
Accelerator: The Never Ending Battle

"I just want to be left alone." This was what Accelerator thought when he started the Level 6 Shift experiment to become the first level 6. The #1 esper has already killed 10031 clones and is on his way to finish off the next one when a certain boy came along his way to stop him. That boy who was supposed to stop him, stopped him right? No. After killing that boy, he attains a new power and then his misfortunes starts from there. This is a story where he takes on the world, fighting off the dark side of Academy City and the magic side of the world.

dontouchme · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

The Infiltration

"Tch, this is so annoying..."

The nuns were still outside doing their own business, but of course not before they taught him a lesson. They punched and kicked his stomach and back, and for a moment, his battery almost dropped out. But he secured it back with his left hand.

Now, he was in a tent all by himself, minding his own business as the nuns walked past his tent, carrying various equipment around.

"*sigh* There's nothing to do here, I might as well just go to sleep."

He slept on his side, with his back facing the other side of the tent. Just as he was about to doze off, he heard the zipper to his tent moving.

"Ahn? Who the hell is it now?"

The zipper was pulled down, and then Ester appeared through the crack.

"Oh, sorry master. Am I interrupting your rest?"

"...Yeah you were."

"I'm sorry, I'll come back later." Then she pulls her head back. But he calls her back in.

"Tch, what do you want?"

"I-I don't want to interrupt your rest master. The doctor said you needed it."

"If you have something to say, just say it!" Accelerator shouted at her as he got up. She jumped back for a second, afraid of his tone, but then, she steps into the tent with a few bandages and plasters.

"That beating back there looked rough, so I thought I would come and try to ease your bruises."

"Where'd you even get those?"

"I asked around."

"..." Accelerator just looked at her, speechless.

"You do know that these are just bruises, right? They'll eventually heal on their own."

"But still, I can't leave it unattended. Please just let me help you, master."

"...Tch. Do whatever you want."

"Really? Okay! Master, please take off all your clothes!"


The #1 was surprised that she can even request it with a straight face.

"Why do I need to take off all my clothes?"

"Oh, not all. Just your shirt will do."

"*Sigh* Make it more specific next time."

"Sorry, master..."

He clicked his tongue and then he removes his top. When Ester saw his body, she was shocked to see how slender his body was. He wasn't some main protagonist who was ripped with muscles.

He didn't have that toned out muscular six pack on his stomach, he just had a normal round stomach, with his ribcage poking out a bit.

"Oi, quit gawking and get on with it."

"O-Oh...right, sorry master..."

"Tch, how many times do I have to tell you to drop the 'master'?"

"S-Sorry master..."

Accelerator sighs as she starts to bandage his body. He was facing her as her soft, delicate hands pushed up against his body.

She wrapped his body up with two lines of bandages around his stomach area, just below his chest.

"Master, just lie down for a while..."

She places her hand on his forehead, and lifted his fringe up.

"Oi, what are you doing?"

"Making sure that your wound hasn't opened up again."

Then she takes out a plaster and sticks it on his cheek, to cover up a slight reddish-black spot there.

"That should be it, right? Now get off."

However, instead of obeying, she rests her head on his chest. His body was cold, and his heartbeat was constant. He had little to no fats in his body. His arms were almost like sticks.

"Oi! I said get off!"

Accelerator tried to push her away, but he couldn't. He wasn't strong enough.

"May I enjoy this for a while, master?"

"No. Now get off!"

He tries to reach for the button to activate his power, but Ester intercepted his left arm and pinned it down.

"Master, do you know how I felt when you were doing those things to Agnese?"

"No, and I don't care. Now let me go!"

He continues to squirm around, but it was futile. She was much more heavier than him, and her BMI was counted as average. Accelerator could have been overly underweight. If she wanted to, she could probably break his bones right there.

"I felt very...hurt...My chest was in pain the whole time you know? Even when I heard about what you did with Himegi-sama, I felt very hurt..."


