
Flash Marriage

A pair of eyes opened slowly in the familiar dark room of the villa in the middle of the forest outside the city; if anyone were present, they would be horrified by the coldness and murderous intent displayed in those eyes. The murderous intent of an eighteen-year-old who has just reached adulthood would be unbelievable.

Ignoring the killing intent reflected in those beautiful eyes, you would realize that the owner of those eyes is an innocent girl. Footsteps were heard outside the room, making the girl's killing intent recede and appear as if it were an illusion.

The footsteps stopped outside the room for a while, and the door slowly opened, bringing light into the dark room. It made the girl close her eyes because of the sudden light in the room. She slowly blinked her eyes to adjust for the sudden ray of light that flooded the room. The person who came was not in a hurry; he just stood there watching the girl's movements, not making any sound.

The man who came in sighed, "Kiyo, why don't you stop being stubborn and do as I say? If you did, I would let your brother go, and you can do whatever you want. I will not stop you; you have to marry the person."

Kiyo was silent for a while before saying, "I will never agree to marry that person; he is old enough to be my uncle, so why should I marry that person?"

The man's eyes bulged, and the original red face was even redder because of anger. We could also see his slightly plump body shaking while trying his best to suppress the anger. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled it before he could continue talking with her. He tried his best to smile and look calm and said: "Kiyo, why don't you understand, uncle? I'm doing it for your good; if you marry him, you will live a worry-free life."

Looking at him, trying to hide his anger with a smile that could hardly be regarded as a smile, she was slightly happy. However, she made sure not to show it outside and continued to annoy him.

"If life is as worry-free as you say, why don't you marry sister Aimi to that person instead of asking me here? I think your daughter would appreciate your kindness."

Hearing what she said, he could not continue to act as if nothing had happened. "You, you, stay here for the rest of your life. Don't think about getting out of here."

After saying it, he turned to the bodyguards next to him and said, "You guys make sure that she doesn't escape from here. If anything like that happens, you guys are dead."

He didn't know that after he locked the door and left, Kiyo disappeared from that room.

In an alley near the buildings of a central city apartment, if anyone noticed, they would see a slight disturbance in the air and be startled by the sudden appearance of a young, innocent-looking girl.

If that middle-aged man or his bodyguards were there, they would be shocked because the girl was none other than the one who was supposed to be locked in the room.

She walked through the alley to the apartment building and up to the corresponding apartment on the eighth floor. A bunch of keys appeared in her hand.

After locking the door, she calmly entered the apartment, walked to the glass window, and opened the curtains, letting the sunlight illuminate the apartment. After doing all that, she headed to one of the bedrooms and knocked on it slightly. She waited for a while when she heard the rumbling noise coming from inside.

After waiting a few minutes, a young boy poked his head out the door. He had just awoken from sleep by the haze in his honey-brown eyes. Looking at him like this brought a smile to her initially cold face.

The moment he saw her, he shouted sister and jumped into her arms, hugging her, ensuring he was not dreaming and she was here. Kiyo smiled. "Did you have your dinner?".

He smiled and answered her, "yes, I had my dinner, and did you have yours?".

Despite their hardships, he retained his lively and bright appearance. His name Akira suits his character. Kiyo returned to her senses. It was a pleasure to hear his question and see his eager face. After the parents, he is the only person to worry about her even though they are not related by blood. Seeing him looking at her and waiting for her reply, she replied: "yes, I had mine. It's getting late, go to sleep, we will talk later and good night".

Saying that, without waiting for his reply, she headed to the innermost corner room. Entering the room, she strolled to the window, watching the bright stars and moon. She thought about what to do next because she couldn't drag it any longer.

She pulled out a card from her pant pocket, which she got from a pure accidental meeting with a stranger. She glanced at it for a while, thinking about whether to ask a stranger for help. As she took a deep breath and decided to try it, she grabbed her phone and called the number on the card.

After calling, she started to have second thoughts about it. When she was thinking, a firm and penetrating voice sounded from the other side of the phone, breaking from her thoughts. Kiyo was stunned for a while as she didn't expect the other party to answer the call. But she collected herself quickly. "Hello, I'm Kiyo. You gave me your contact information when we met in the city center."

"Yes, I do since you contacted me. Does that mean you agree to my proposal? If I remember correctly, didn't you say you would never get me?"

"My brain was also flooded with water just now when I called you. Let's pretend you didn't get the call and say goodbye."

"I apologize for the teasing. I'd like to hear why you decided to call me. It was you who disagreed with my proposal of marriage."

She heard him say that her face immediately turned red at the thought of what had happened a few days ago. She did not want to remember that day because she had been drugged and slept with a stranger that night. She had been careless that day and had not been paying attention, which resulted in her being drugged.