
Accelerator Junior Getting Thrown Around In Gensokyo

The same author from fanfiction.net. I'm just reposting my stuff to this website. Touhou SI. Follow around the adventure of me as I'm thrown around left and right by the Quest and by Gensokyo inhabitant, as I discovered how puny my existence and not puny my ability are in this story. Warning: a lot of pessimistic humor, Self Insert(SI) Story. I'm trying to make the story as close as possible with the canon. I'm writing this as a hobby so the update gonna be whenever I feels like it. [Currently in Hiatus]

Ligoya · Video Games
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67 Chs

Home Sweet Home

-Me POV-

-Morning, Hiedaa Mansion-​

I see the vibrant colors of the world, and thus once again, I admitted that Human eyes are a gift from god and their field of vision is pretty shit.

"…*sigh* Good job me, starting the day by thinking that sentence."

I look toward the dressing mirror and start examining myself.

A tan skin teenager with black short straight hair, black choker in the neck, wearing black and white Yukata, the black part is to my right and the white part is to my left, there's also a motif of black cloud in the white Yukata part and white cloud for the black Yukata part, have a long sleeve and the Yukata length only to my thigh, a waist pouch, and a Black jeans.

['Night Cloud' turn into 'Monochrome Sky'], upgrade cost 5.000 IP.

[Monochrome Sky, add-on: +Defense Up, +Magic Defense Up, +Durability Up, +Vitality Up, +Vitality Regeneration, +Energy Up, +Energy Regeneration, + Air Conditioning, + Self-repair]

'I think it's appropriate that I wear new clothes for today, after all, today is the day I move from here.'

It has been 2 days since I already got my vision back, and in that day, let's just say I'm going 'Frenzy'.




"Reimu! I love you and Nice Armpit!!"

"O'god , let this person free from possession of any evil spirit, Dream Sign "Evil Sealing Circle"!"

"Marisa! You maybe not act girly enough like the other, but no matter! You're still cute in my eyes!"

"Let me help you Reimu, Love Sign "Master Spark"!"

"Alice-san! You're cute and beautiful at the same time, there's no denying that fact!"

"Oh my…"


"Wait! Stop! What are you doing?! Luna! Star! Help me! Fue…FUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"

"It's not working! What do we do?!"

"Sunny, hang in there!"

"Meiling-san! Your hair is like a burning soul of a fighter, it's very fitting of you!"

"Thank you for the compliment, I guess?"


"…I much prefer your blind state over your normal one."





-Flashback end-​

Everything was just blurry; I only remember some part of it. It's strange that even though I have Photographic Memory, I can't perfectly remembered what happened that day…is it because I subconsciously didn't want to remember what happened that day?

"Now that I think about it, how did I survive that day?"

As I tried to remember what happened that day, a servant told me that it's time for breakfast.

I decided to drop the subject and hope that everyone I visit that day, forgiven me with what I said or did to them.

I store the Mirror and start going to the Mansion Main Room.

-Hiedaa Mansion, Main Room-​

We both didn't say anything, me or Akyuu didn't say anything beside a greeting to each other before we eat our breakfast, it's all silent until Akyuu ask me after we finished our meal.

"Arah-san, would you let me escort you to the Village Gate?"

I look at Akyuu.

She looks determined…and sad at the same time.

"Of course"

"Then wait a moment please, I will go preparing myself."

I see her start getting up and walking out from the room.

"…*sigh* I hate this kind of atmosphere."

-Human Village-​

Once again, we walk in silence.

I pace myself for Akyuu to catch up with my walking speed.

We walk until we reach the Village Gate.

The Village Gate is not like any normal gate, it's actually a Torii Gate, a gate that signifies an entrance to sacred place, and if you think about it, Gensokyo can be called as sacred place for supernatural, a paradise for Youkai. As for how many, there are 4 Torii gate in each side of the village, and this is one of them.

I bow deeply toward Akyuu.

"Thank you for taking care of me until now, I promise I will make it up to you someday."

"No, this side too, thanks you for taking care of me as well; it is a pleasure to do it."

I raise my head and look at Akyuu face.

"Hah, please don't look so sad."

"…I don't know what you were talking about."

"Come'ere you."

I kneel and hug her, she didn't even struggle, and I definitely see you guys, the servants, they started tailing us from the Mansion.

"I promise I'll visit you regularly in the future."

She just nodded.


I stand up.

"See you around."

I wave at her and she waved me back.