He could feel her grip loosen up. But, he didn't understand what she was feeling. Or, he didn't care at all.

"Ha? That's all? So you came in here, used a dumb excuse to get me into this position, just to tell me how you feel?"

Then she looks up at him, her cheeks were flushed.

"W-Well...I mean...I really wanted to take care of your wounds, don't get me wrong. But...I also...wanted to tell you how I feel, since you told me to say what I had to say. You also told me to do whatever I wanted..."

"I should really stop using that sentence so lightly..." Accelerator thought.

"*sigh* Since you've done all that, what the hell do you want me to do? Surely you didn't just come here to tell me how you feel."

"Well...if it isn't too much to ask..."


She humped her hips against his crotch as she went nearer to his face. He pulled back.

"...can you..."


Her face was getting close to him, her peachy and soft lips slowly meeting his.

"...make me feel good too?"


Accelerator kept silent.


He processed the words which he just heard.


He had a confused expression.

"I-I mean...if it's too much, then you don't have to do it..." Ester says as she backs off a bit.


"Master, are you mad?"


"I-I'm sorry, for putting you in this spot, I'll...I'll leave immediately..."

She gets off of him and then bows down to him. She opens the crack of the tent, feeling a bit ashamed for what she just did. Surely, Accelerator must have felt attacked, or he might've changed his impression of her.

But just as she places one foot outside the tent, she felt a hand grab onto her hand and she was immediately pulled back.

She fell back, closing the crack of the tent once again. She knew the person who had pulled her, and when she turned back, she could not see his eyes as his fringe had covered them.

The #1 turned his device off and he asks her,"What do you even like about me?"


"I'm someone who killed more than ten thousand people. There's just nothing good to like about me."

"But...you helped me, master."

She places both of her hands behind his head, allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist, but he did not do it. So, she pushed herself closer to him, letting him rest his head on her shoulder, just like what he had done for her.

"So what? This is some 'love at first sight' bullshit? Anyone could have came along and helped you. They could have killed Mikihiko for you. They could've solved everything the way I did it. Are you telling me you'd fall in love with anyone who just came along and helped you?"

"Yes, but you were the only person I could have found that night. You were companions with Last Order. If Last Order wasn't there, then I wouldn't have met you, and your words, they were really nice to hear."

"Anyone could have said what I had said. Would you have fallen in love with anyone who had said that as well?"

"That...may be true, but you still took the effort to tell me. Your actions also didn't reflect you. You said you had killed more than 10,000 people, but you wanted to make up for what you did, so you didn't kill the members of Scavengers.

"I still killed the people of D.A. and even Mikihiko. I'm a murderer."

"That's not true. You killed them to protect Academy City. You're like a knight in shining armor. And when you were passed out, Last Order told me that you protected her. That the reason that you have to wear the device around your neck is because you got injured while trying to save her, right?"

"No...I can't save anyone. I'm not a hero."

"Those are all lies, aren't they?"

"It's true. A hero is someone who will save everyone, including their enemies without a reason. A villain can only do things out of their own interests."

She kept quiet for a moment, but she smiles and tells him,"You're overthinking too much, master."

She turns to face him and she lifts his head up. She could see it. The despair in his eyes. He was still trapped by his everlasting guilt.

He did not want to make any eye contact with her.

His limbs were too weak to move at that point.

"No matter what happens, I'll always find a way to repay you, master. And no matter what happens, I'll support you all the way, always."

Then, she embraces him.

Her warmth enveloping his whole body.

But then, she heard a "Tch" and a *beep*, and in an instant, she was pushed back.

"Get out."

The #1 said, with his head facing the floor.


She felt bitter about what just happened. She thought she had won him over, but she hadn't.

"Ah...now where do I sleep?" Ester thought as she wandered aimlessly around the whole place.

—8th September 10:47p.m.—

"Uh...what the fuck is this?"

