
Accidental Transmigration to Another world

*Thaaaaaaaannnnnng* Such a metallic clanging sound was heard the moment Mino collided into the lamp post, smack dab. The violent collision was enough to leave a dent in the post while Mino was sent sprawling backwards. "Ah shit... this is not gonna end well..." A splitting pain in the forehead greeted him. He realised he was bleeding profusely. "Damn... I need help... and quick...." As he was lying down, helpless, a person came forward. Before Mino lost consciousness, he heard a few words accompanied by a warm gentle feel on his forehead. "[Light Conjuration] Heal".... Mino didn't know who saved him or how he was saved, but he knew one thing. The one who healed him definitely didn't belong to earth. And there were more people like him present. Just after that incident, more bizarre happenings started to pop up. All of them had one thing in common. The events were caused by them. Just who are they? And for what reason are they here? Apparently, all of them were not united. Mino got himself and his friends caught up in their enmity, and in an attempt to save his and his friends' lives, got themselves transmigrated to another world. Thus began their journey in the alternate world, to find out a way to home, and the truth of those strange people.

BlazedSigma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

A miserable school life 2

"Mmmm? Did you say something Clair?" the root of all trouble tilted her head and asked.

"Ummm nothing... let's help you grasp this problem real quick! (and get rid of you, the nuisance)"

Naturally, some things were better left unspoken.

Mino took Maina's book and flipped it over, running his eyes over the problem. Finally he was feeling at ease. Oh! The joy of solving a physics problem!

"Let's see Ummm..." Deftly clicking his pen open, Mino brought it over his copy. [Numericals are always delicious!!]

He thought to himself as he started working it out. Well, he enjoyed numericals to the extent that he forgot everything around him while solving them. Only him and the numerical.

"A ball is thrown from the top of a mountain. Assuming the viscous drag of air is negligible, calculate the height of the mountain if the ball travels 195 m in the last second of it's journey."

"Muuu.... jeez it's an easy sum. Or maybe I find it so since I've already figured out the trick behind it I guess. Let's get to working it down. Considering acceleration due to gravity is 10 m/s , let the height of the building be 'h'. Now let's do some back calculation. Since the ball thrown from this much height reaches such a speed that is able to cover 195 m in the last second, then surely if I imagine the reverse, the ball must be thrown upwards with such a speed that it covers 195 m in the first second.

"If I get the time and acceleration, then it's easy as pie to get the distance traveled, essentially the height of the building!" he mumbled to himself.

"Um... excuse me... um... ahmm... I can't u...un...understand what you... did there..."


These words brought Mino back from his reverie, who jerked his head to the side to see a girl looking at him with teary yet adorable eyes.


He gulped audibly. [Heh? Why was even I solving this sum in the first place? Oh... I was supposed to help her out... Haha I almost forgot...]

Thinking arbitrary thoughts to shift his attention from the glares which had resumed yet again, he called out to Maina.

"Err... err the sum's done! Let me explain..."

His words which caught her attention and caused her eyes to glitter were cut short by a few people who came over to him. Initially they were not present in the class, but they had entered just then Yet again another routine daily occurrence was going to commence.

"What a boy! Ignoring her! You sure are a meanie, taking advantage of her humbleness and ignoring her like anything. Fweh!"

Finishing his words with a characteristic snort, the well-built boy went over to Mino's desk. He has his school coat perpetually slung over his shoulders. An above average height of 6'1'' coupled with a broad face. Not-so-sharp features and a pair of teal coloured eyes.

"Ah... I'm sorry I guess... actually I get too focused whenever I start solving numericals..."

"Hey, physical education class next. If I see you slacking off I will whoop your ass personally."

Royo Miles --- Mino's self proclaimed P.E. Instructor. His motto--- "Work Hard (Physically) and excel."

The reason Mino is emphasizing on the 'Physically' part is mainly because of two reasons.

One --- Royo himself isn't much of a studious boy himself.

And another ---- Royo probably isn't smart enough to realise that not working out necessarily doesn't mean that one isn't working hard. Take a company slave as a prime example.

However he was steadfast and ready to help his friends out in whatever way possible. He was neither as caustic nor as unfriendly as those damned bullies. But he didn't do anything to stop that either (he didn't have any obligations to help him though..) . Just like Ashu was Mino's bosom friend, Royo had one too. That person's name----

"Oi Mino you 're all good now?"

"Haha Warret! How much time did it take for you to just take a bunch of papers to Principal Ma'am! I thought you were getting lectured or something!".