-Late Morning, Forest of Magic-

As I keep walking through the Forest, I unconsciously send an echolocation pulse.

"Guess it became a habit now, meh, I can live with it."

I look at Cane of Guidance that keeps pulling me to my destination in my hand.

"You really help me a lot buddy, with or without my vision you really make my live easier."

I pat the cane.

After the 'Frenzy' day, my brain start working properly and I start doing thing I must do, primarily checking the quest reward.

[5* Wild Ordinary Days Complete]

[Reward: 20.000 AP & 20.000 IP, Random Ability, and Random Magic Item]

[Challenge Quest: Blind - Complete]

[Reward: 20.000 AP & 20.000 IP and Random Reward]

The first one,

[Pyrokinesis Lv Max]

[Let User create and control fire with his/her mind]

[Level Increased, 61 to 65]

Besides the obvious weaponized idea I immediately have, I can see that I use it to cook and start a bonfire, but I haven't tried it yet because I don't have controlled environment to practice the ability.

The second one,

[Invisible Table]

[A Table that invisible from naked eye]

…I want a refund…

As for the last one, it's actually caused me a bit of problem because how powerful the thing is, and I have my suspicion if the roll actually not random but controlled instead.

[Doujigiri Yasutsuna]

[A Katana that used by Minamoto no Raikou to slay many renowned Youkai and Oni. Deal True Damage to Youkai and Oni]

As I finished reading that information, I immediately take out the Katana from my waist pouch.

An Ivory White Hilt with 2 balls accessory on its pommel, as for the scabbard, it's covered in Tiger fur.

Because I have played F/GO, I know who Minamoto no Raikou is, I don't know if this is his/her real katana or not but because the System said so, then it's probably is.

The Katana radiating some kind of aura

I unsheathe the Katana, the blade reflect my face back.

'I don't know what True Damage is, but it sound like it will hurt a lot if you get hit by it, especially for the Oni, and it's a bad idea if they know I can hurt them with this Katana.'

I remembered why the Oni leaves the surface, they left because there's no more challenge to be had up in here, no more Oni Slayer that come for them, no one dare to fight them anymore, Oni likes to fight, if they doesn't fight then they just do drinking party, and if they doesn't drink then they fight, including fighting each other, and if they somehow knew I have this Katana, all of them probably gonna challenge me, and I probably gonna get black and blue after they're done, or probably become a pulp and died.

'All right, let's make sure they never seen this blade, ever.'

Just so you guys know, looking left and right or making sure nobody watching you when you do things that you don't want other to know about is entirely on your own physiological mind and perfectly normal, and I entirely don't know if I'm grateful or not that I do that action at that times.

As I making sure no one watching me by looking to my left, in a fraction of a second, I witness a glimpse of a gap closing in the air.

After I registered what I just saw, I know I fucked up.

'I didn't sense anything in the room at that time, is that how mastered manipulation of Gap work? Because when Ran did it, I can still feel something when she opened her gap. Was it because Ran still inexperienced with using the gap? Or is it because of something else? So many questions, so little answers.'

I started thinking and come up with a plan, and that is 'Do nothing'.

…Yeah, do nothing. Its Yukari dude, I can't do shit if she really want me dead. After I come up with that 'plan', I start searching for good clearance in the forest for my new home.

I did found it but since I randomly search for the clearing, I got lost, and since the day going dark, I went back to the village via the fastest way possible, and that is flying above trees.

Hence is why I'm walking with my Cane of Guidance to guide me to that clearing again right now.

'…Pass Marisa's House…turn right…pass this big tree…and we arrived…now that I did double take, this clearing kinda small…FUCK MOTHERNATURE!!'

I uproot a tree using my Telekinesis.

I uproot another tree.


And another

And another

Another one

Another one

Another one

Another one

Another one

Another one

I make a hole using Telekinesis.

And I plant the tree in there.

"…" I wordlessly plant back all the trees that I pulled into another location.

Did you guys seriously think I wouldn't plant back the tress I pulled? Despite the language I used when I initiate the action, I'm just joking with what I said. It's like a comedy show where the person said he will go and do bad thing but if his action to be observed clearly, he's actually doing good thing. For example, there's a person announced that he will make the teethes of all the children to go bad, and then in the next second he gives a lot of candy to children, resulting their teethes to go bad…..I think I just gives a bad example, whatever, but the point is I'm not some irresponsible asshole to just uproot a tree and not used it for any reason, after all I'm just gonna used the System to make me a house.