Accelerator was sleeping on the cold hard ground with nothing covering him. Something soft and warm was brushing against him. He felt someone breathing against his neck.

"Tch, get off me!"

He thought it was Ester who was above him, but he was soon corrected when he tilted his head downwards.

It was Agnese Sanctis who was still sleeping soundly, who did not realize that she was less than 5 centimeters away from Accelerator's lips.

"Mm...papa...io non posso mangiare alcuno più qualsiasi più lungo..."

"Oi...not another one who calls me papa...and what the hell is that language?!"

Then he reaches his hand to pull her away but he felt something smooth on his fingertips.

When he looked over her, he realized that she was only wearing a white laced bra and a pair of panties with bow ties on both sides. Then he looked at the corner of his tent to find her nun's habit neatly stacked and placed in one corner of the tent.

When he turned his head to her again, their lips were locked in.

It was so sudden.

He had not expected it.

"What the fuck? My first kiss is with a fucking stranger who I only knew for less than 12 hours?! The fuck is this bullshit?!"

He tried to pull his head back, but she continued advancing. He reached his left hand for his button, but then it got intercepted by Agnese's right hand.

"What's with everyone intercepting my left hand today?!" Accelerator thought as he desperately tried to use his right hand to push her off. But he was weak.

"What the fuck?! She should be weaker! She's fucking asleep! And she's so small!"

Then he thought of the greatest idea of all.

He clenched his fist and gave her face a good right hook. But she still didn't wake up. She pulls away from the long kiss and whispers to his ear,"papa...non fare così..."

"What does that even mean?! Oi, wake up!"

He releases his fist into a hand and gave her one tight slap to the face.


She says as she frowns.

While still asleep?!

"Non essere così cattivo!"

"Just shut up already! I can't understand a word you're saying!"

Then she opens her mouth again and went back down on him. She thought she was biting him, but instead she gave him another long kiss.

"Mmf...mmm...!" Accelerator was being muffled out as he tried to speak. But their lips were too tightly locked.

"How can someone be so rough in their sleep?!"

Then he heard the flap of his tent open.

Finally, a savior has came to his rescue.

He hoped for it to be Stiyl or one of the nuns and not Ester. Because if it was...

"Mas...ter...?" The voice said.

"God...dammit..." Accelerator thought while his lips were still locked in with Agnese's lips.

"This...this is what I meant!" Ester shouts as she runs off while wiping her tears from her eye sockets.

"Oi at least help me!" He thought as he continued trying to push Agnese off him with his right hand.

Then, she finally opens her eyes.

Her face immediately became red and she finally breaks away from the kiss.

"Y-You...What did you do to me?!" Agnese shouted.

"Oi...you were the one who came into MY TENT!" He shouted in retaliation.

He turns his battery on and used the surrounding wind to push her off him.

"You fucking took my first kiss!" He spits out the saliva in his mouth then wipes his lips using his wrist.

"Y-You also took my first kiss!"

"Why are you even in here?! Get the fuck out!" Accelerator grabs her and throws her out, followed by her clothes.

"Once you've located where the Amakusa's are, come back to me. Until then, stay out!"

Accelerator clicks his tongue after zipping his tent shut.

"Seriously...what's with today...? First I have Ester acting weird, then now I have that kid Agnese who does this shit to me? She didn't even want to give me a blanket. Such fucking misfortune..."

Accelerator pinches the bridge of his nose as he thought of all that.

Then, he heard the zipper to his tent opening. When he turned back, it was one of the nuns who told him that Agnese had updates of where the members of the Amakusa Church was.

He steps out of the tent and goes to the gathering.

The now dressed up Agnese stood on top of a box as she spoke. But not before glaring at Accelerator, who glared back. There was tension in the air, and everyone could feel a scary pressure being applied to all of them. Then Stiyl, who was standing beside him, asked Accelerator,"Did something happen just now?"

"Tch, nothing happened. Anyway, it's none of your business."

"Heh, I guess you're right. It is none of my business."