"Aha... guys... " He looked like he was gonna say something but stopped. Moving his sights over to Mino, he said, "Hey Mino! You doing well? Heard you got hurt in the head. Good god, when are you finally going to exercise caution?"

"Couldn't help it though..., I was gonna be late, so I was running..."

"Ugh, the same things again... don't you get tired with making the same mistakes over and over."

Mino got rebutted straight away. Frowning, he opened his mouth, only to stop. It was no use talking to Warret. That guy considered himself to be the epitome of justice.

['Everything I say and do is correct , heh!']

That kind of thought process. Mino didn't particularly mind any of them, but he still found that attitude of Warret's to be too much for him to bear with. Whenever he received a preach from that 'just and holy' saint (Most of their interactions were related to this only), he got irked and felt like shouting


But always decided against it because he knew that doing so would only trigger an innocent reaction of confusion.

However, Warret Lawkin was a very good person at heart. Helping others, sorting out their problems and offering advice, he could do it all. Mino was too a bit sensitive to other's reactions, so he understood fluctuations in emotions, but he was not a counselor at heart and couldn't offer any advice.

"I know that it's hard at beginning, but once you get used to daily exercise, you will enjoy it a lot. And work a little harder, you need to do better in other subjects too! By the way Mino, do you know that studies show that addiction to games lead to decreased levels of cognitive functioning! so...."

Mino diverted his focus to drive away his voice from his head.

[I would rather stare at Maina's face rather than hear this damn sermon everyday. Every single day this bastard comes and states his own opinions and asks me to accept them. He thinks that to be considered good, you have to do better in things he excels in. Fuck off bro! Such a shallow level of thinking won't do you any good. People with mindsets resembling yours are the ones who start and support crusades! Muh!]

While thinking such thoughts, his frown deepened.

"Is this guy even listening? No he isn't. C'mon, don't waste your time lecturing this lost cause."

Royo was fuming. Evidently because Mino was ignoring Warret.

Warret took a good look at him and made a rueful smile, shaking his head (most likely in desperation) as he walked away.

[He thinks he's in the right!! That dumb....]

"Maina, don't you feel bad trying to talk to someone who isn't even making an effort to converse with you?" Warret asked her while walking back to his desk.

"Muu... honestly that is problematic, but at the end, I'm the one who needs help right? I need to put up with being ignored since he is the one helping me, and that too without any return."

"Why do you think like that! Please do not! Why should he not help you? Anyways, you are free to seek help from me too. I may not be an expert like him, but I won't treat you coldly."

"Thank you so much for the offer Warret, really so. I'll be sure to ask for your help when I need it."

"Hey, sorry to keep you waiting. Here, let me explain this problem to you." Mino quickly told this to her after having this pointed out to him. What that Warret said, at least in this regard, was not untrue. Yet he found her honest opinion regarding 'accepting help' to be pretty cynical.

"No need to apologize, rather I should be the one to do it since I'm taking up your time... hihi" she flashed a rather bashful smile which caused Mino's heart to skip a beat. Errrr... not precisely because of that unexpected reaction from her, but also due to the glares which apparently held the power to stab him a hundred times over.

"Don't mind them Mino... fwuh... what a bunch of problem children... they are quite hard to deal with..."

Hearing an exasperated voice behind him, Mino turned his head and saw a face smiling wryly. He had the sudden urge to offer a wisecrack. Bringing his eyebrows upward, he delivered it with a theatrical voice.

"Well, I guess they believe Mommy will take care of the consequences. Pfffft hehe..."

".....Fuck You. Just die."

The dissatisfied voice spat this out as it's owner went back to her seat with a complicated expression on her face.

"Why such a reaction? I said the only truth though..." Mino continued... grinning from ear to ear.

She was Amene Stadfer. One of the very few girls Mino could enjoy a casual conversation with, at least as classmates. Kept her chestnut coloured long hair braided. A person sensitive to others, too sensitive to be precise. Her sense of responsibility and her ability to keep her head cool at crucial times has earned her the nickname of "Mother" [feat: Mino].

Every girl looked up to her and Maina. The former for her calm mind and the ability to take quick decisions, the latter for her perpetually cheerful and jovial persona.

The title of class celebrities could be given to these two. Amene was considered to be a model because of her good height (5'7''). However, her athletic abilities were not a joke either. As flexible as... no nothing can used as a fitting simile. Considering the fact that her father was a gymnast and she had an active, athletic outlook, this was maybe normal. She took to gymnastics like ducklings to water, a prodigy.

