
Accelerator Junior Getting Thrown Around In Gensokyo

The same author from fanfiction.net. I'm just reposting my stuff to this website. Touhou SI. Follow around the adventure of me as I'm thrown around left and right by the Quest and by Gensokyo inhabitant, as I discovered how puny my existence and not puny my ability are in this story. Warning: a lot of pessimistic humor, Self Insert(SI) Story. I'm trying to make the story as close as possible with the canon. I'm writing this as a hobby so the update gonna be whenever I feels like it. [Currently in Hiatus]

Ligoya · Video Games
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67 Chs

Final Day of Extreme Not-So-Ordinary Ordinary Day

-The Final Day-

-Morning, Akyuu's Mansion-

-Me POV-​

"…Arah-San, are going out for work?"

"Nah, I feel like staying in the mansion for today."

I'm currently in the Mansion Main Room, it's the room where Akyuu use to read and write some stuff, me and her sit just like when we eat, and the thing is I refused to go out because I'm afraid of what happened yesterday, which probably happened again today.

"T-the magicians might be mad if you didn't collect ingredient for them, you know."

"All of them are nice girls; they are not that selfish enough to getting mad over something like that and I just gave them their stuff yesterday, they'll be happy for a while."

I've been thinking, I think I was overreacting with Yuuka yesterday, and because of it, Yuuka decided to 'tease' me for it, if I just turn around and act 'normal', albeit scared but still acting 'normal', that 'fun time' with Yuuka might be never happened and she will let me go with no further question asked, probably. But that was already in the past, and it's unhealthy if you keep thinking about it.

"…T-There might a good chance for a rare ingredient if you harvest them today."

"I don't think I'll encounter any rare ingredient in my usual route, and all the ingredient that I collect are common enough to be gathered every day."

About collecting those things, it's not about how rare the ingredient is, but it's actually about 'can you withstand the hours of onslaught from the local bloodthirsty yet weak Youkai that lives in the mountain', I could do it because I like stomping down the weakling, that's the main reason why I like Dynasty Warrior kind of game.


I look at Akyuu with a smile, not the happy kind.

"I-if you come back until evening, I p-promise you will be happy, Arah-san."

My expression froze.

'…Sonofabitch, is she also going weird for today? Fucking hell, but more importantly, I gotta get out before this is conversation got any worse.' I thought in a hurry. "…I see, if that's the case then it can't be helped."

I start getting up while hiding my reluctant feeling.

"I'll be back in the evening."

I pat Akyuu head before I leave the room.

-Akyuu POV-​

I look at where Arah left a couple seconds ago, making sure he's not suddenly coming back to this room.

'The more I think about he's leaving, the more my chest starting to hurt, and these recent days somehow it became more unbearable, I look back at the book to my left, the book from outside world that I borrowed from Suzunaan recently.'

I read the title.

'Strategy to Make Sure Your Beloved Happier When He's With You '

'He's not my b-beloved or anything! He's just…he's just…I don't know, I don't know if he's just a family to me, or a beloved to me, or anything else. This feeling is very new to me, and I don't know what to make of it, even if I search something similar from the past Miarees, even if I remember all their memory, all of them are individually different people, different but the same at the same time, all of us keep memories from previous generation, all of us have fragile body and we're all leaving this world early because of it, all of us make a choice to limit any relationship to only as a friend, and this feeling make that choice to waver.'

I continued to read where I left off.

"'After he comes back from work in the evening, you need to' *mumble* 'and then you need to day' *mumble* 'and t-t-then he will gonna say' *mumble-mumble*, so l-lewd, I-is this what popular in the outside world?"

My face starts to feel hot.

"For my feeling, I need to continue the instruction, 'and when both of you *mumble* then he will start *gasp*, k-k-keep reading it Akyuu, it's all for my feeling, for my feeling, for my feeling."

I keep reading the book while the servants start giggling in the background.

-Human Village-

-Me POV-​

'If you're kicked out by a girl and she told you to come back in the evening, where would you go?'

I keep wondering that question while walking around the village, if someone asking question like that, of course the general answer for that is 'go to work', but my mood for that kind of stuff today is pretty 'meh' for obvious reason, so…yeah…

I keep walking until I arrive at the cross road between two different location in my mind, Hakurei Shrine and SDM, and speaking of Hakurei.