Then Agnese spoke.

"We've located where the Amakusa Church is. They are currently residing in Parallel Sweets Park. We've confirmed this when two of their members went in, and there were some people sleeping inside. It's not far from here, it's just a 30 minutes walk from here."

"It could just be homeless people, couldn't it?" Accelerator thought as he stood firm with his cane in his right hand.

Then he heard the most ridiculous shit in his whole life.

"Before we go, we have to bless everyone here by pouring holy water and reading Bible scriptures...which will take about...3 hours."

All life was lost in Accelerator as he thought about whether his battery would even last that long.

4 minutes at most now...

"Screw this! I'm not waiting that long! Besides, I can handle all of them by myself."

He takes his phone out, turns it back on and utilizes the GPS function on his phone to locate Parallel Sweets Park.

"Besides...I have other things to take care of." He thought as he walks out of there.


"What now? You gonna bless me before I go?"



The #1 stares at Agnese as she points her index finger at him.

"We'll accompany you. Since we would also like to capture Orsola and protect her as well. But we won't help you fight."

"Heh, fine by me."

"Allora lo tradiremo!"

Agnese shouted, and then all the nuns roar in unison as well.

Then he looks at Stiyl and asks him,"What did she just say?"

Stiyl just shrugs as he lights up another cigarette and takes a puff.

Then, he heard sobbing nearby and he could guess who it was.

He follows the sound of sobbing and then Ester was inside one of those tents.

"...Oi, you still not done yet?"

"Oh! It's...it's you...master. Umm...did you need anything?"

Accelerator felt bad for her. He had never considered thinking about her feelings for one second. But there was a reason for that.

He just didn't want her...

"...I won't console you, but I'll tell you this..."

Then she turns around to look at him, confused.

"...don't trust someone who you just met so easily."

Hypocritically, Accelerator trusted Agnese, but not to a full extent. Hell, he doesn't even know if he can trust Stiyl or Orsola. However, all he knows is that they are not affiliated with the dark side.

They are just a bunch of nuns and priests running around playing pretend. He hasn't even seen a proper ritual yet. All he ever saw was deaths being put into a computer program and transforming those deaths into a death machine formula, and whatever magician he has ever known, were just using tricks that the normal espers could produce.

However, he put that all at the back of his head and he turns back to the route to Parallel Sweets Park.

—8th September 11:39p.m.—

Accelerator stood at the Parallel Sweets Park. He could imagine how bright and vibrant the place would be in the afternoons. However, right now, it was dark.

In the parking lot outside the department store, several nuns were standing there. It was a strange sight to see.

Stiyl was standing around the nuns, and Ester was right beside him.

"You sure you wanna do this?" Accelerator asks her as he continues looking at the entrance of the park.

"Yes. I...want to get to know you even more. I want you to finally acknowledge me, master."

She looks at him with determination and he just clicks his tongue.

Then, he heard tapping sounds coming from behind him.

It was Agnese, walking towards them with her thick-soled sandals.

"We've found the main forces of the Amakusa's here, but we couldn't confirm the location of Orsola, or the Book of the Law."

"So right now, this can't even be considered a formal mission, and that the people inside could potentially be workers coming here to do maintenance or homeless people." Accelerator said, with a still voice.

"Yes, that's why after you've finished defeating the Amakusa's, we will do a thorough search of this place. If we can't find Orsola or the book, we will continue our search. Or, we will interrogate the fallen Amakusa's."

"That is if they are even from this Amakusa organization."

"This is unforgivable. The promotion of Christianity was originally to save humanity, and yet these people are using their powers for such a meaningless purpose. Once they use violence for such a trivial matter, others will use even more meaningless violence to stop them. Why can't they understand such a simple chain reaction?"


Accelerator only smirked as he could relate with her. Those thugs and their meaningless attempts to try and fight him.

This was almost the same situation.

