Nations, The Royal Guard from the Empire of Japan, and so on many more.

Honestly seeing so many people from around the world gather at the sea and waiting to bombard Korea makes me excited.

Cipher asked me to buy him a Su-34 Fullback for this battle which I was more than happy. A bit more expensive around $390,000 dollar. Not to mention I had to upgrade its speed and its weapon to increase its survival which in the end turned into $510,000 dollar...

And did you know what happened after the Battle? It was plain easy..

With the help of XG-70, and the air support from my force of both Trigger and Galm 1. It was over in just 12 hours... with only 25% Casualties... The lowest casualties any operation ever faces.

Well... Trigger and Cipher were the ones who contributed a lot to the battle by assisting them from the air and destroying every single laser Class which was the one that always caused a problem in every battle.

And the fact that the aircraft can shoot almost 450 missiles... I managed to capture their reaction using a hidden camera...

It was hilarious let me tell you...Gonna upload it on Youvidio later once I get home.

But because both Trigger and Cipher were piloting recklessly, they got the aircraft damaged beyond what should be possible with the way the aircraft bent, burned and even fucking the entire cockpit was burning...

How did they even survive that? I have no fucking clue... they are insane in their own way.

And for the first time noticed that I had to repair the aircraft with my own pocket money. But it was not too bad considering it was Only $20,000 which... not too bad considering the original cost of the Su-34 Fullback and X-02 Wvyren was $510,000 and 2 Million dollars it was a steal.

Man... to think the day ever comes I think $20,000 dollars to be a small amount...

And since they contributed a lot to the battle. I received $4.100.000 worth of Money.

4 MILLION! I just became the richest person on this planet just from doing a month of hard work.

With this much money from now on I can officially do anything I want now. Horayy

I can't help but feel very happy not having to have to work anymore to find money, considering I was forced to work every day for the past 3 years just to make sure the family functioned considering both of our parents died.

No need to work again in my life and can spoil my dear sister until she doesn't want to get spoiled by me anymore. Hehehehe.

Oh yeah because they contribute a lot they received several invitations to join their country even the United States... but do you know what they did?

They bring the problem to me... saying I am their captain.. and if they want to work with them they have to ask my permission...

I will never forget their betrayal... and since then I have been forced to meet with a lot of high officials every...single day... but the torment was finally over the moment the doctor says that I have finally recovered and I can finally get rid of the bandage that covers my whole body like a got damn mummy.

While the scars remain I can now head back home without worrying my sister about why I was injured. And I can finally get away from this forsaken world.

Man... it truly feels great taking these damn bandages off and finally going back home after 35 days of living in this world...

Now with all of the problems I face gone, I gather all of my pilots and put them back in the inventory. After that, I press the [Exit] button and soon I black out from my conscience alongside every proof of our existence in that world.

Finally... I am heading back home...

[Muv Luv World End]



Finally, I finished writing Muv Luv! It took me forever to write! And It gives me a headache since it's been a long time since I wrote so I was a little stiff in writing the chapter.

Also, the next universe I plan to have is going to be Star Wars! And a little spoiler we are going to fight Grand Admiral Thrawn himself! so prepare yourself cause it's going to be epic!

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas! And we have finally reached the very first 1000 favorites before the end of the year horayyyy! Thank everybody for your patience on this chapter. And also thank you that we have finally reach this far.

As a gift for Christmas, I finally released another fanfic which I called Nier Two Human Which put in the world of Nier Automata Universe, and the best part? I just released it a moment ago so go check it out if you want.

Anyway don't forget to leave a comment and review and if you want to support me go check on my Patreon as I finally begin to be active for finally have a month's worth of days off.


With that said see you all next chapter byee.