"Yo, Reimu, good morning"

I sense Reimu coming from the direction from her shrine, and then I decided to say hi to her.

"Good morning to you too, you're going to work right now?"

"Well, I decided to take it easy today and because of that, I start thinking about other location that's less crowded than the usual, how about you then? It's rare that you're going down to the village, is something happen?"

Reimu only going to the village if there's something going on recently, usually she's just being lazing around all day in her home.

I sense she nodded her head, "I read the Tengu newspaper this morning, they said that there was a battle between a Human and a Youkai in the village yesterday, they have the nerves to fight in here, I'm going to ask several witness of that battle to start identifying those two, how dare them to start fighting openly in the village, now I have to work to lessen the villager fear from that fight."

'Okay, operation 'Get the fuck out of here' is a go, and let's hopes she doesn't realize that it was me she's looking for. 'I hopefully thought "So, is that means you'll patrol the village today?"


"I see." I look at my imaginary watch. "Oh look at the time, I just decided where do I want to go now, good luck with what you're doing Reimu, bye." I waved before I walked away from her.

"You too Arah, stay safe" I sense she waves back at me, but before I left, I heard she whisper something. "…really blind?"

I won't blame her if she start having that though, after all, my condition is questionable if I claimed to be blind, have a prove that I'm blind, but then I act like I'm not blind at all. It gave of an impression that I'm fucking with them.

'It can't be helped because I really do can see using other than my eyes, and did she really believe that I have a watch? In the first place, do Gensokyo has a watch? Or she just assume that I have something that tell time hence why she ask if I'm really blind or not, huh, curious.'

-SDM, Mansion Gate-​

'Oh wow, the system really going full force for today.'

"Hey, pervert-san! Over here!"

I finally arrived at SDM, but then I sense 2 magic signature up ahead, I remember one of them to be Meiling but I remember and not remember who I'm sensing, so I opened my eyes to check, and guess whose status did I saw.

"Hey! Hey! Let's play!"

It's Koishi.

"Nope" I turn around.


[Quest Alert]

[2* Get into the Mansion]

'Sonoftabitch, and why is it 2 stars difficulties even though the name of the quest is that simple…Oh…Oooh…Oh, no'

I turn back to the Mansion direction; I inhale some air and preparing to shout.


…Silent, she didn't response.

'…She's sleeping, great, an unconscious sleeping martial artist and someone that can control subconscious, what a great combination, there's no way thing could go wrong after that.'

"She said she's okay! Isn't that right, China-san?"

'Koishi please, I don't want to start that meme in here.'

I lazily walk to the gate.

'Should I cheat? Let's just cheat; this is not Danmaku battle anyway.'

I grab and eat 2 of my boosting pills from my pouch.

I feel my body and mind turn more powerful by the second, I start upping my energy pulses.

I didn't even surprise that I sense Meiling suddenly start doing her fighting stance on my direction.

I also start readying myself.

"Come'on! Last time I was seeing in 5 fps but I've change, its 30 fps now!!"

Arms spread out, both palms open, ready to catch anything.

"China-san Go!"

"She's not a dog!"

Meiling start attacking, she start with a jump kick, which is perfect.

Using Though Acceleration, I perfectly catch her feet that Meiling uses to kick, and throw her to the direction behind me, hard, really hard, and really far, assisted by Telekinesis of course.

"Fuh, thank goodness, she opened up with a flying kick."

"That's cheating!"

I look at Koishi.

"Now why are you here young lady?" I put my hands on my hip.

My chest starts to warm up. 'Okay, wrong attitude and probably wrong word too.'

"Because Underground is just too boring! I want to play with anyone! Our pets are just too boring and anyone else just too busy or drunk to play with!" she replied with frustrated tone.

'…She's serious about this isn't she? And that 'No one to play with' excuse, is that some kind of new disease name that spreading around EX boss or something? Oh well, YOLO.' I think. "No one want to play with is it? Then how about we go in inside this Mansion, I know someone who loved to play with you." I said confidently.



The heat in my chest disappeared.

I opened the right gate with Telekinesis, Remilia use double gate, you see.

"Follow me." I said while gesturing Koishi to follow me through the gate.

I sense she disappeared and reappear pass the left gate.

