
Ace combat In Multiverse?!

After one of your only family was bedridden in hospital, you were suddenly in massive debt from the hospital Bill. With you back in the corner and no way out, you were about to sell everything you possess just to pay the bill. When you received Ace Combat System with the main goal of receiving money to pay the medical Bill And the Ace Combat System only asks you one thing Complete the Mission and cause chaos in the universe. Equip with 640 missiles, an Unlimited Machine gun on your plane, and some of the Legendary Characters from all over the universe as your companions. Hop on and let's cause some chaos in the Universe. ---- World - Muv Luv Alternative. - Earth World Coming Soon - Star Wars Rebels. - Halo - Animatrix

Souleye123 · Video Games
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29 Chs

The Battle For Yokohama


<<Coms Speaking>>




As I watched closely from the roof top the whole base was blared in red. And people all around begin running everywhere upon hearing the alarm. My gaze was still focused on the surrounding area.

"We are now at DEFCON 1. I repeat, We are now at DEFCON 1. All combat units, be ready to be dispatched in 30 minutes!"

To think the moment I woke up was to be another battle, I doubt this was a coincidence. Now that I think about it after the Battle of Sadogashima there is another famous battle called the Battle For Yokohama.

The gits of the story is like this.

After the destruction of Sadogashima Hive, the whole BETA retreated to other HIVE in the continent of Asia for example Korea and China in order to resupply their energy.

As you know BETA requires a LOT of energy, like a LOT. BETA won't be able to get very far if you don't at least construct HIVE that supplies them with the necessary Energy. That's why even if they manage to defeat the UN and Empire Of Japan forces and push them back to the mainland from Sadogashima, they will have to retreat in order to resupply energy.

But that's just rust, they were waiting underground for 4 whole days to let the Empire of Japan and the United Nations guard down. Once they thought humanity let their guard down the BETA did a surprise attack on Yokohama in order to recapture the HIVE located there.

But the question remains, how many BETA did they send?

30.000 BETA Against 270 TSF if I am not wrong.

The number is unbelievable. That's almost a quarter of BETA from Sadogashima heading here. The last battle required 400,000 Personnel, the entire Japan and UN Navy, and half of Japan's resources just to battle against 100,000 BETA.

Jesus chirst Such an unfavorable situation for the United Nations, and their neighbor Empire of Japan could not assist the UN in battle because of the lack of manpower from the last operation.

Okay now that the battle is laid out, let's talk about the important character who is going to play a big role in this battle.

There are two leaders from General Radhabinod who is the Base Commander of Yokohama Base, and Dr Kouzaki the lead scientist and Executive Officer or Vice Commander.

The two-leader plan is simple, form and defense line and stop the BETA dead track until the BETA runs out of energy. That's it.

There are three lines of defense they have set up. First defense line, second defense line, and Tertiary defense line.

UN's objective is to hold the line and not let the enemy infiltrate the Reactor, while the BETA's Objective is to refit their energy from the losses of the Reactor on Sadogashima using the reactor down below on Yokohama Base.

If the UN manages to hold the BETA long enough, they will run out of energy, and the UN win. But if BETA wins by successfully supplying the energy, not only would Yokohama turn into HIVE, it will also threaten the nearby capital of Tokyo and leak all information and combat strategy stored inside the database which will cause BETA to increase their intelligence and can perform strategy.

As you know BETA is considered very dumb, and can't even perform a single strategy. The only thing that made them a formidable opponent was their sheer number that could overrun anything in their path.

That's the only strategy they used for the last 30 years, and humanity still gets pushback way from Europe Asia, and even Russia itself. It was so bad that only 1 billion of the population remained.

Now Imagine if they suddenly gained intelligence and performed a strategy. Able to hit the Allied weakest supply line, radar, and perform stealth.

The whole damn world stood no chance against BETA with dumb like mind, now if they perform Strategy. Humanity from now on will become extinct in 2 maybe even 4 years if the BETA are generous.

Oh yeah, the winner of the battle for Yokohama goes to BETA as they breached all 3 defense lines and cripple the base's capabilities for the next 2 years.

While the UN in the end did manage to repel the BETA, they failed to prevent the data leak and forced the UN to make a hard choice in accelerate Operation Cherry Blossom which finaly ended the 30 year war with the cost of over 10 million soldiers who went beyond their call of duty.

it's obvious that the winner of this battle is going to be BETA if there is no assist from the outside power. But who knows, maybe there will be a difference this time since I have a chance at this world timeline.

As I gaze from the rooftop waiting for the battle to begin, I hear the humming sound of the engine in the distance and look over to see the nearby TSF begin their takeoff on the nearby Large Runway and begin heading out where human eyes can not see from here. Seems they are already launching the TSF.

If they already launched the TSf then that means they already debriefed about the situation in, soon going to enter combat.

"Hmm..." I ponder a little as I watch more TSF being launched into the skies.

