
Accelerator: The Vector Mage

EXceL · Others
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13 Chs

I want to thank you

Teacher: So students. Today we have a transfer student. Miss Sumireko please come in.

The door opens a girl with blue hair and black eyes entered the room. Excel was sleeping. He was mentally tired due to the previous night's raid although physically he was fine.

Sumireko: Hello everyone. My name is Sanshokuin Sumireko. I am 16 years old. It's nice to meet you all. But you can call me Pansy.

Boy: (screaming)Hell yeah.  A beauty. 

Excel :(mind)  What the hell is this commotion. I can't even sleep properly...tsk

He raises his head to see Pansy. She looks at him. Her face was shining She went toward him.

Pansy: I am finally able to meet you.

Excel: Who the hell are you?

Boy: Oii weakest it's not a way to treat a girl.

Pansy: (mind) Weakest.

Pansy: Thanks for saving me that other day. I was really scared.

Excel: Wait who the hell are you? I don't remember you.

Pansy : (depressed)  I see.

Teacher: Miss Sumireko please take the empty seat besides Excel.

Pansy: Yes teacher.

She sat besides Excel. Like any other class, Excel was slaking off. Pansy once in while looked at Excel. She was really sad that her prince doesn't remember her.  But what could she do it was Excel's daily routine to beat up some punks and in a way save someone's life.

During the lunch break, Excel was sleeping on the terrace with a can of cold black coffee and a bun. He was still trying to come up with other ways to defeat people who can bypass his vector reflection.

He came up with two conditions that can cancel his reflection. First was some kind of magic that can cancel magic itself and the second was a large amount of magic energy.

But even with his brain, he couldn't come up with something. The bell rang.  It was time for him to go. On his way back he crashed into Pansy.

Pansy: Umm. Excel don't you remember me.

Excel: I told you I'm don't remember you. Why are you stuck onto something like that? Just move on. It's your life,  live however you want. 

He starts moving to his classroom.

Pansy: Wait. Even if you don't remember me.  Please accept my thanks at least.

Excel: Tsk.  Whatever.

The next two classes were very normal. Pansy was approached by many girls. Excel picks his bag up and moves to the student council room.

Pansy saw him go but didn't follow.

Girl: Hey Pansy,  what club are you joining?

Pansy: I haven't decided yet.

Girl: How about the tennis club.

Pansy: It will take some time to make a decision.

Girl: What is your relationship with Excel.

Girl: Yeah that way you thanked him today. What did that weakling do for you to thank him?

Pansy: Weakling.  What do you mean?

Girl: He lost all his practice matches. A person wins at least once but he lost each one of them.

Pansy was shocked. It was unreal what she heard. She remembers that Excel defeated those thugs pretty easily. Why would he be the weakest?

Pansy: Oh, he helped me along back. But it seems that he doesn't remember me.

Council Room

Erza: I heard about the new girl. What was her deal?

Excel: Don't know. It seems that I helped her. Or more specifically saved her from someone.

Lucy :  (teasing) Excel helping isn't that rare.

Excel: What was that.

Lucy:  Nothing. Nothing

Erza: Oh well. Let's move on to today's work schedule. 

Gray: Wait before that,  where's Natsu.

Lucy: Natsu is helping some clubs today.  So he can't come.

Gray: I see

Erza: Today, we have a special request.

Lucy: What's that?

Erza: There have been reports that students see something. And as soon as they see it. They become unconscious.

Lucy: Don't they remember anything.

Erza: Unfortunately,  no.

Excel: So, what should we do.

Erza: Someone has to be the bait.

Gray: What do you mean?

Erza: Someone will have to provoke that thing. After that,  from behind we will take down that thing. So, who will be the bait?

Excel: I will.

Erza: Are you sure?

Excel: Yeah,  but I have a condition.

Erza: And,  what's that.

Excel: No one will follow me.

Lucy: Then how will we catch it.

Excel: I will. I have some reasons.

Excel from that day. Wanted to take on anything. To find what can or can't bypass his reflection. He wanted to fight whenever an opportunity pops up, it doesn't matters if the opponent is strong or weak.

The council agreed and let Excel do what he wishes. But Erza said that if Excel does not come back before 5 pm then they will go and look for him.

Excel reached the third floor.  He felt nothing. He started going towards the end on the floor. As soon as reached the door of the final room. He felt something,  the air felt chilly, the windows opened on their own and there was a laugh. A maniacal laugh.

He looked around there was nothing.

Excel: Oi,  who the hell are you?

Voice: Haha my planned work. A chance to meet the Excel Bruke.

Excel: What do you mean?

Voice: First let me introduce myself.  I'm Fuyuki. I wanted to fight you so badly.  And now I want your power.

Excel: Wanted?

Fuyuki: Yeah. I have this handy little machine that lets me take other's magic.

Excel: And where did you get that? Sorry but you are over. But before I finish you.  Are you a student at this school.

Fuyuki: Who knows find it yourself.

A shadow appeared before Excel.  It had a figure like a normal boy.

It threw a punch towards Excel. But it seems that his reflection can't stop that attack.

He went back.

Fuyuki: Startled are you. That there are somethings that you can't block. So what are you going to do?

The shadow charged towards Excel but.

Excel: Igris

Igris appeared before Excel. Its blade cut the shadow into two parts but the shadow again became one.

Fuyuki: What the hell? What's that. Whatever it can't kill me nor can't you.

Excel: You right I can't hit the shadow but... Igris

Igris moved his sword to his right. The eerie vibe of the room disappeared. A boy with black hair fell down. Excel saw something that Fuyuki was holding. It was some kind of injection.

He kept it in his pocket. He called the council. They took Fuyuki to the infirmary. The next day when they asked the boy about it, unfortunately, the boy didn't remember anything about doing those things or what happened.

He doesn't even remember confronting Excel.  It was strange,  really strange. Excel knew something was up. Excel realized that the different organizations had started moving. They were bringing their plans into action.