"…Or you could do that, which works too."

"I am awesome!"

"Yes, yes, Koishi-chan is awesome." I replied nonchalantly. 'But it's the truth, every people that I saw that have question mark for their level; they have bullshit type of power. And I need to remind myself to pick Teleportation after this Blindness, after all I don't want to miscalculate my mind map-based jump and ended up stuck in a Tree or something.'

We start walking into the mansion entrance door.

-SDM, Entrance Door Room-​


[2* Get into the Mansion - Complete]

[Reward: 5.000 AP & IP]


We just stand there, by the entrance door, with no one to welcome us.

'…Usually Sakuya already arrived in just 3 second flat after I opened the door, and no, I'm not being delusional, she always appear even though she mock me after that.' I think. "..Did something happen?"

Suddenly a magic signature appears in front of us, and I recognize it.

"Ah, there you are Sakuya-san; I thought you wouldn't come meet us for a second there, literally."

"It was just a request that I required to do after I confirmed that it was you who arrived and knowing you, you probably wouldn't mind the delay."

"Yeah, you're right, I didn't mind it, so, what request?"

"Both of them personally said that I do not speak their name until they are arrived."


"Yes, and I see that you finally opted to kidnap a girl to satisfy your need."

"Satisfied Pervert-san need!"

"Hm, unexpectedly she recognized her own situation."

'…I regretted myself for missing her a few seconds ago.' I think depressingly. "*sigh* I'll explain it after she's out of your vision, Sakuya-san."

"Out of my vision?"

I nodded.

"!!" I whipped my head to the left; I sense something from that direction.

Something that pouring out densely powerful energy and something that's weaker than the first one but still powerful nonetheless.


They're coming closer to our location at ridiculous speed.


One of them suddenly has an increased of speed.

"…Is that-" Sakuya suddenly backing away a feet away from me. "SO IT REALLY IS THEM!"

I hear a girl voice in the distance from where I sense that unknown thing.


It's Flandre.

Using Though Acceleration again, I'm start doing water bending move (which is just pseudo-ing the movement because I don't know the correct way to do it) or should I say Vector Change her 'charge' and directing her to the right hallway.


She keeps 'charging' the hall.

I read somewhere that the technique in water bending is a technique on counter attacking, so it fit the context that I rerouting Flandre 'attack'.

"Fuh, I dodge certain death there." I swipe my imaginary sweet.

"That was unexpected; I didn't know you known Tai-chi, Arah boy."

The other unknown thing arrived and revealed to be someone I know too, it's Remilia.

"Hey, hello there, Remilia, mind if I know where you knew the name of the martial art, I'm pretty sure you're not the type of person who's into that kind of stuff."

"Meiling claimed to be a master of such, so of course I known anything that resemble her technique."

"…touche, so what about you and Flandre racing each other to greet me? That's the conclusion that I can get from the context that Sakuya-san given to me."

"Fufu, you're wrong, I'm merely accompanying Flandre on her erratic behavior upon your arrival."

"…I see." I said with 'Such perfect way to twist the truth, but I'm sure it will be more perfect if your wings stop flapping even though you already hit the ground.'

"What a funny person."

'Look, even Koishi agreeing with me.'

"And who is this Youkai Girl? Are you finally given up to your lust and decided to kidnap her?"

'…You reap what you sow Arah, just take it like a man and shallow it raw.'



I sense Flandre fly straight to me, in normal speed, so I immediately turn and catch her.

Now she's dangling from my chest and she's surprisingly light, is it because she's half flying half latching on to me right now?

"Welcome back, Arahnii-san."

"Oh, I'm back, Flan."

"This looks fun!"

Koishi suddenly encircling her hand on my neck, making me move my hand in reflex to piggy backing her.


'Somehow there's a tension in the air, I feel that there's some kind of invisible duel between these two, a battle between Question Mark Level and I'm in the middle of it? No thank you.'


"Hm? Oh, that's right, Flan."


Flandre let go of me and turn toward Remilia.

I sense Remilia launch some kind of magic sonar.

It got reflected when it hit me, Sakuya, and even Koishi, but for Flandre, it get absorbed into her instead.

I opened my mouth to start questioning Remilia about it but Flandre beat me into it.

"Yes, today breakfast was delicious."