"Heh, I think I'm starting to like you." Accelerator said, but of course he didn't mean it in a romantic way. He just meant it as a friendly way.

But Ester did not take too kindly to those words and she tightens the grip on her talismans.

Accelerator walks through the entrance of the park as the nuns watch him.

Stiyl was...

With them?!

"Tch, I don't need him for this."

When he walked through, he could feel the glares of murderous intent directed towards him. But he only glared back.

Then, the sound of metal clanking against one another was heard and he clicked the button to his choker.

Immediately, four people jumped down from one of the buildings, all of their swords were about to crash down on him, but he redirected the swords into their chests, piercing them through their bodies.

3 men and 1 women.

This was definitely the place.

"M-Master! I'll...I'll help them!"

"Don't bother. Trash like them deserve to squirm around for survival. Besides..."

Then he increases the volume of his voice by manipulating the vectors in his voice.

"If they want to live, their boss will have to come out and greet me. It's basic manners, isn't it?"

The whole place soon fell silent.

He glanced around in every corner to try and spot their leader in that spacious area, but there was no one.

"We...we won't lose...that easily..."

"Oh really? You think you have a chance of defeating me?" Accelerator mocks the fallen fighter as he kicks him in the stomach.

Then, another guy said,"We too...have something we want to protect! We have something to show as well!"

Accelerator stops kicking for a moment and he thought about what they had said.


What do they want to protect? What do they want to show? They already have a book which can potentially end the world, and they have the person who can give the power to them.

"That's enough."

The person who said that was a tall and skinny man. He was wearing a large T-Shirt and jeans that even a sumo wrestler could fit in. The T-Shirt was white in color, with two red stripes forming a cross on the left side of his chest. His hair was extremely messy, and he had a rope made of either leather or something similar hanging around his neck, with four to five mini fans about ten centimeters large hanging on the rope around his neck.

"And who are you supposed to be?"

"Acting leader of the Amakusa Church. Tatemiya Saiji."

"Acting leader?...Oh I see! Okay, I get it now. It's about time that you actually showed yourself." Accelerator says as he puts on his maniacal grin.

Saiji looks at his four fallen comrades as he tightens the grip around his two meters long blade.

"You...defeated the four of them unharmed and unarmed...ARE YOU MOCKING US?!"

"Heh, maybe. Where's that nun that everyone has been looking for?"

"Even in front of an enemy you dare to ask questions? I'll make you regret it."

"Make me."

Saiji rushes up to Accelerator. The tip of his curvy sword pointing towards Accelerator's chest.

"Why isn't he blocking? He's just standing still...Does he have an Anti-Impact talisman with him? Or maybe he knows his way in a sword fight? Whatever the case is, I can beat him!"

Saiji continues to charge forward and once he got close to Accelerator, he felt something pushing the hilt of his sword back.

In a split second, the hilt of his sword shot back to his chest, hitting him hard on the chest.

"Kaaaa...what the?!" Saiji curses.

The still grinning Accelerator walks towards Saiji and pulls him up by the collar and holds him up under the moonlight. It was like he was declaring his victory.

"Ready to talk now?" Accelerator asks as he shows his devilish grin.

Saiji has never felt so humiliated in his life, he grit his teeth as he swung his sword again.

The sword struck Accelerator's redirection field and it was shot back.

"Just stop struggling and tell me where she is..."

He flings Saiji inside one of the shops, making him crash into some of the wood used to build the shop.

He slowly walks to Saiji but then, he was stopped by one of the men.

"You want that girl? She's in there."

He points to one of the shops further up.

"Walk past the two shops behind that one and you can find her inside. Now please...leave him alone..."


Accelerator keeps up his grin, but in reality, he was glad that he could finally turn off his power. The red light was starting to blink.

He followed the instructions from that guy, and he finally reached the supposed place he mentioned. When Accelerator opened the door, he was hit in the chest by something hard.