Hm?? What about Yukari you said? I don't care. My standing with her pretty much become unknown after that Ran's Achievement and after she saw the Katana that can hurt an Oni, I don't know if she actually know what the Katana do, but I bet she knew, she's Yukari after all.

"Done, now, for the House."

'System, place the House that I picked yesterday.'


A red laser suddenly being shot from the red gem of my waist pouch, the laser stopped at some point in the clearing and then it spreading out, filling the clearing with red light. After it covered most of it, the light turn into something else, it turns into a House, a two story Japanese House.

[Japanese House: American Architecture Mix] = 16.000 IP

[Japanese House that has been built by blending between Japanese and American Architecture, as per User request it included with Infinite Water Supply, Infinite Electric Supply, Infinite Gas for Stove Gas and Oven, Sub-space Sewage System, Anti-Earthquake, Anti-Flood, Storm Barrier, Pest Barrier, Intruder Alert, Auto-Repair, and Temperature Control]

Even though it said it have American influence in it, but no matter how many times I see it, it's a Japanese house.

I enter the House.

The 1st floor is in the shape of a rectangle if it's viewed from above, and if I pointed the all the room based on that image, then at the middle below it's the front door, at the left side it's the living room/dining room/guest room I guess, the room also have 2 slide doors, one of them can be opened to view the forest while the other to access a closet that store the guest futon, at the right below side it's the kitchen, at the right upper side it's the bathroom, at the middle upper side it's the stair to the 2nd floor. The floor apparently made of wood.

I go up to 2nd floor.

Again, the 2nd floor is in the shape of a square if it's viewed from above, at the below part it's the stair to the 1st floor and that's it, it's just an empty room with a futon folded at the corner of the room.

"I guess this is my room then."

I go down below, and go to the kitchen.

The kitchens have a sink, an upper cabinet, a gas stove and a refrigerator.

I opened the fridge.

It operated normally, I mean, it's on, it have electricity.

I start looking the ceiling of every room.

All of them have light bulb, and there's a breaker that have many button on the wall, I guess that's the one that controlled all the light bulbs.

'Ah, is this what it means by American influence? They installed the light bulbs?'

I start unloading ALL THE THINGS that I bought and packed before I start entering Gensokyo, I put everything in their respective, uh, rooms.

-An Hour Later-​

"Seems like I bought too much in my shopping frenzy in the past"

I still have things to be put inside the fridge and the upper cabinet but the things actually already full before I unload all of them inside.

"Meh, better over keep rather than under keep"

I walk out from the kitchen to the living room while sipping my canned orange juice.

I look at the can.

'Make the waist pouch to be able to recycled stuff? Maybe later, I just wanna rest after moving my stuff.'

The Bathroom actually have a shower and a washing machine, I don't mind the shower, but the washing machine, I probably won't use it ever because I can just use my waist pouch to laundry everything.

I reopened the sliding door that I closed a while ago.

I expected the sunlight would pouring into the room and it'll make me temporary blind

But no, it's actually worse.

Just as I slide the door opened, I immediately saw a figure of someone standing in front of me, blocking the sunlight, a figure of woman wearing purple dress and blond long hair.

It's Yukari.

My can slipped down from my hand, as my body stiffens because I recognized who I'm facing.

Yukari bring her palm up, a gap suddenly opened above it, and then a can suddenly drop down from the gap.

I look closely at the can, and then I realize, it's my can that I just dropped.

"My my, what a wonderful House you got here, Arah boy."


-A moment later-​

Currently we are both sitting inside the living room, I sit by crossing legged on the floor while Yukari sitting on her knee. My canned orange juice sitting beside me.

'My eyes are swimming, I'm scared, dude, holy shit, I didn't even put my Counter Armor because it's probably useless against her. I can't even sense her even though she's in front of me, dude, this is such bullshit.'

"Um, I, you, um-"


I flinched. I caught a glimpse on her face before my eyes goes back to swimming again, she's smiling.

'Dude, I gotta calm down fast or this situation will never end. '

I take a breath and let it out from my mouth.

I look straight at Yukari, and then they immediately swimming out of control again.

'Fuck that shit, I'm a wuss, I don't care what anybody said, she's super scary, how the fuck Reimu can just talked to her casually?'

"Well? Won't you offer anything to your guest?"

Courage suddenly appeared in my heart.

Now, I really look straight at Yukari without flinching.

"Then what did Yukari nee-san want?"

