
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

The Outsider

—9 September 12:01 a.m.—

The battle was over. Stiyl against the Amakusa's, Accelerator against Tatemiya Saiji. The air was still as he sat down on one of the benches.

Stiyl brought Orsola over to Agnese, and Tatemiya Saiji was tied up, with rune cards all over his body, arms and legs. He was sitting in front of Accelerator, a few metres away from him. Stiyl reported that he didn't kill anyone in that altercation, so everything was fine. He should be going back to the hospital right now. Except, he can't.

The bench was just about two metres in length, and one metre in width. It could barely two people. So he laid Ester's head down on his lap as he watched Saiji. Once Ester wakes up, he was going to leave Parallel Sweets Park, and hopefully leave the new world which he was dragged into.


Tatemiya Saiji called out to him. Accelerator really had no interest to speak with him, seeing as how he taunted him, and gave him a heck of a time.

"Bastard, can you help me remove these? I know you won't, but I'm just asking. I can't leave her alone."


Accelerator kept silent. He did not care about his interests or his goals. He just wanted to go home. But he had an idea of who that 'her' was.

It was Orsola Aquinas.

"...*sigh* If you're not going to listen to me, then whatever. But let me ask you something..."

Accelerator looks at Tatemiya Saiji straight into his pupils as he frowns.

"...Do you really intend to hand her over to the Roman Catholic Church? You do know what will happen if she goes back, don't you?"


"She'll be killed."

That one phrase caught Accelerator's attention, and he puts his elbows on his knees, and leans forward to listen more carefully to what Tatemiya had to say next.

"Whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you. Just don't blame me when she dies."

"You're right. I don't believe you. Why wouldn't her friends come and help her, and how can you claim that she'll get killed when you guys forcefully kidnapped her, and stole a book that could potentially end the world?"

Tatemiya sighs as he shook his head.

"So that's what it's all about. Listen here, you've got it backwards. We didn't, and we have never...stolen the Book of the Law."

Upon hearing what Tatemiya Saiji said, Accelerator's ears perked up and he leans in closer.

"What do you mean?"

"Think about it. Why do we, the Amakusa Church, want to pick a fight with the Roman Catholic Church who has about more than two billion believers? Fight them just for a single book?"


"Have you even heard from both sides of the coin? You only knew one side of it."


"You've only gotten your intel from the Roman Catholic Church. Have you heard from our side yet?"

Then Accelerator recalls what some of the members told him. That they too have something to "prove". Accelerator couldn't respond to Tatemiya, but that was basically a 'go' sign for him to tell his side of the story.

"Do you know how many times the Amakusa's have been harmed over the course of the years?"


"Don't tell me you didn't think that we have countermeasures. Outsiders don't even know where our main base is. Also, on the 'Miniature Pilgrimage' teleportation magic that Ino Tadataka was most proud of, there're still many portals out there that nobody but us know of."

"What's that?"

Accelerator asked as he raises a brow. But a hand brushed his cheeks and he looks down to see Ester staring at him with her green pupils.

"Ino Tadataka...I heard he was the person who mapped out the whole of Japan. But what does that person have anything to do with magic?"

"The position of the stars determine which portal is usable. And within that time frame, when the stars are positioned right, we can use that portal to travel to another place in Japan."

Then he paused for a while and then continued.

"...There are 47 portals in Japan. Do you think we can be easily tracked?"


Accelerator was stunned by what he had just heard, as Ester faces Tatemiya while still resting her head on Accelerator's lap.

"And how is the enemy going to attack us if they don't even know where our main base is?"

Accelerator finally figured out their plan. By coincidence, they attacked at the right moment. If they had waited any longer, Orsola would have been long gone and never seen again. The Amakusa's plan was to capture Orsola and run away with her to a place where the Roman Catholic Church will never be able to find her.

"Do you know what's the Book of the Law?"

"It's a book that has magic embedded into its letters, and when read out can allow the user to use a magic powerful enough to end the whole of Christianity. Am I wrong?"

Tatemiya Saiji smiles.

"Then think about it. The Book of the Law can end Christianity. But no one can even come close to reading it. However, when someone comes along and says that they can read the book, how do you think the Roman Catholic Church feels?"


"They'll want to kill that person."

That phrase hit Accelerator hard in the chest. His naivety caused someone pain. His eyes opened wide, but only slightly.

