
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

The Hunters

Aomuri, eastern side, 5:25 pm. It had a large number of towering buildings, skyscrapers to be precise. As a matter-of-fact, Mino and others attended a school in the western side of the city. In this part of the city which had the highest number of towers present, it was surely hard to observe the sky. For that cause, people don't bother looking upwards.

If somebody did, provided someone with a notably sharp eyesight, they would've been able to see a surprising sight. What's that thing on the rooftop ledge of that tower? Well... must be a bird you see? Anybody would've assumed that. Few people bother about the graphic small details in this busy and dynamic world. But the question still remained since it has not been answered correctly.

What's that thing on the rooftop ledge of that tower, perched there comfortably? Was a bird big enough to be noticed clearly from such a height? Answer is no. That thing is definitely human ------ human may be a wrong way to put it. That thing is superhuman.

Perched on one of the rooftop ledges of a tower, there was a man in his early thirties, with a burly frame. Said man was looking at his watch, perhaps waiting for something. Extremely unworried about the fact that he was standing on the cliff of certain death (apparently), the man stroked his chin. The wind was whooshing past him, but surprisingly (or rather unsurprisingly) it couldn't even push him a tiny bit. Trying to hold his azure cloak down which was excitedly flapping about in the wind, he muttered to himself, "Hmmm... anytime now..."

*Piqk* A short-lived but otherwise sharp sound, similar to a pop could be heard. To be honest, only that man was able to hear it. Because that sound originated in his head itself. Soon after, a melodious and clear sound could be heard, a woman's voice.

"Gruffold, you there?"

"Ay ay, of course."

"So what's the condition on your side?"

"Not anything much. Met two flies. Sadly, couldn't kill any. Those cowards are trained in the art of escaping."

Concise questions, followed by concise answers.

"Ah, don't worry. The fact that we have narrowed down their location to the sewers is quite an accomplishment in itself. Thanks to you."

"By the way, why the fuck are we playing in their rules? Isn't destroying this city won't kill them? C'mon Malay, don't tell me you are actually concerned about the lives of these civilians?"

The girl addressed as Malay let out a short laugh and continued, "Do you have such poor confidence in your abilities? That you can't beat them playing by their rules? Where's the enjoyment then, where's the fun in breaking rules when it only serves to make it easier? You make a laugh Gruff... haha"

"Laugh all you want, but time is of the essence. We had to spend a lot of time locating them. Let's finish this quickly."

"Umu... won't this show we have lost our patience? C'mon we have enough time, to beat them completely, humiliating them, crushing their hearts, pushing them into absolute despair before finishing them off."

The assumed sweet voice turned into one filled with bloodlust. Gruff shivered even if the bloodlust was not directed at him. Still, he continued in a nonchalant way, "By the way, how did you know they are here?"

"Jeez, you really are a dumbass. How many times do I need to explain this to you?!" an exasperated voice flowed into Gruff's head, making him frown in displeasure.

"Oi oi look down upon me later, kindly explain it. Is it something related to Josh?"

"Well if you and I can't do something then it's evident that he must've done something. Are you that lacking in common sense? Too sorry brain cleaner elixirs aren't available hehe!"

Making a wisecrack Malay started laughing. Actually there are three of them here. Gruffold, Josh and Malay. As for, what exactly they are here and what's their purpose and what game they are playing, it would soon be revealed.


Gruffold kept his cool. He knew arguing would worsen the situation.

"My my, playing the stoic move huh? Hihi... okay I'm explaining you. Once again. You better not forget this time. I know your brain is peanut sized, but you should make an effort to improve your numbskull hahahaha."

A mirthful laughter echoed in his mind and he couldn't help but sight helplessly.

[Good god... haaahhh... what an obnoxious girl. Josh would've explained his plans and intentions a hundred times over in this interval. What a time waster...]

"Yes let's begin the explanation. Josh was checking this region using his stealth and detection in full force. He felt he noticed a faint slivers of mana. He couldn't help but investigate, to find nothing, So he called us here. Just today, he sensed a conjuration and communicated me. You found two of those bugs from Allocyst. You reported it to us. Josh had detected that they were going to the sewer lines. And currently in those sewer lines, I'm giving those bugs a game of cat and mouse. I will force them to cone out of their stinky sewer holes, and then we will kill them. I guess that's an explanation clear enough to go through a numbskull like you?"

Ignoring the insult as if it is air, Gruffold showed his approval. This explanation really helped make things clear.

[But the fact that two of those flies got away, is still unforgivable.] He clenched his fist and made up his mind to...

"Oi oi, don't go overboard okay? Killing them at once is a no-go. And it doesn't affect our plan in any way does it?"

Someone's clearly cheerful voice rang out from inside his head.

[Jeez... is my mind so easy to read that she can do it over a telepathic connection?] he thought bitterly.

"Yes, it is that easy. Don't worry, we will hunt them down."

Once again making fun of him in more ways than one, she let out a giggle and closed the line. With the same characteristic pop sound, the connection was shut off.

"Ah really as expected telepathy is so overpowered... you can basically communicate anytime, anywhere. I heard it's seriously difficult to create private lines for telepathic conversations, but the fact that this girl can do it without breaking a sweat is scary."

Sighing tiredly, he looked up at the sunset. Even though the night sky was a bit different here, the sunset looked completely the same. Or maybe not... perhaps his eyes had gotten accustomed to this sight.

An old memory came to greet him, filling his mind with an unspeakable emotion.

[Yes. We will hunt them down.]

When Malay's words reiterated in his mind, he couldn't help but mutter this. Their mission was finally coming to end. Closing his eyes which were moist, he renewed his determination.

[Those traitors think themselves as apostles of justice. Fuck them! Just who do they think they are... trying to foil our plans...]

Gritting his teeth, he once again mumbled,

"Nahem, time to finish this. Let's hope I can count on you. Let's crush <Allocyst>"

There was a handle coming out of the scabbard fastened to the left side of his belt. On the end of the handle, there was a dome like protrusion. It was actually a gem. That gem glowed with a clear brown glow, as if showing its loyalty towards its master.

"Okay then! Let's wait for the those scum to show up."

Bending his body at angle of forty five degrees with the ledge as the base, he kicked the ground and launched forward while breathing out a single phrase, [Wind Conjuration] <Propulsion>.

A simple conjuration which used wind to propel the target in a certain direction in a straight line.

Gruffold's well built frame gained an agility apparently unnatural for its size and an azure streak flitted across the sky, before disappearing.

The Allocyst is a group of traitors?!

BlazedSigmacreators' thoughts