He could feel the curvature of his attacker on his stomach. A headbutt, and he fell down. When he looked down, she was wearing a black habit, not a single inch of skin exposed from finger to toe. The person had their arms behind their back, with their right hand and left elbow stuck together, all wrapped with sticky tape.

When he looked closer, he noticed that it was a girl which had her mouth sealed with the same tape too. He looked closer and noticed a ton of strange symbols written all over it that looked kind of like slightly misshapen Japanese characters.

When he pulled his head back, he noticed it was Orsola Aquinas. She was trying to convey something to him, but her muffled cries could not be heard. He felt his hands touching something soft. When he looked at his hands, he realised his fingers were gripping on her large, warm, pulse-conveying chest.

He pulled his hand out from underneath, but not without accidentally caressing her breasts. She lets out a small but audible moan as she rubbed against him.

He tries to pull the tapes off using his right hand, but realised it was impossible.

"Am I seriously that weak?" He thought, as he persistently tries to remove the white tape covering her mouth, but it wouldn't come off.

"Wait a minute...The Amakusa's are still magicians, so..."

He touches the side of the tape with his left hand and it finally comes off. That was when he realised it was just a cloth. He touched the other tapes locking her limbs together and they all came off too.

She was surprised at the sight of what just happened. Surprised by tenfolds at how easily the tapes came off.

"E-Excuse me. You are the one who I met at the bus stop earlier, aren't you? But why...?"

"To stop them from using you. Now lets just get the hell out of here."

Orsola was so confused by his actions, and she asked him,"Are you really...here to rescue me? And it has nothing to do with the Book of the Law...?"

"Tch, first of all, I'm not here to rescue you. Second of all, I could care less about the book. If there's someone who can read the book, I'd rather not let them know whats inside. Besides, what do you need the book for? Or specifically, why do you need the power it gives?"

Accelerator was staring at her intensely. Depending on her next answer, he could either kill her there, or he could bring her out safely.

Upon hearing that question, she looked at him with a serious look as well.

"...It would not be wrong to say that I desired power from it."

At that instant, he turned his battery on and held her up by the neck. She struggled, as she thrashed around.

"Wait! Wait! Let me finish! I need the power to...destroy the grimoire!"

After hearing that, he lets her down, and turns his battery off. She starts to feel her neck by wringing her hands around it, as she breathes heavily.

"Continue." Accelerator demands.

"...Do you know how the original grimoires can't be destroyed by any means? I have theorised a way of destroying the original grimoires. With current technology, it is impossible to get rid of grimoires that have reached a state where they are so powerful that they amplify the minute energies flowing from the earth. The most that one can do is seal them so that nobody may ever read it. However, if I can switch the places of some words and phrases, I should be able to reverse the magic back to itself, destroying itself."

Then she showed a very sorrowful face as she continues,"The power of grimoires doesn't bring anyone happiness. The only thing they create is conflict. That's why I was investigating its inner workings. All to destroy these kinds of grimoires."

She looked at him again, her eyes full of resolve. He could only look away, feeling guilty about what she had put her through. Then she puts up her soft side again.

"Right, forgive me for asking, but what would someone from Academy City be doing in a place like this? It doesn't seem to be unrelated to the Roman Catholic Church's movements, but I was of the impression that there were no churches in Academy City."

"...I was just dragged into this shit. I'm not related to any churches."

"Then...what are you doing here?"

"...That doesn't concern you."


For some reason, a slit appeared on her face. She was smiling?

"Indeed you are. It is obvious that one like you is better off having no connection to our world of the church."

"...Tch, you ready to go?"

"Oh, to where?"

"Back to the--"


A loud explosion was heard outside and he pushed her down. She moaned as she fell down, and he tightened the grip on his hands just to feel something soft underneath.

He was groping her again...

He quickly releases his grip and stood up.


Even more explosions were heard, and then...

"Tch, you're persistent."

The person standing at the entrance of the whole place was Tatemiya Saiji again. He looks at Accelerator, but then switches his gaze to Orsola.