"Orsola knew about the Roman Catholic Church's plan, so she tried her best to get to a place where the Roman Catholic Church has no stronghold in: Japan. Unfortunately, she arrived at the same time when the Book of the Law was shipped here. After arriving, she went straight for the local Christian group, which is us, the Amakusa. Finally, we agreed to help her."

"What do you mean by 'finally'?"

"We knew the dangers we'd be getting into by bringing Orsola onboard."

Tatemiya Saiji soon lost his smile as the ends of his lips dropped down.

"The Book of the Law being stolen was just a hoax by the Roman Catholic Church. How can we even steal it? When the Book of the Law disappeared alongside Orsola, people would immediately come up with the conclusion that the kidnappers are the ones who stole the book. But if Orsola was the only thing that was missing, people would say 'she ran away from the Roman Catholic Church'."

He got it backwards. All along, he just helping a villain. But was it true? This is the man that tried to kill him with a smile. He was ready to be pierced in the chest by him. He looked down at Ester, and Ester was smiling at him. Like she was expecting him to say...






"...I still don't trust you."




Ester had a crooked smile on her face as if she was trying to laugh at a joke but can't.

"Why?" Tatemiya asks, his emotions boiling to a certain point.

"If what you said was true, why did Orsola run away from you guys?"


"You said you were protecting her. Why would she run away from her sanctuary?"

"Heh, you're all the same."

"...That's not answering the question."

Accelerator pushed Ester aside and he limps all the way to Tatemiya and picks up his curvy sword, which was leaning against a wall. He points the sword at Tatemiya's neck and tilts his head to face him, the #1.

"She was the one who approached us and asked us for help. But in the end, she couldn't trust us. She must have thought that, "These people have no reason to save me and go against the world's largest religious sect, the Roman Catholic Church. They must be thinking that we'll use the key to reading the Book of the Law as payment.""

"Then why did you save her?"

Tatemiya answered without hesitation.

"Do we need a reason to save someone?"

Accelerator could only keep silent. Right now, he was the only villain. To save someone, he needed a reason.

Tatemiya continued speaking.

"There was no reason from the beginning. This is how we, the Amakusa, do things. Our Priestess, Kaori Kanzaki, was able to lead us at such a young age. In order to fulfill a child's wish, she dared to go against an evil dragon that can swallow a mountain. In order to fulfill the dying leader's wish, she was willing to protect a small village against thousands of enemies. Along the way, we were walking in her shadow. Although the time in which she led us was short, to us, it was eternal."

Tatemiya was showering this 'Priestess' with so much praise, his eyes were filled with admiration.

"Because of her, we're able to walk down the path of righteousness; we're not being led astray, and we don't abuse our power. While it's easy just to say it, she taught this through action. She used her actions to show that humans can be strong and benevolent, that doing this isn't difficult."

Then he swallowed something in his throat and smashed his two rows of teeth together in frustration.

"But we ruined her life."


"It's our deaths and lack of fighting experience that hurt the Priestess. Everyone around her died, and only she was alive. She thinks that it's all her responsibility... What a joke! Fighting alongside her on the battlefield is our wish, being beaten on the battlefield is our incompetence, and we have to be the ones responsible for it! But in the end, after that outcome, she willingly left her home despite it not being her fault."

Accelerator could see the emotions in his voice, and feel the emotions through his gaze. There was nothing he could say.

"Our lack of fighting experience robbed her of her home, so we need to give it back to her. In this home, we'll fight to prevent anyone from getting hurt or losing their smile. In this home, we can unite everyone just to protect one person's happiness and not be swayed. So when Orsola came to us, we agreed. A group that'll do this willingly is a suitable home for her."

Accelerator listened diligently to his every word as he dropped the sword. Accelerator knew who Tatemiya Saiji was now.

He was, what he would call, a hero.

Then, Ester walks up behind Accelerator and rubs his shoulders.

"Master...won't you reconsider helping them?"


Then, a blood-curdling scream reaches all the way to them. Accelerator felt goosebumps growing on him. That scream had so much emotions poured into it. None of them were positive ones. It sounded like Orsola's.

"Boy, I don't care if you trust me or not at this point, but I'll tell you this. Orsola Aquinas never put her faith in any of us. In the end, she chose to stick with you!"

Then he straightened his body and shouted.

"She didn't put her faith in the Roman Catholic Church, she didn't put her faith in the Amakusa Church. She chose to put her faith in you! Are you just going to abandon her like that?!"