I look at Flan blankly, and then I look at Sakuya.

"I utmost appreciate your compliment, Young Mistress."

Then I look Remilia, and then back to Flan again.

And then it clicked.

"…Wait a second, did you just-"

"Fufu, nice reaction, Arah boy, it was splendid." Remilia said proudly. "Sakuya, lead him to the Library, I will be going ahead."

"As you wish, Mistress"

I sense she turned into a Bat before she went and disappeared into the hallway.

Now it's just 4 of us in the room.

"Okaaay, that was unexpected."

"Uhuh, Nee-sama start doing it after you leave our Mansion last time, it always feel ticklish every time she did it."

"…She probably wanted me to hear her full story about this in the Library then."

"Probably, and then there this something that I forgot about in our last meeting, what was it again, it-""Hey hey Flandre, do you want to meet someone who want to play as much as you do?" I immediately cut her off.


'Oh wow, both of them say the word at the exact same time with the other.' I think. "Yes, meet this girl, her name is Komeji Koishi, and Koishi, meet our other girl, Flandre Scarlet."


They are not saying anything again, but there's no tension in the air like last time.

'…Are they measuring each other?'

The silent continue for a few more second before Koishi going down from my back before she stands next to Flandre.

"Let's play!"


And then both of them disappeared into the void...….what? I legit only saw darkness before they disappeared from my senses!

"…Glad that when easier than expected."

"I believe that everything that is in needs to be taken care of already finished, would you please follow me now?"

"…Yeah, I believed everything taken care of too."

I start following Sakuya.

-SDM, Random Hallway-​

As we walk in this long hallway, Sakuya start asking me.

"So, what item did you gave to Young Mistress?"

"…I'm sorry, what?"

"An Item, after you talk with her, she suddenly running happily to the hallway, so what did you gave to Young Mistress?"

'Ho boy, now that I personally hear Koishi condition effect in action, that's kinda unsettling actually, before she ask me who she is and now she doesn't even remember that she existed at all. I better tell the short version of who Koishi is to her.'

"You're wrong Sakuya-san, I never gave any item to her, but instead I actually introduce a friend to her."

"A friend?"

"Yes, her name is Komeji Koishi, and she has an ability to make anyone that she didn't trust to be blinded of her figure and deaf of her voices."

"…I see, then what about Young Mistress?'

"I already told Koishi that Flandre also someone like her, a person who's looking for someone to play with."

"Then are you not worried about both of them being alone with each other?"

"Nope, I trust both of them to play nice with each other."

"…Then I take it that you'll be held responsible if something happen to Young Mistress."

"Of course"

We continue to talk other thing as we walk, and I kinda notice something from Sakuya.

Sakuya never once insulted me ever since we talk, there were one or two times that she called me names, but she only said it in a joking manner.


Is it because it has something to do with the technique that Remilia use before?

After all, if she tried to develop that technique, then that mean she have something to do and not getting bored in her Mansion, is that also why Marisa have a nice relationship with Sakuya in the cannon even thought the first one keep stealing from the Mansion and make Remilia worked up every time she does it, and it resulting Remilia to be keep away from her boredom.

'Guess I can count this as an improvement from my usual relationship with Sakuya.'

-SDM, Mansion Library-​

Mansion Library, it located somewhere in the Mansion, the original library room was not this large, but it got stretches by how much she needed to store all her books. The books also have been collected ever since patchouli small. All of those statements were said by Remilia herself.

"Remilia, can you not tell a stranger about my library?"

"Why not? You both already introduced yourself, so you both are not stranger anymore, and also the basic of showing off is to make them awe of your property, which what I'm doing right now."

"Then show off your own property, not mine."

"But the Library is a part of my Mansion, so I do believe it is a part of my property."

"…Sound argument, but I still don't like it nonetheless."

"Then be quiet, Patchouli. After all, I want this trade with him to be successful."

"Trade?" I ask.

"Yes, I do believe trading stories with each other is the correct to do it, you do have a new story to tell right, Arah boy?"

"…Yes, I do believe I have a story that might interest you." I said with resignation tone. 'Again, such unreasonable thing to say, imma gonna troll you, you Loli Vampire!'