"Hmmm, how about a sake? Do you have one?" she said while smiling.

"I understand, please wait a second, I'll try searching for it."

I put my hand inside my waist pouch.

'System, buy a sake that's worth 100 IP and a glass for it.'


I feel my hand gripped 2 glasses object between my fingers.

I pulled out my hand, revealing a bottle of something and a shot glass.

I put it down.

I levitate the glass to Yukari while I uncorked the Sake with my Telekinesis.

Yukari received the glass and I start getting up and crouch walk to her while holding the bottle as if I cradle a baby.

"Um, how do I do this stuff?"

"You pour it slowly and make sure the content not spilling over the glass."

I carefully pour the sake as per Yukari instruction.

I finished pouring it and Yukari immediately gulped down its content.

I sit by sitting on my knee while she started thinking about the flavor.

"The taste is not bad, where did you get it?"

"I don't know, I just put everything inside the waist pouch, you can have the bottle if you want it, I'm more into fruit juice rather than sake." I told her casually.

"I see, I see, then can I tell you a story?" She smiled toward me.

I nod at her.

"You see, long ago there was once a family that lived an honest life in a mountain, a father, a mother, and their children, even though they lived mediocre life, they were happy, happy that they can just lived, then one day, the father comeback holding something unusual, normally he would comeback holding the game that he hunt or fruit that he picked, but at that day it was different, he was holding some kind of weapon,"

I blinked.

"He start going frenzy, resulting him killing his wife and children, he said that it's not enough, so he went down from the mountain and ran to a nearest village, in there he continue to kill everyone, but he still not satisfied, he went to another village and continue his deed, after many villages and many lives, the authority finally end the Father massacre, killing him and sealed the weapon he used." Yukari look straight into my eyes. "So, what do you think about the story?"

I blinked.

I put the Sake bottle down.

I closed my eyes and starts doing my thinking pose.

I use Thought Acceleration and start thinking.

I look and search what was wrong and what was actually happened in her story.

I conclude my thought and deactivated the skill.

I open my eyes.

I see Yukari smiling while holding a bottle using both her hand.

"I think the one at fault at your story is the Father."

I noticed her smile widened just a tiny little bit. "Oh and why is that exactly?"

"You just don't pick up random weapon that's on the ground, looking at how severe the damage that the Father cause, that weapon at least spewing out miasma that make any living thing uncomfortable near it, but the Father somehow get his hand on it, making me questioned how stupid he's to grab said weapon."

"Then if your position is switched?"

"I will call the local exorcist to seal the weapon by how wicked it look."

"Then what if he doesn't believe with what you said?"

"…Are we talking about Reimu level of laziness?"


"Give him money?"

"Many people donated to him."

"Give him food?"

"He doesn't trust you enough to receive any food from you."

"Give him fur?"

"He's allergic to fur."

"Give him my first child to become his disciple?"

"Your child is too stupid to understand his teaching."

"Give him my wife?"



"You don't treat your wife like that."

"Then what do I do?! Either I search other local exorcist or the story teller is just bad. "


'…Oh no, she's using 'that' smile, how come when woman doing it, their smile suddenly turn into scary one.'

"I-I mean, of course I search for other local exorcist, I'm just that stupid to not thinking that solution faster enough."

She goes back to normal smile.

"See, you can do it if you're thinking hard enough."

"T-Thank you, ahaha, haha, ha…"

My courage gone and my eyes start swimming again.

"Fufu, hope you learn from this conversation, Arah boy, and thanks for the Sake, Bye."

She waved at me before she disappeared using her gap.

After I confirm she's definitely not there anymore using my eyes, I immediately collapse sprawled on the floor from mental exhaustion.

"…Never again please."

Author note:

Heyo, Author here. Next week, I maybe can write up one more chapters before going Hiatus until late January.

About Arah sudden courage boost, I think a Human would suddenly turn brave if he's facing imminent danger, and Arah think his situation at that time is "You start talking or death", but in actuality "Talk or not talk is okay, I can just tease you and check this new house that suddenly appear out of nowhere."

I heard Net Neutrality is dead, so good luck to you all people from America.

VRChat is amazing, especially that Ronald wearing Snake suit guy, those dudes are fucking gold.

TH 15.5 character reveals are quite shocking; Doremy, Tenshi and Yukari join the fight, that's like, holy shit.

My girl Stack from Akatsuki Record release a song about the boss stage 5 theme from TH16, this is like the hypest song she ever sing, I like it.