Accelerator frantically looked at the direction of the scream and clicked his tongue. He remembered the expression on Orsola's face when she saw Agnese and Stiyl. She was frightened.

At that time, he thought it was because of his overwhelming power that scared her, but now it was clear. She was scared of Agnese.

Then, they heard footsteps approaching them. Accelerator looked at where the footsteps were coming from and saw two nuns wearing black habits in the darkness. One of them was tall, while the other was short. The tall one was carrying a large carriage wheel that was much larger than a round table, while the short one had four leather bags hanging on her waist belt. The bags were as large as softballs.

The taller nun took out an old leather-covered notebook, and flipped open its contents, checking it. She then nodded, and walked towards Accelerator. It seemed like there was a photo of him inside.

"You're the assistant that's not affiliated with us, right? Please hand over the leader of the heretics to us. The enemy of God is...him, right?"

The shorter nun walks towards Tatemiya Saiji, even before Accelerator could give an answer.

"...Yeah, you can have him. I'm done with him."

Tatemiya stares at Accelerator in disbelief. He was ready to jump up and squirm around just to beat Accelerator up, but he couldn't. The rune cards were still on him. He could only shout.

"Oi! Are you sure about this?! Did you even think about what I had just said?!"

"You've said enough. Now get out of my sight."

Accelerator walks away into the darkness, walking past the taller nun.

"M-Master! Weren't we going to help him?!"

Ester shouted after him, revealing their plans, and the taller nun looks at her.

"What do you mean 'help'? Are you not here to assist us?"

"...Well...ummm...yeah...But I refuse to help you!"


"He told us that you guys wanted to kill Orsola. I cannot accept that!"

Both of the nuns turns to look at Ester and silence lingered in the air, but was soon broken by the taller nun.

"Seriously? We, the people who follows God, will never dare to kill anyone. Don't listen to what that fiend has to say. He's just deceiving you."


Ester bit her bottom lip as she heard that. Who does she believe now?

"Sister Lucia! Watch out!"


Accelerator stood behind the taller nun as he swung his cane as if it was a bat, using the part which covered his elbows as the tip, and as if he had just hit a home run.

"I better thank the doctor for making my cane out of metal."

He looks at the fallen nun's body and smirks.

"I don't care who's in the right or wrong. I'll just ask her myself."

He continued beating the back of Sister Lucia's head a few more times, just to be sure that she's well asleep.

Accelerator slammed his cane back down, and looked at the shorter nun with animosity. He grinned as he slowly walked towards her.

The shorter nun tried to take her four bags out, but she fumbles with them and drops them all to the ground. She tries to pick them all up, but when she reached for the last one, she was met with Accelerator's foot.

"It's not in my best interest to pick on kids. So I reckon you tell me where's Orsola..."

Then he goes nearer to her face, and she was met with his big scary eyes. His all-too scary grin.

"Sh-Sh-She'll be a-at the Church of Orsola! Please leave me alone!"

She shouts as she forces her eyes shut.

"Take us there. Make one sudden move..."

Then he slams his cane in front of one of her trembling hands.

"...and I'll break every single bone in your hands."


Tears started to form in her eyes as she cowers away in fear. Then, a sharp whistle sound came from afar. It was like the cry of a bird.

"What the hell is that?"

Accelerator turned his head back to face the sound, and the shorter nun had a softer expression.

"I-It's a retreat order..."

Accelerator looked down at the ground as he thought of what he should do.

What would the church think if they realized two of their members went missing?

"I'll send you back."


The shorter nun was confused. Why was she being let off? Was he just playing with her? Or was he scared?

"But of course, if you were to go back, you aren't allowed to tell anyone about what had happened here. I'll use that nun over there to help me get there. If they ask you what happened to her, just tell them that the leader of the Amakusa Church was resisting and that she told you to go back first. Of course, if you do talk about anything that happened here, I would also have the option to beat you down."

Accelerator said everything so casually, as if they were all nothing. Small things being translated into big meanings.

Then he points the tip of his cane at her forehead and pressed it down.


Accelerator spoke as if he was talking to a kindergartener. But everything about his words held the meaning of death. She anxiously nods her head and he pulls his cane away from her head.

"Good. Now get out of here before I turn you into supper."

The nun quickly crawls away with her four stuffed bags and slowly picked herself up and made a run for it.