"Good, let's continue my story, ah yes, it's about the technique I show you at the entrance door,"

Okay, I'm gonna cut it out for you guys, long story short, because she feel that she doesn't wanna lose to a bat, she want to re-create their echolocation, resulting in a development of 'The Devil Whisper' as she called that technique, which is surprisingly a cool name in my opinion.

Right now, me, Remilia and Patchouli are sitting in the table inside the Library, and of course, Sakuya stationed beside Remilia like the usual, don't forget that there are cookies and tea too on the table.

I check Patchouli Status again.

[Lv.71 the Asthmatic Magician, Patchouli Knowledge]

'71, that's pretty big number for a paper.'

Her voice is lovely but pretty low in volume, she probably don't want to waste a breath because of her Asthma. I really can't wait for this blindness to go away, so much cute girls to see and talk too.

"Are you still following me, Arah boy?"

"Of course, Remilia. You want to show off your new thing to Reimu right? I'd say you don't need to do that since she's very hard to impress."

I start drinking my tea.

"But that's also mean the reward are worth the trouble, imagine, the Hakurei, impressed by me, and then everyone will become my servants, and finally, I can do whatever I want in Gensokyo."

"Talk about dreaming big, she really dreaming big even though she's small…"

"…What did you say…"

"*cough* what a great story you have tell, I think it's my turn now to tell you guys one of my own."

"Hmph, I'll forgive you now because my mood right now is in listening to your story, be grateful, Arah boy."

Slip of a tongue, bad, bad.

I put away my tea cup and prepare to tell a story.

'Okay, time to butcher the story of 'Castle in the Sky'.'

"Now, before I start, have you both ever heard of Laputa?"

"That's the name of a flying island in Gulliver's Travels book, isn't it?"

"You are correct, congratulation Miss Patchouli."

I golf clap her.

"A flying island?"

"Yes, it is said that it fly using an Adamantine for its island base, combining with "magnetic virtue" of certain minerals in the ground to fly and maneuver in the sky."

"I see, so what's the connection between this flying island and your story?"

"Oh, there's definitely a connection between those two, because what I'm about to tell you is that," Dramatic pause. "Someone build a better version of it."


That's Patchouli dumbfound voice, Remilia not saying anything, probably because she still think it's not that interesting.

"Yes, believe me, you know that in the book that the flying island is just glorified kite, it can only travel for certain distance, shitty kingdom, inept educated people, limited water supply, always stressing about losing the warm of the sun, like I said frail and brittle like a kite."


At least that made Remilia laugh.

"…What do you mean by 'better version' of it?"

"Laputa version 2, better people, better technology, better design, and better planning"

"…But why I never heard anything about it?"

"Hey, like I said; better people and better planning."

"...Then how did you know about all of this then?"

"I only read it from pieces of paper."

"…How could you so sure of its existence even though you only know it from that kind of source?" I sense a hint of anger in her voice.

"I have a reason as to why I believed of its existence."

"Then can you share it with us, as to why you're so confident that it was existed?" asked Remilia.

"Of course, from what I remembered the information from that pieces of paper were just too detail, and there's also the way it erased itself before I have a glance at all of it."

" …Too detail? Erased?" asked Patchouli.

I nod at her.

"I have Photographic Memory by the way, and I'm sure both of you know what that mean so I'm gonna answer Miss Patchouli question, many years ago, I just randomly opening boxes, don't ask me why doing that, and that's when I found that boxes, it's ordinary, not placed with traps or locked with magic either, it was just plain and ordinary box, I opened it without a thought, and what I saw inside were only a stack of papers, with a word 'Project: Laputa' as the first word that I saw."

I drink my tea because my throat start to dry from all that speaking, and somehow it's a cue for everyone to drink their tea again.

"At that time, I'm thinking 'What is this? Is this some sort of research paper from Laputa in the story?', and then I start reading it. The more I read it the more I'm impress, after more reading, my impress emotion turn into curiosity, 'Why did they redesign the original work? Why are they using mineral that I never heard of?', I read and read more, finally my curiosity turn into suspicion, 'What did they mean by live quietly in the sky? What did they mean by controlling the information so that no one knows about Laputa?', I continue to read it until I saw that sentence…'About why we abandoned Laputa.'."

""…What?"" Both of them surprised with what they hear, and I bet Sakuya surprised with what I said too, but sadly I'm blinded.