"*Sigh* I explained this about a million times, Orsola Aquinas. We have no intention of harming you."

Orsola looked at the destruction behind him, and then at Saiji's weapon.

"I am aware that your words are filled with hope. However, I cannot have faith in peace gained through the use of weapons."

"That's a shame. I mean, it's not like it will do you any good to go back to the Roman Catholic Church. Besides, you talk about having faith not being gained through the use of weapons, but the person next to you is pretty much a living, walking weapon."

"...No. He's not like that."

Accelerator was shocked by her answer. What? He literally tried to kill her when she mentioned that she needed power. Is she crazy? Did she fall down hard on the head? He was so ready to kill her. What does she mean?

"...Well, whatever. I was hoping to fight him again. I've already figured you out, boy."

"What do you mean?"

"The thing around your neck. It's your access to power, isn't it?"


"You were toying with it after you were done with me. Oh, right. The girl."


"Oh come on! Don't look at me like that. I treated her well after she treated me well. An eye for an eye, right?"


"Don't worry. Let's just focus on having fun! That redhead is fighting the rest of the Amakusa. After I'm done with you, I'll finish him off."

"Oi...get back."

"Hm? You're unarmed. And plus, all I have to do is run that power on your neck down, right? And...do you think you can even catch me?"

"...Heheheh...you're underestimating me...HAHAHAHA!!! You're underestimating...ME?!?!?"

He had his head up while laughing, but when he calmed down, he tilted his head down and said, as he pressed the button his choker,"Prepare to eat your own words."

He bursts from the ground, all the way to Saiji, but he steps out of the way.

"What? Was his reaction fast?"

Accelerator lands outside the place, and he has a showdown with Saiji once more. Saiji puts three of his fingers up in a taunting manner.

"...Don't worry. I don't need to touch you."

He lifts his cane up and slams it onto the ground, causing the ground to ripple all the way to him. Saiji dodges by jumping into the air, however...Accelerator jumped too.

And they met face to face.

Accelerator reaches his hand out, but Saiji dodges back in midair. Accelerator clicks his tongue as he lands back down. He turns his battery off.

"I can't last another minute at this rate. I'll have to trick him." Accelerator thought.

"Ahhhh. You've turned off your power." Saiji mocks him.

"Are you sure about that?"


"What makes you think I went all out?"


"Think about it. Green in a traffic light means 'go', and red means 'stop'. Do you think I actually went serious? I annihilated you just now, I can do it again."


"Nothing to say? Why don't you give up already?"

Instead of shivering in fear, Saiji starts laughing as he looks at the sky.

"...Did you actually think I would believe that? You can't even touch me. It's clear to me that you have absolutely no fighting experience. You are the one who should be giving up! How unfortunate...it's over."

Saiji charges at Accelerator with the tip of his sword pointing at his chest. He was ready to pierce through him.

The #1 hesitated to press his button. Was he going to die?

Footsteps rushed up to him.

And everything stopped.

"What do you think you're doing, Orsola Aquinas?" Saiji asks as he holds the tip of his sword at her chest. Orsola has her arms stretched out in front of Accelerator.

"I will not allow you to do this."

"Why can't you just accept us? We mean you no harm."

"I know that. But I will not allow you to kill others."

"But why can't you understand that the Roman Catholic Church will only harm you?!"

"He's not from any churches!"


"He was just dragged into this."

Before she could say anymore, she was shoved aside and then Saiji tasted a fist to his face. The one who landed that punch was the #1.

"Heh, who said I couldn't touch you?" Accelerator mockingly asks him.

Then another voice came up behind him.

"Oh, I see you're finished over here."

"Wow, someone's early."

That person was Stiyl, with his late entry into the fight.

"Okay, you're done here. I'm done with the rest of the Amakusa's. We're going to restrain them and hand them over to the Roman Catholic Church."

With that, the whole conflict was over.


dontouchmecreators' thoughts