"Now then..."

—9th September 12:15a.m.—

Sister Lucia was sitting on the ground, tied up in ropes with one rune card on her face. She was still passed out.

"So...the Roman Catholic Church just wants to kill Orsola?"

The person who asked this was Stiyl. He had a cigarette in his mouth as he spoke.

He had heard Orsola's screams as well, but he didn't want to ask Agnese what it was all about as he didn't want relations between the Anglican Church and the Roman Catholic Church to be strained.

The Roman Catholic Church had already left the vicinity, without even leaving a note to the Anglican Church. They were in such a rush to escape. But why?

"The Roman Catholic Church are avid followers of God. They won't dare to break their rules of not killing others."

Then Stiyl stopped to take a puff before continuing.

"Except on one condition."

Accelerator looked past the white smoke to see Stiyl looking at the three of them: Accelerator, Ester, and Tatemiya Saiji.

"Those that are chased out are an enemy of God. Agnese won't kill Orsola immediately as she would have to judge Orsola first. But who knows how much Orsola can handle. The Roman Catholic Church is the world's largest sect. Most of the believers have no involvement in magic, but two billion people is a large number."

Then he puffs another smoke.

"Of course, there are no restrictions to how much damage they can do to Orsola. As long as she didn't die, it wouldn't matter. They could cut her skin out, pull her hair out, pluck her fingernails out, or even have her raped. The options are endless."

That fact dawned on Accelerator and he stood up from his bench and kicked the nun on the ground.

"Wake up!"

Accelerator continued kicking her until she finally wakes up. She shakes her head a bit to clear her drowsiness, and after that, she stares at him coldly.

"Take me to the Church of Orsola."

"Did you think I would actually listen to you?"

"No, I didn't think so. But this paper here will. You see, if you move from where you are, you'll burn and die, and you won't be able to serve that 'God' you love so much."

"I don't have to serve God. Even a sacrifice is good enough. My sacrifice will benefit the Roman Catholic Church. They will serve God, even without me."

Stiyl and Tatemiya Saiji facepalms themselves at how persistent she is. But Accelerator didn't care. Then, he instructed them to get out and he'll meet them outside later.

"Oi Saiji, prepare a sword for me."

Then he looks at Ester and tells her.

"Go back. Return to the hospital and tell the doctor to send an ambulance here."

"Yes, master!"

He entrusted her with one more task. She looked extremely happy as she ran off back to Academy City. Just as everything was about to be set into motion, Stiyl interrupted him.

"Do you...plan on fighting the Roman Catholic Church alone?"

Accelerator looks at him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't plan on fighting the Roman Catholic Church."


"Think about it. If I, a magician of the Anglican Church, butts in on internal conflicts happening within the Roman Catholic Church, it is basically a declaration of war. No matter whether it's the Anglican Church or the Roman Catholic Church, most of our believers are normal people who aren't involved in any sort of magic. Don't tell me you're willing to start a war to harm others?"


Accelerator kept silent.

"Of course, you could always do it yourself, seeing as how you always do things alone."

"...If that's the case, I'm okay with it. Do you think I sent Ester off without a reason? I didn't really need that ambulance."

Stiyl takes another puff of his smoke and blows the grey smoke out of his mouth. Tatemiya was already long gone and it was just the two of them.

"Heh, well, you got your ways to deal with a large group of people. Anyway, this is it, Accelerator."

Stiyl turns away as the flames on his cigarette continually created a smoke that made him seem like a brick house. But then, he leaves off with another note.

"Kanzaki Kaori, heard of her?"

"Yeah, she was the previous leader of the Amakusa's right?"

"That's right. But she's also a member of the Anglican Church, and she's also...my partner. The person you saw that night, was her."

Accelerator didn't know why he told him that, but all he knows is that, he's all alone again. Well, not really, as he has Sister Lucia with him. But...he wouldn't consider her a friend.

"So...you don't feel like talking."

He walks up to her and slams his cane down in front of her, and kneels down on one leg.


He asked her as his eyes were barely visible through the openings his hair created. She did not tremble or shiver.

"I'd rather die than talk, you disgusting pig!"

She squirms around but he tilts his cane horizontally towards her stomach and drives it in.


Droplets of saliva came out of her mouth as she felt the impact of the cane. Accelerator twists his cane around as he jams it in deeper. A smile appeared on his face. A wicked grin.