Honestly, I do not want to participate at all. I am already injured and burned, and both my hand and one of my legs are fractured. I doubt I could be of any assistance even if my aircraft was intact.

But I don't want to stand around and let these BETA run amock the base while I am using this base for my resting point. Besides this is a great chance to alter the course of history, if I could stop them right here the next few battles would be a lot easier for me as long as I prevent the information leak.

But the question remains. Is there a way to help them without getting things involved personally..? I thought as began to look over the list of systems swayed my hand down and the list of systems appear

Until one thing caught my eye.


[Mission] {In Progess}



[Companion] <--< p>




Oh yeah... In the Companion system, I can buy a pilot and aircraft to lead it to battle. 

From the start, I was not meant to fight alone. I was meant to fight alongside with other best pilots and aircraft that the system provides.

So I immediately pressed the Shop button and began searching numerous lists of Pilot and Aircraft with great haste.

What I need to buy right now is something that I can buy with my current budget, has a lot of firepower that can annihilate 10,000 BETA, and possessing outstanding durability and maneuverability.

After some time of looking at the price, skills, and ability the aircraft posses. I close the system and make a thoughtful expression.

There were many choices but only two plans came to my mind. 

One I can buy a shit load of A-10C Thunderbolt II which cost around 122.000$ dollar worth per each (Including the modification)

There is some Laser Class, but most of them are burned out from the lack of energy. So it won't be a threat. Maybe.

Just imagining 20 same Thunderbolt that struck a heavy blow against BETA back at Sadogashima is surely going to strike some morale blows against our enemy. Even if they don't possess emotion.

But these guys are effective only against Smaller units like Soldiers, Tanks, and Grappler-class. If they face any Fort Class they will have a hard time considering those thing armor are thick as fuck.

Not to mention even if I buy a lot of it, I still have to buy an experienced Pilot. There's no point buying a lot of inexperient pilots if all of them missed their shot.

That's option number 1, and option number two why do I have to buy the weakest plane when I can buy the most expensive plane in the Ace Combat series with my budget?

Which is the fastest, most agile, and strongest aircraft the Erusea ever made. 

That's right we are going for the big guns, and it is none other than the Experimental X-02 Strike Wyvern. AKA Aircraft Killer.

X-02S Strike Wyvern which costs around 2.000.000$ dollar worth and add EML(Electromagnetic Launcher) which costs around 400.000$ and can disintegrate Fort Class like they are made of paper and anything that is close to the radius of the attack.

Of course the downside there is a lack of AOE attacks like what the Thunderbolt has. Maybe there is an upgrade that could fill the lack of AOE once I purchase the aircraft. 

It's a pretty big gamble but I think I can do this.

As my plan is to lay out, my next plan is to buy a pilot the most experienced pilot. A bunch of pilots came to my mind who are able to control the aircraft from ace combat.

Trigger, Pixy, and Mobius 1. Those three are the only people that I know according to the lore that are able to control high-tech aircraft with ease. But I already know what I am gonna buy with this Money.

But now the next objective was to ask permission to call in air support, which meant I had to go to the HQ.

The reason I am doing this is because they already forgave my acting because I had done great lengths to help them win the operation, but the second time?

I don't think they are going to take that lightly.

And I don't plan to get on their bad side on my first day being here not before I recover my health and go back to my world.

The only problem? I don't know how and where they are. And I can't just barge in and expect them to answer back when their hand is already full dealing with the BETA on our doorstep.

As I think of plan, a massive vibration shook the whole building all around us and the massive sound of a gunshot could be heard in the far distance. 

I grabbed the nearby fence and turned my gaze to the left, witnessing the mobile artillery have been mobilizing and it is currently commencing its barrage Firing upward to the skies. The deafening roar of each artillery piece echoed through the air, forcing me to quickly cover my ears.

But that's not the reason for the massive vibration as I noticed in the skies, a mesmerizing display unfolded as numerous objects emitted radiant lights, eventually transforming into explosives that showered the nearby city.

I narrowed my eyes as the nearby abandoned city was lit on fire and a huge explosion happening as black smoke rose to the skies. It wasn't until after I observed this chaos that I turned my gaze toward the distant sea, where a fleet of unknown ships was firing into the sky, their fiery blasts lighting up the horizon.

That must be the IJN or the Imperial Japanese Navy. And I can see on another location MLRS firing multiple rockets from another location not too far from here and bringing hellfire upon the nearby city.

Artillery, rocket, and battleship rounds..

But man Holy shit, the battle must have already begun if they already firing.

As I watched a relentless barrage of shells and rockets pounding the city, I couldn't help but emit a low whistle.

Got damn the artillery firing already shakes the whole room alone. And with this much vibration and explosion in the distance... Just how much firepower did they use? I thought they already run out of ammo from the last battle.

Just then, the sound of a door opening behind me caught my attention. I turned to find a figure emerging from the darkness. However, it was challenging to identify the person due to the lack of light.