I snap my finger "Exactly! 'What?', that's the magic word that end it all, after I said that word, everything from that paper start disappearing, after I noticed what happened, I immediately skimmed the rest of the papers, sadly, I don't have enough time to finished reading all of it, but thankfully, I know why they abandoned Laputa."

"So why they abandoned it?" asked Remilia.

"Long story short, they said it was because 'Human was not meant to live in the sky', that's why they abandoned it, and yes, I did say it was abandoned, they thought it was a shame to destroy their hard work so they let Laputa flying around across the Earth, undetected by everyone except their builder, and they also put self-destruct mechanism in case someone found Laputa and use it for evil."

"…Then did you know anything about that mechanism?"

I nod. "They called it 'Spell of Destruction', anyone that recite that spell will make Laputa to fallen from the sky, and by the way, I don't know anything if you asked me about it."

"…I see."

Everyone turn silent after that, seems like they're trying to take all of it in.

"Just for the record, it's up to you to believe it or not, I don't want to be responsible if you two suddenly blame me for "lying" about what you only heard and not see personally."

"Do not worry, we would never do that, we already live long enough to know better about what to and not to believe in."

"Then that's good, now that I'm already told my stories, can I go home now?"

I plead with a smile.

They easily released me after that.

-Early Evening, Human Village, Hiedaa Mansion-​

"W-welcome back, d-d-darling, I already p-prepared few things ahead of time, w-would you like your dinner? o-or a bath?"

'...The System really trying to kill me with different kind of ways.'

"o-o-o-or would you p-p-prefer m-m-m-m-m-me??"

'…I think I'm gonna die by MOE'

I sense Akyuu have thinner arm and shoulder than before, and I already deduct from that and her speech that she currently in Naked Apron.

'…A Loli with Naked Apron, I think the System also trying to kill my Social Standing.'

"Achuu!" Akyuu cutely sneeze.

'…I also think I know what the theme of the today attack, it's called 'The Attack of the Loli', but unfortunately for you System, I have great self control.'

I take off and put my Yukata inside the waist pouch to be Laundry.

"Eeeeeeeeeh! W-we are gonna skip some step and go straight to that phase?! I-I-I am sorry, I haven't prepared my hearth yet!!"

I flick Akyuu forehead.


I pull out my Yukata and put it on Akyuu.

"Eh? Eh? Arah-san?"

I start carried Akyuu in a princess carry.

"Kya!" she startled.

"…After you put on some clothes, you will explain everything."


I carry her further into the Mansion.

-The next day-​

When I opened my eyes in the next morning, I'm greeted with familiar blue box in my visions.

[Quests Complete]

And unexpectedly, I can see brown wood colored ceiling that surrounded the blue box.

I can see again.

Author note:

Heyo, Author here, I know that last part is kind of rushed, but I promise I'll make it up in the future chapter, and speaking of future chapter, I'll be hiatus until late January, I don't have no more free time dude.

Also Yay for 100k word mark in the SB, and I know this is kind of late but, Yay for more than 100k word mark in the FF.

About this 3 days quest, the mechanic behind it is that it's not forcefully change; it's more like pushing certain feeling deep down from someone and making it bloom early. I absolutely didn't start thinking that explanation at the day 2 of the quest, and that Arah thinking about his overreaction with Yuuka also not because someone pointing it out to me, I absolutely meant it to be mentioned in the next chapter, everything are planned before hand with my genius brain.

@kamencolin: why didn't he run away from Yuuka? I kinda think that if Arah just ran away from her, she'll Original Spark him to oblivion, so yeah, the thought of him running away at that time was never crossed in my mind at that time.

So, what do you guys think about this series so far? Anything on your mind, just let it out, it might make this series better.

At the early chapter, you guys probably noticed that Arah pointing out and screaming MOE at every Touhou character, so my editor said to tone it down, so I toned it down, which I'm thankful for because after that I noticed I'm drunk of author power to write whatever situation I want and I also write easier than before.

Next one, after a few chapters, some guy said that I need to stop Arah to be the butt end of the joke, I immediately stop doing that again, a joke only be funny as long as it's not overused, and you should immediately stop at the first sign of it being overused, which is when someone complained about it.

So yeah, say whatever you want, I'll take it.