
Flash Marriage II

She didn't want to have a relationship with him, but if she were going to marry someone, it would be better if it was the same person since she wasn't planning on marrying anyone else. So after thinking about it for a week, she decided to call him. Taking a deep breath to control herself and not snap at him, she said, "Didn't you tell me to call you if I changed my mind? Are you going to take back your words now?"

Hearing her questions, the man asked, "I don't remember saying I regretted it, so I'm assuming you're okay with marrying me."

"Yes, but I have a condition."

"What is your condition."

"I don't want many people to know about our marriage."

He was somewhat surprised when he heard her condition since he hadn't expected her to ask that question. He remained silent for a while before saying, "Let's get the certificate when you are free."

She was surprised that he readily agreed to her condition and said, "If you are free, let us go tomorrow to the Office of Civil Affairs."

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in the Office of Civil Affairs."

While still in a trance, she hung up the phone and thought about what she had just decided.

Despite knowing only his name, he gave her a feeling of peace and security when she was near him.

His ability to calm her tense nerves was one of the reasons she wanted to marry him.

It looks as if she has seen him before, but she knows she hasn't seen him before that night. Would it be possible for him to be in my memory, which she lost before six?

She took a deep breath, decided not to think about those things, and went to bed.

The following day, She slowly got up from the bed, went near the window, removed the curtains, and let the sunlight in the room.

After freshening up, she went to the kitchen and made a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, toast, and vegetable juice for two people.

After breakfast, Kiyo left the apartment, went to the civil affairs bureau, and waited for Irin to get the certificate. While waiting for him, she thought about the next course of action and how to make him agree with her.

It wasn't until the person next to her had taken a seat that Kiyo realized someone had approached her.

As soon as Irin came, he saw Kiyo at first sight. He loved her so much, and God knows how long he had been in love with her. He was surprised to find her in his bed when he woke up that day but also glad that it was her who was with him.

He had known her for a long time, from kinder garden to college, and both went the same. He has been attracted to her since he saw her helping another girl from a boy.

She was so cute back then, and without knowing it, he had started following everything about her.

She was like a sun bringing light into the world of darkness. But now, she seemed covered in thorns all over her body. He didn't know when his feelings for her changed from admiration to love. I wish to go back in time and have the courage to talk and accompany her.

He is fortunate to meet her in his life. He really can't let her go when fate brings them together. However, I didn't want to meet her like that the first time we met. He put away his thoughts when he noticed Kiyo was immersed in her world without knowing what she was thinking.

He slowly approached her and sat next to her without startling her. He was thinking about how to get her attention without disturbing her when he realized that she is looking at him.

The two looked at each other for a while until Kiyo broke eye contact and looked sideways at Irene. Due to their proximity, her face turned red.

As he looked at the red clouds on her face, Irin was pleased that he had been able to elicit a reaction from her.

Even though he loved it, they had to hurry up; otherwise, they would be late to receive the certificate. His deep voice said in a low tone that if you are ready, we can go now or we will be late.

Kiyo felt her emotions come under control when she heard his voice and arose to join him.

The two came out of the civil affairs bureau after an hour, and Kiyo still couldn't believe that she had just been married as she looked at the freshly baked certificate in her hand.

While looking at the certificate, Kiyo failed to notice that Irin was watching her with a soft and doting eye.

As he watched her for a while, he said let's take a photo here for memories, after which we can have lunch at a restaurant if you're okay with it.

Kiyo closed her eyes and took a deep breath to stabilize her wandering thoughts and emotions before replying to Irin.

Yes, I don't have any objections, and I have something to tell you and need your help as well.

Even though hearing her asking for his help surprised him, he didn't show much on the outside other than raising his eyebrows.

Do you mind if I choose the restaurant?

Not at all, you can choose where to go, madam, after all, it's our day of celebration.