As I peered at the approaching figure, they moved closer, and with the help of the moonlight, I finally discerned their features. It was a really short girl with twin white hair and bunny ears around her head.

..Oh, It's her, Yashiro Kasumi. One of the important characters for Alternative IV.

Only she could wear a bunny ear in this entire military base.

Did not think I was going to see her here, but still, I was curious.

"Why are you here, kid?" I asked while still grabbing the fence beside me as the whole base still shook from the fire of artillery.

She stood before me, scrutinizing my face for a few moments before answering, "You're the only one who hasn't evacuated yet."

Huh.. I guess all the other noncombatants already head to the bunker. "And I guess you are here to pick me up?"

She nodded in agreement, confirming my assumption. "Alright then, lead the way." I turned around, following the young girl.

She nods her head again and begins her walking stairs. We slowly walked into the empty hallway, making our way to the evacuation. I begin to ponder upon the chance of meeting her.

I wonder if I ask her if she can help me ask permission to save the base, she has one of the highest clearances in this base and the base chance of me contacting Dr. Kouzaki for the permission I needed.

The only problem? This girl doesn't trust anybody, especially strangers.

As she keeps walking she suddenly stops dead track and looks at me upon me dead in the eyes. And there was some kind of hesitance in her face.

I stopped as well, puzzled. "Hm? Why did you stop, kid?"

Before I could react, she spoke, "...I can take you to Dr. Kouzaki if you want."

"Huh? What was that?"

"...I can take you to Dr Kouzaki if you need it."

But how did she know I wanted to meet Dr. Kouzaki- Oh, yeah how could I forget, Yashiro can read someone's mind.

You are reading my mind right now, are you? And then I saw her body flinch and begin looking at me in fear.

Ahh, I knew it "Don't worry I won't tell your power to anyone. And can we please get going?"

with a bit of hesitance, she moved again. This time she looked back and front with a bit of small fear on her face. Well I don't really care if she is scared of me or not, I just want to go to Dr. Kouzaki and deploy Trigger to the battlefield.

As we continued traveling the walkway I noticed something..

Yashiro is slow. Really slow. While I do know she has short legs it is kind of too slow for me.

The BETA is not going to let us wait around. Is there...Suddenly an idea pops out of my head. And mischievous expression forms on my face and slowly I turn my face to Yashiro. And with the way she stiffs her body, she must be reading my mind of plan.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked with a mischievous grin, already thinking of various ways to do it, from piggyback rides to bridal carries, and every embarrassing method in between.

I noticed Yashiro's cheeks flush, but she had yet to respond as she continued her leisurely pace down the empty hallway.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "If you don't answer, that means I have your permission to carry you—"

And then she began making a run. Like a really really fast rabbit with the way she swings her legs around, almost like blurs from here.

"Wait for me!" I called out, chuckling, and started chasing after her.

We zipped through several immaculate white hallways, with vigilant soldiers stationed along the path to HQ. After about six minutes, we arrived at the entrance to HQ itself.

A metallic door stood in our way, but Yashiro swiped a card from her hand and effortlessly unlocked it.

As the door swung open, a cacophony of voices from within filled my ears. I sneaked a peek and was immediately captivated by what I saw.

The rooms were green-like, and Rows of sleek desks, adorned with the latest in technology that this era was occupied by teams of Communication Officers, heads bent in intense focus, fingers dancing across keyboards. Collaborative chatter floated through the air, punctuated by the soft chiming of incoming messages.

However, what truly drew my focus was the two familiar figures standing behind these officers. One was dressed in a crisp white coat, while the other donned gray attire. It was none other than Base Commander Paul Radhabinod and Vice Commander Dr. Kouzaki.

It seems I am in the right place. But man they must be really stressed if they still have their eye on the huge screen in front and not noticing I was behind them.

I turned my attention back to the kid and said, "Thanks, kid."

She nodded quickly and left me to my business. Just as I was about to approach Dr. Kouzaki, the room was suddenly bathed in a red alert. A communication officer spoke urgently, fear evident in their voice.

"The BETA have reached the base! They are on Runway 1!" "The artillery team is in danger!"

"Impossible!! We only just begin to engage them in training ground!"

"They are coming from underground!!"

A frustrated 'tsk' could be heard before a loud outburst, "Redirect the air support! Protect the artillery unit! We can't afford to lose them!"

It was clear that the BETA had breached the line of defense and had made their way into the base. The outcome of this battle was beginning to look bleak.

I took a deep breath before addressing the familiar scientist in the white coat, who remained fixated on the battlefield displayed on the screen. "Dr. Kouzaki, do you require our assistance?"

The time for rest was over

it was time to get to work.


Sorry for the late chapter, gotten busier in real life and I simply got burned out from writing too, lmao. But thankfully I got my spirit back so I am going to continue writing.

Anyway, don't forget to leave a review and comment! We only require 2 more reviews that it will reach 10 and I can finaly get those sweet five-star review in front of my page. And If you want to support me go to my Patreon right down below!


With that said see you all next week byeee