A monster.

"Heheheh...so...how does it feel? Feels great, doesn't it? You're sacrificing yourself for God...Isn't this amazing?! HA?!"

Accelerator pulls the cane back and slams it into her stomach again.


She was drooling as she endured the pain.

"Hey...come on...make a better face! Look at me in the damn eyes and make a better fucking face!"

Accelerator continues to press his cane deeper in as she gasps for air. He pulls back the cane to allow her to breathe, but she smiles at him. She too, returns his devilish grin back, with her own.

"Is that all you got?! I've tasted harder hits from girls! HAHAHAHA!"

Sister Lucia was laughing, and Accelerator laughs as well.

"That's it. That's the spirit! That's more like it! Let's enjoy this like monsters!"

Accelerator repeatedly jams his cane into her stomach, and then he switches to the top of his cane. The curve metal that stretches down to his fist, he uses the top flat part of his cane and slams it into the side of her face.

He continually smashes the side of her face left and right with the top of the cane. Her face was getting bruised and was getting blue-black.

Then he stops and drops his demonic smile.

"Just give it up already."

But she looked at him and spat her saliva at his face.

"Never...I am an avid follower of God, and nothing will change that...You are a disgusting pig for not believing in God."


"Heh, nothing to say already?


"Are you done already?


"Or have you lost your mind?"


"Or are you ready to kill me?"


"Come on. Kill me already! You'll be punished for your sins!"

Then Accelerator wipes the saliva off his face and looks up at the sky as a faint smile appears on his face. Then he tilts his head back down, his hair covering his eyes. His smile getting wider and wider, until both ends of his lips were almost touching his cheeks.

At this point, Sister Lucia was slightly frightened. She knew he was not normal...

Then, the 'monster' finally spoke.

"Ahh...if only God was real. Hey, tell me..."

Then he leans in closer to her ear as he pulls his cane back and puts it down.

Sweat dripped down the side of her head, not from wearing the habit, but from the atmosphere that he created.

"...if God was real..."

His cold breath was hitting her ear, and she tensed up.

"...if God IS real..."

The silence was killing her. The atmosphere was killing her. Who was this outsider? He is no normal human being.

Can he even be considered human?

Where is his sympathy?

The #1 was really happy.

"...where the hell was he...to bring me salvation...HA?!"

He slams his right hand at her neck, forcing her back.

"I don't believe in this 'God' that you pray your heart out to. In fact, if this 'God' really exists, I would like to see him. If you think 'God' will punish me for my sins, I'd like to see him try. I stopped believing in this 'God' a loooonnnnnng time ago."

Then, he tightens the grip on her neck even more.

"Let's see if this 'God' will help you. Let's see him walk alllllll the way here, just to help you."

He maintained his grin the whole way. This was the lowest he had gone down to, and he was going to go lower and lower...

Until he can no longer see the bottom.


"Heheh...come on, say something! Come on, entertain me! I want to hear your insults one more time. Come on! Where's all that zest that you previously displayed?"

Her eyeballs rolled up and the veins in her eyes were reaching her pupils. She started to drool out as her tongue hung in her mouth.

"I'm talking to you...Reply!"

He releases his grip on her and drives his knee to her stomach. She was panting hard. A single line of tear appeared on both corners of her eyes.

Then, Accelerator wanted to go deeper. Even deeper than the point of no return. But, he wanted to know if she has been broken yet.

"Now, tell me. Where is the Church of Orsola?"

"...I'll...I'll never tell you!"

"Urghhh...how many times must I beat you until you're satisfied?!"

In her head, she was praying for God to come and save her. To come down and give her his blessings.

He kicks her as he shouts.

"Well then, let's try something new, shall we?"

He puts up two fingers on his right hand and then he puts them under her skirt. His middle and index finger.

"Tch, get off of me! Get your dirty stinking fingers out of there!"

"Then, will you tell me where the Church of Orsola is?"


Then he goes in further and reaches for her panties.

"Oh...it looks like it's wet under here."

Accelerator grins as he looks down. She still could not see his eyes. His eyes were covered the whole time.

"Did you enjoy being hurt? Was that it?"

"No...get your hand away!"

She starts squirming around his grasp, but he takes his cane using his left hand and slams it against her chest.

"Hey, if you want me to stop, just tell me where that dumb church is. Betrayal is fine. I've felt it before, it's not good, but it's still manageable. Of course, that betrayal was from you guys."