And also, she wasn't addressed to as a model by others just because of her looks. She actually received offers to work as one and she had even accepted one for a sports outfit advertisement.

Her brother, Aren, was a student of this school too. A pass out though now. Currently he was preparing for competitive exams for civil services. He was also someone Mino can easily get along with. Mino remembered asking him for pointers before exams. Obviously, he requested his assistance regarding those subjects he wasn't proficient in. Aren was a guy who had his priorities set straight and firm goals.

[Atleast he's hundred times better than a certain someone who is overly responsible and selfless...]

Chuckling inwardly to himself, he bent down to take his mathematics book out of the bag but was forced to stop. No, not by any person but simply by a look. [Oh shoot! Seems like someone else heard the joke too haha. How hard was I staring at Amene while thinking this for her to get the idea so quickly!] Not risking to look over his shoulder, he just sighed.

After that single free period, classes resumed. Instead of attentively following the lecture he put his head down because, he felt his eyebrows grow heavy. As if someone has placed heavy weights on them. Attacked by a bout of drowsiness, Mino couldn't help but be drawn to the dreamy world which was beckoning him continuously.

" Mmmmm.... ngh...,un... stop five minutes more...."

"Go out in the field. Enjoy your nap out in the lap of nature. Lecturing a sleepy boy... God what an idiot I am I guess. It's really a handful tolerating people like you. Get out!"

Falling asleep in the class was something he rarely did. So, he decided not to give excuses and came off clean. "Sorry Ma'am for falling asleep... actually I was a bit tired today... I'm going out right away.... ehh!" he accidentally leaked out a stupid voice.

"I like your honest apology but what's with the 'ehh' huh?"

Her threatening voice growled. She was a person Mino knew very well. And he thought she was absent (some bastard in the class told him so when he entered the class when he saw she wasn't there in her period).

He decided to tell the truth again, since not doing so would lead to bad outcomes... nobody could stop 'Miss-Match' from spewing out harsh yet witty (and therefore extremely painful) insults once she got angry.

"Well... I thought that you wouldn't be taking today's class since you didn't come in your assigned period... so I got surprised..." He continued, scratching the back of his head with a troubled smile on his face.

"I was discussing something important with Mr. Reinard. Yeah, considering how scarcely you pay attention to my classes, busy all the time with other subjects, I think I am kind of an exotic animal in your eyes, rarely seen. Anyways, if you really have the urge to waste your time, you can do it outside the class. Please don't waste the time of your class. If you may..."

After finishing her terse words, she turned her head towards the door for a second.

"Hahhhhh..." sighing heavily, he started walking towards the door.

"Hand over your pen. No solving sums on your palm."

"Tch..." Clicking his tongue internally, he kept his pens on the teacher's table and walked out of the class casually.

"Hehe suits you!"

One of the bastards who plagued him regularly sneered at him, bit flinched upon receiving a death stare from Miss Marsell.

Closing the door after him, he leaned against the wall beside the door. Something bothered him. It was entirely baseless and weird, but still.

[Talking with Mr. Reinard? Just after I was discharged and informed of the weird event? Was it a coincidence, or Sir Doc and Mira Ma'am were talking about me? And why so? So Let's hope it is a coincidence...]

Following the bell which indicated the period was over, he went near the door. The moment it opened--- yes, there she was.

Mustering the courage, he went up to her and said, "Ma'am, can I ask something?"

"What is it?" A surprisingly short answer. Apparently she was in a hurry.

"Well, umm... how should I say this...regarding the fact you said you were talking with Sir Doc, were you talking about me?"

He didn't know why he was asking such a dumb question. But he couldn't help not to. Hearing this question, her eyebrows shot up, her orange eyes emitting a sharp glow.

"I know you were hurt... but aren't you a bit too self conscious? Fweh!" She walked away in light, elegant steps after finishing her sentence with a snort. Mino was left confused while his eyes fell upon the woman's cream coloured hair fluttering about. [Maybe I really am overthinking this...]

The last period passed away uneventfully.

After using the restroom, he headed over to the main gate to meet up with Ashu. On his way though, a new hurdle was awaiting him.

"Hey Mino!! I've got to tell you something! Wait a sec!"

Maina was waving out to him, while running over to his direction.

[Jeez... what's wrong with this day... haaahhhh....]

Sighing for the umpteenth time today, he resigned himself to his god-forsaken fate.

Poor guy...

Next chapter features the '<them>' who intend to destroy Allocyst!

BlazedSigmacreators' thoughts