"Though it was short, I did learn quite a few things with Amata. Physics was more important to me than biology, as my powers needed a lot of mathematical equations. But still, I did learn quite a bit."

Then he circles his fingers around her clitoris, causing her to bite her bottom lip as she continues squirming around. Her whole face was flushed as she breathes heavily.

"Come on, just tell me..."

"...Stop...please...This is...only for people...who really loves each other...this type of thing is not for you to—Ahhhh!"

He puts a bit of pressure on her clitoris and he whispers to her.

"Ah-Ah-Ah...That's not answering the question."

She leans in closer to him, flexing her stomach to endure the "suffering" for a bit more time. She was still praying for God in her head. God was supposed to descend upon her and save her, but he did not. The light was only shining down on Accelerator as he kneeled down in front of her.

"This is true villainy...HAHAHAHA! You should really take down some notes, you know?"


He pinches her clitoris and she tries to bite his shoulder, but to her dismay, he only applied more pressure.

"How long can you last, I wonder."

She was at the brink of exploding.

She couldn't take it anymore.

So she conceded to him.

"Fine! Fine! I'll speak! So please...please stop!"

"Heh, finally."

Accelerator pulls his right hand out of her vaginal opening and pulls his cane away from her. Slick, gooey substances covered his two fingers, and droplets of sweat were all over his right hand.

"I'll...I'll take you there..."

"See it wasn't that difficult, was it?"

"Sh-Shut up..."

"...I'll untie you. I have someone waiting outside, so don't even try to run away. If you do, well..."

He puts three fingers up this time as he grins at her.

"...then you'll know what happens, right?"

All this while, she still couldn't see his eyes. What was he hiding?

Whatever it was, she nodded her head as she used her hands to push herself up.


When they got out, Tatemiya was leaning against a lightpost. He was whistling a tune, as he carried two swords on his back. When he heard the footsteps coming from Accelerator and Sister Lucia, he was surprised.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Tatemiya asks Accelerator as he eyes down Sister Lucia.

"We need a guide to the Church of Orsola. That's where she's apparently being held."

"Hm...Okay. Well, anyway. The Amakusa's will be fighting alongside you."

Then, he tosses one of the swords to Accelerator, but he couldn't catch it as it was too heavy for his left arm to handle. So, he switches his cane to his left arm, and the sword to his right. Now, he could handle it more easily.

"Will you be okay?"

Tatemiya asked after witnessing the gruesome embarrassment put up by Accelerator.

"Yeah, let's go."

"Oh, right. I need to save my allies first."


"Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but two people fighting against 200 nuns from the Roman Catholic Church will be difficult."

"...Tch. Do you even know where they are?"

Tatemiya gave him a smug look and he nodded his head.

"If you want to wait for reinforcements and charge in together, that's fine, and it's highly recommended."

"Yeah, I'll wait."

"Alright. Then I'll be on my merry way."

Tatemiya was too happy-go-lucky. He walks away while still whistling that tune.

When Tatemiya disappeared from his sight, Accelerator looked at Sister Lucia who looked bored and told her,"bring me there."

"...Huh? You're seriously going alone?"

"My intentions are of no business to you. You'll be a great bargaining chip. Unless, you'd like to feel my fingers again, I encourage you to lead the way."

Sweat dripped down her face as he said that and she turns around and starts walking.

"You'll have to break a seal in order to get in. The seal requires a lot of people to break through."

"That's the least of my concerns. Once we reach there, I'll trade you for Orsola, and you can go back down on your knees praying for that 'God' which you believe in so much."

Then, he shrugs his shoulders as he tells her,"Well, if he even is real."

Sister Lucia was ready to turn back and kill him, but he was the one wielding the sword. And who knows if she'll actually die from the sword wound. She didn't want to break the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. She wanted to risk everything for the church.

"We're here."

The two finally arrived at their destination...

Hi everyone, yea sorry for dropping the sudden sexual scene, well, don’t know if it’s considered sexual but yea...If you don’t think Accelerator would act like that...well I’ll explain it in future chapters. I’m planning to write shorter chapters just to build a better suspense scene rather than putting a large spacing.I think it could also help with my update rate.What do you guys think?Some things might change from canon,since Stiyl won’t be helping,no matter what,and no Index.

dontouchmecreators' thoughts